Hello ladies! Sorry I've been MIA been busy with the wee dude!! Loving all the pics of your beautiful babies!! Lvn hope your bubs is better soon!
Jaxson had his second round of vaccinations on Wednesday. I've decided to get all the avaliable vaccines but I agree it's a personal choice. For me, having done my own bit of reading, I feel it's the right thing for my little one. But I wouldn't judge Anyone for choosing otherwise is totally personal! Anyways little dude is grand, we got him a new crib (had been cosleeping using a sleepyhead bed up until now) and he loves it! Sleeps from 9pm- 5:30 approx. he's a happy wee dude. Doesn't sleep much during the day but doesn't seem to be affected by that- not oversleepy or anything. When he does nap it's in his vibrating chair and he usually drops off to sleep by himself, although sometimes moans to get a cuddle which I always oblige! (Love my cuddles!) gonna start putting him into his big cot for naps during the day to get him used to it for when he makes the transition. He's been a bit out of sorts past few days after his jabs- not taking his milk well, being a bit tearful, but I'm hoping he's over the worst of that now! We've been out to look at nurseries for when I return to work in feb/march and found a fab one that's happy to be flexible (I shift work 3 days a week). It seems a lovely place and the staff are really nice. As for me well I feel as big as a house.. Really need to start trying to shift my baby weight. Very self conscious at the mo and it's getting me down. Gonna start swimming soon so hopefully that will help. Xxx