Woohoo my has flown off too!! and I last night too!! I am now (drum roll) officially TTC
Hope everyone is ok today? I am on reception (receptionist has day off to take her scooter test) so been really busy this morning, not much doing this aft though so will be on here all day hopefully!
Hiya Kerry, I want to move to TTC but don't wanna leave anyone behind Had a very drunken weekend, my friends came round on Fri and didn't leave till 2am!! Felt really ill all day Saturday but dragged myself to the cinema with DD and OH to see The Happening which was a load of rubbish!! then we went for a chinese buffet and home for an early night! Yesterday OH and I watched films and drank cider all afternoon I am going teetotal from today for sake of baby to be!!
Mine was good - took my Dad out for dinner on Saturday night. Sunday morning we took my father-in-law to IHOP (International House of Pancakes) for breakfast and then bbq'd later in the day and went swimming. A little too much sun and I got burned 2 bad burns in as many weeks and I had lotion on - don't usually burn when I have lotion on. The is due this week and as always, wondering and (hoping) that this month's "Pull-and-Pray" method has failed. Only 6 more weeks now until we are "officially trying" for that
Yeah, I'm hoping the doesn't show - I've been hoping that for the last 7 months now! She always shows - apparently we're very good at the "Pulling-and-Praying" I know I'm really not supposed to be wishing for a until August, but I REALLY can't help myself!!! I keep checking my boobs everyday to see/feel if they've grown or gotten darker
Loads of luck giving up the I haven't given up on drinking yet as I really don't think we are going to get a this time. So after that should be arriving on Sat will really start to concentrate on TTC.
Me: I live in the United States. I'm 30 years old and DH is 34. We have been married for 13 months. We have no children. We have a mini doxie though that acts just like a So she's very good practice We were going to try for a in May but DH wanted to wait until we had at least 6 months of my salary banked so that would bring us to August. I love animals (especially dogs and rabbits) and collecting angels. I am also starting online classes in July to get my Bachelor's Degree. If we do conceive in August, I'll just about have my degree.
Aug isn't too far away tbh. But its seems like ages. Im suposed to be waiting until Sept/Oct. But we're going to see what happens. Where in the US are you from??
Ive got some of those Pregnacare ones left from before do you think they'd be ok??
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