~ BAW Ladies Reunited ~


I'm just catching up on some tv that I recorded last year whilst on maternity leave!

I could never get on with expressing.....I remember sitting for 40mins and I got 1oz..... I gave up at that point and figured that the girls would always be with me anyway. Shame I had spent a load of boots advantage on a electric pump!

Enid refused bottles at 8 months, and Anna never had one. She's off milk altogether now though......my boobs are officially out of 'active' service!

Kerry....work is tough when you have a little one......I feel so so guilty every day. I know that the girls love the childminder though......she takes them to all sorts of things.....even things that I have enrolled them on (eg Diddidance).

As for the chocolate....mmmm.....I am so envious! However my weight is something that I've decided to sort out once and for all......I'm now on the Cambridge diet. It certainly tests will-power......my first weigh-in is tomorrow evening so I'll update you after!

Buffy - Oooh what are you watching? I did feel guilty today :( But she really enjoyed herself today so I know its me being silly and the time we do have together I will appreciate much more. I guess I'm quite lucky that Pheebs will happily take both boobs and bottle. I must admit it does take me a while to get a decent stash together now. YIKES on the Cambridge diet! That is pretty drastic! Best of luck with it. I have been doing 5:2 but feel off the wagon today BIG time :dohh:

I would sell the breast pump on Ebay they seem to hold their value quite well... that is unless you might need it again??
Morning girlS, back to work today after the basty sickness bug hit our house x all better now though x

Kerry - the unit looks fab x
Glad Pheebs loved the childminders, Ethan has a massive grin on his face when we pull up to ours lol x

Buggy - so good to see you back here x
You have my respect for doing the Cambridge diet, I just can't seem to stick to one but not worrying too much at the minute so çlose to Xmas, I think about it in the Bew Year x

Missy - bleurgh in MIL comments, not needed and never appreciated x hope you had a good time other than that x

Finley had a great time at the cinema and even took his ear defenders off half way through x The Croods is definitely one I recommend, it's really funny x

Day off on Thursday - ON MY OWN!!!! Boys at childminders and dh at work x can't wait I've not had a day off to myself in 4 years x
Morning Girlies,

DH is off today so I'm off for a run with my friend shortly and then going to a soft play centre later on.

Reedy - Glad you're all better :hugs: YAYY for Finley enjoying the cinema! :yipee: Tell him he's taking me out on a date next time we see each other.

How is everyone else?
Haha I will x
All good although Ethan now has the sniffles bless him x

Well done you on the run x
Run done! 20.55 minutes was 1.88 miles! :yipee: Very pleased with myself!

Pheebs is STILL asleep.... nearly 2 hours now!
Today is Maddoxs first day at nursery.
He ran in. I had to chase after him to get his coat off

Reedy: A day off sounds lovely.

well done on running samba
What time is he home Missy? I bet he's had a great time x

Well done on the run supermum now sto making me feel fat :haha: I'be just eaten a mince pie lol x
Reedy...a day off you lucky devil! not sure what i would do with myself to be honest. Downside is that you still have to get up early to sort littleo ones out.... pot of tea and cake i say!

Kerry, what is 5:2 (or is it 5 days diet, 2 days non-diet?)

someone has brough team biscuits in today.....sat on the upright divider between me and the person i sit opposite......they look so good....but i will resist!

roll on home time...
Whoop whoop!:happydance::headspin::happydance:

Just had my first weigh-in.....I've lost 8pounds!

Am so chuffed.....got all of my 'food' for the next week.....the only problem this weekend is a Enid's birthday party to get through (I'm making the birthday cake too).

Right.....hubby away......going to watch doctors......I got addicted to it whilst on maternity leave....I now record it every day!

Buffy - :wohoo: That's great news and well worth the suffering ;) Hope all goes well this week!

Missy - Glad M is enjoying nursery

Reedy - I've had sweets tonight :blush:

Pheebs really enjoyed the soft play! Think I'll take her again when DH is off on a Tuesday again.

Tomorrow I'm taking Pheebs to Calypso music, then I'm doing my fitness class, meeting some mums at the Tesco café for lunch and then hopefully getting home to do some cooking. Making meatballs, spinach and cheese muffins and banana muffins x
You pack so much into your days Kerry... you're like a super mum
Missy - LOL No just feeling guilty about going back to work. We haven't been to Calypso before and you get a free taster session. She will be going to this with the child minder so I wanted to see how she enjoys it before the child minder does. Probably sounds stupid doesn't it.
Oooh forgot to say..... we bought this for Pheebs for xmas....


And Dan bought her these for xmas eve...

Those outfits are adorable! Lots of photos!

Not daft about you taking Pheebs to a group and your childminder carrying on......that's what I did with Diddidance and another local playgroup. Not only does it give you peace of mind, but it also gives Pheebs that sense of security in that she went there with you.

Buffy - Thanks hun. I just didn't want the CM to be the first one to take her there :blush: :haha: Thankfully all the places she's going to take Pheebs to we have already been to so I think it will be nice for to be in a familiar place. The children's centre was our 2nd home for a while and she'll be going once a month which will be nice.
Missy so glad he had such a good time x how often will he go?

Buffy that's fantastic on the weightless x what can you eat? X

Kerry completely understand Hun and it's not silly x I envy all the things you do with Pheebs, I never did them with Finley because I'm quite shy and nervous in social situations and with Ethan I didn't really have time because. I had Finley too x

Xmas shopping has started, bought 2 of Finley's, finished L's and got my cousins little boys x still so much to do x

Going to get the boys Xmas Jammie's from next (matching) love Phoebe's x
Hi Everyone!

Pheebs really enjoyed the Calypso music :thumbup: and so glad that I got to enjoy it with her. I am mega jealous that the CM is going to be doing these lovely things with her and then on my week days off we'll end up doing boring housework etc. Went to my exercise class and then to Tesco after to meet a friend for lunch. She's got a little boy a couple of weeks younger than Pheebs and her partners got cancer :( She's not been able to get out for ages as she was worried about taking germs home but she's starting to get out and about again now. I can't imagine the stress she's under :(

Going to try and get some tidying done and hopefully make some meatballs for dinner.

Reedy - I sometimes wonder if we go out a bit too much. We never seem to be in very much. But I know that its going to change soon as there isn't much on a Tuesday and Friday. I'm hoping we'll carry on Swimming on Friday but not sure what's on a Tuesday. Which Next Jammies are you getting?

Pheebs can whistle, it obviously not on purpose but its cute when she does it :cloud9:

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