Been Lovelyyy Today


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Nice & sunny & stayed that way so far - Everyone else out enjoying the sun?

Unfortunately it's rainy, cloudy and down right miserable over here :(
Been shopping for a new ......

Will make a post later lol, maddie just been to the park and i just did my first .....

Will make a post about that too lol!!!

But weather been great here, tis BBQ weather ... infact im tempted to do one lol!!!
Been doing the washing-getting it dried in the fresh air-what a treat!:happydance:
Hummmmm will wash mine first thing and put on the line ....

STAYYYYYY mr sunshine!!!

Weve been lapping it up. Been out all day yesterday and all day today
Been shopping for a new ......

Will make a post later lol, maddie just been to the park and i just did my first .....

Will make a post about that too lol!!!

But weather been great here, tis BBQ weather ... infact im tempted to do one lol!!!
BBQ?!?!?! 1 week+ old baby????! I could hardly manage to brush my hair, and you're having a bbq.. I must've been doing something wrong lol.:rofl:
It's still gorgeous here, but I'm stuck in a windowless office!:hissy::hissy:

Fingers crossed it's stays nice for the meet tomorrow!
im sat in work allll day looks lovely out side too :(
We've set up the paddling pool with a slide going into it for Ella for this afternoon when Matt's home. She had it out yesterday and loved it - fab free entertainment and tired her out for bedtime.
sounds lovely Kina i want to get one, but one where if you lean on the sides it wont go down and let water out
It was gorgeous and sunny here yesterday and today is the same ! its supposed to be like it for the rest of the week yay!
Ive had 2 weeks off an the weather has been crap i come back today an its bloody lovely!:hissy::cry:

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