Sorry i was busy doing the W word and then the site was down.
Chris - In answer to your OV Pain question. I usually get it for a few days it usually stops once i've ovulated. This last cycle, i started getting it on CD9 through to CD14, EWCM was around the same time although there was a ton of it on CD14. I believe i ovulated on CD15
Of course this is different for everyone, but this is how it works for me.
lcrepka - I can't view youtube at work as it's blocked but will check it out later at home.
Natalie - How was the honeymoon?
Congrats Owo, very exciting.
Chris - sounds like a plan... I had a faint line on an OPk on Monday but none since and I don't believe it! lol
Buffy - DH is a bit radical, I went up in jeans with my running shorts underneath and had to take jeans off as it rained for a solid hour walking up there... Walk down was easy Walk up is awful!!!
a little too energetic for me!
so, for a Wednesday evening - anything planned peeps?
(though we know what Chris will be up to!)
so, for a Wednesday evening - anything planned peeps?
(though we know what Chris will be up to!)
Thanks Kerry hope your cold goes soon - summer ones are just the worst!
so, for a Wednesday evening - anything planned peeps?
(though we know what Chris will be up to!)
Not much planned. Although this nausea is hitting me again this afternoon, like yesterday afternoon and that went on into the evening, so if today pans out like yesterday then i will be lying on the sofa feeling sorry for myself, watching TV.
Thanks Kerry hope your cold goes soon - summer ones are just the worst!
Oh hi Tracy Didn't see you sneaking in here! How you been?
Chris - What do you mean if hubby will let you. In the words of a very wise sporting goods company 'Nike' Just Do It!!!
True, but DH controls the finances - but you're right I think I'll just go and order one on-line.
Thanks Kerry hope your cold goes soon - summer ones are just the worst!
Oh hi Tracy Didn't see you sneaking in here! How you been?
Ok thanks, except horrid doing my head in!!! How are you?
Thanks Kerry hope your cold goes soon - summer ones are just the worst!
Oh hi Tracy Didn't see you sneaking in here! How you been?
Ok thanks, except horrid doing my head in!!! How are you?
Oh I'm sorry, the always gives me headaches as well. I'm doing okay, thanks. I'd be doing a whole bunch bettr if I knew if we were TTC this month or not.