Girl, I thought I had cramps yesterday, too mild to tell, and today my lower back is killin me! Never get a sore lower back and I know it's a symptom.
The OB finally called back. She thinks the spotting was the rest of the IB working its way out (I had 3 tiny red dots last Tuesday) and that my HCG and Progesterone look great for me being at 3/4 weeks. I'm going back in now for HCG to make sure it's rising like it should. I was so busy doing a happy dance that they were going to recheck it today that I forgot to ask what it was at Friday. My progesterone was at 19 whatever that means. So now just one more long wait until tomorrow to find out if HCG is doubling. I will feel SO much better then. For now I haven't relaxed enough to feel pregnant. I haven't even told my sister yet, as much as it pains me. Just sharing w/DH and you gals for now. I just can't get my hopes up yet unless tomorrow brings good news.