Before your preemie...


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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So, we have a few newbies here now :wave: thought it'd be good to have a 'get to know' type thing.

So, before your preemie came along, what was life like before? What was your job, what did you do? How has it changed? Did you go back to work? Do you get out much?

Before Alex came along i was an fee admin for a nursery chain. We'd been TTC for a year and had 2mc before getting pregnant right after with Alex. We had an appointment booked with the fertility clinic and had to cancel that!!!

Being at the nursery was ideal and childcare was sorted, but those plans were scrapped when Alex arrived early, it wouldnt have worked.

Now, i stay at home with Alex and newbie Tori. I do miss my nights out (which were only odd stints at the local ;)) and i do miss work and adult conversation, but i sure have my hands full here!
So, before your preemie came along, what was life like before? What was your job, what did you do? How has it changed? Did you go back to work? Do you get out much?

I fell pregnant while visiting my partner to go house-hunting together! I moved down to be with him and was jobhunting, then found out about the pregnancy. Ended up having more and more growth scans and dopplers so it would have been tricky to work anyway.

I got a full-time job that started just after Andrew's first birthday. My partner is a full-time stay-at-home Dad (SAHD) and we love the arrangement. He will probably go back to work full-time when Andrew enters reception class (whether that is at 4 or 5 we don't yet know), and I'll ask for flexible working to fit around school hours.

Do we get out much? As a couple, no, but we don't miss it as we can't really afford a social life anyway. We go out about once every three months, a relative baby-sits.
So, before your preemie came along, what was life like before? What was your job, what did you do? How has it changed? Did you go back to work? Do you get out much?


Well... i become an accountant (no idea why) at the age of 19 and we fell prengnat the night we out to celebrate!!! oppps!! Wasnt planned as we were not living together and to say we have a shite relationship was an understatment!!! We sadly miscarriaged at 9 weeks :cloud9::cry:

We decided we wanted to be parents so we started trying and we brought our first house!

After 5 years of trying, we finally went to the doctors and after tests and ops, my tubes were removed and we were told we needed ivf! We thought, sod it, lets get married! So 2 months later, we got married, then 4 days after the wedding we started our ivf treatment which worked and we fell prengnat with twin boys. Then followed a very short and shitty and heartbreaking pregnacy where we lost Connor and Harry forought for his life!!

Now i am a stay at home mum (apart from doing some private work for 4 hours a week where i can take harry).

We are planning to adopt in a few years and i will go back to work part time ish when harry and hopefully said new baby will both be at school xx
I met my husband when I was in America for the summer 10 years ago. Long story short after a few years long distance (Scotland to Dublin), I moved to Dublin and we got married in 09. Started trying on honeymoon and I got pregnant quickly after the first month trying. I work for an accountancy firm (although not an accountant myself). I am back at work 4 days a week and it has helped me I have to say. Gives me something else to focus on other than worrying about my DDs development (which I still do anyway). I have no option but to work as have to pay the mortgage. Nights out...what are they haha! Really took for granted even things like going to the cinema. All in all life has changed dramatically for us, had 15 months of worry, look back and cant believe everything that has happended but my DD is totally worth it and I feel sick at the thought of not having her in my life, love her to bits! She is the light of our lives!
Well life before was full of ups and downs. We had a fairly good social life although a lot was put on hold after our wedding. We got married in 2005 and soon decided we wanted a family. 5 years on and numerous tests and fertility treatment we conceived our little princess. Will never forget the night i tested and it showed a positive result :cloud9:
I worked with kids in residential care. Challenging at times to say the least. I was at work the night i started bleeding Although there is no connection there. I have never returned however am thinking i need to look at returning at some point. Really dont want to. Cant bare the thought of leaving Ella.
We still have the odd wee night out although rarely together. Would be nice to sometime. I am as happy as a pig in shit these days though and despite the trauma of having a baby at 25weeks i'm so so happy she is here and doing well. I feel like i am the most blessed mummy in the world (next to every other mummy hee hee). I am extremely proud and have so much love for my wee cherub it scares me haha.
Oh this is a good thread - a walk down memory lane:

Well I met hubby at High School and we married 4 years later. I am a Primary Teacher and we moved house and had a few good holidays before deciding to try for a baby. We tried and 2 months later i was pregnant with my son (now 3yrs old). I had what i now realize was the perfect pregnancy and delivered a healthy 7lb baby boy the day after my due date. About a year after we decided to try again and this time it took a bit longer, I fell pregnant and had a very difficult pregnancy, my waters broke at 24 weeks but she clung on and i gave birth to Erin on Christmas Eve weighing 3lbs. She is now 15 months and doing pretty good despite some on going issues. I went back to work full time after Liam but have gone 3 days since Erin and to be honest i feel like i know more about premature babies and weight gain issues than i do about teaching kids:wacko:
I find it difficult to work and have the kids as i always feel i am not doing right by someone!
Nights out - we do not too bad i suppose, got great parents which makes a huge difference.
I think a premature mum's night out is called for soon!!!
Fab thread idea!:thumbup:

Met my hubby through friends in 2002, officially got together in Feb 2005, married June 2008. I suffer from M.E/Fibromyalgia and in the year leading up to our wedding I was pretty much housebound and at times bed bound so we had decided at that point that unless I improved significantly then we would not be able to have a family as we would not cope (hubby would have had to deal with everything). A chance comment to my GP in mid 2009 saw me with a referral to a rhumatologist who diagnosed the Fibromyalgia part of my condition and at long last he could offer me a treatment. Started medication Sept 2009 and it made such a difference to my condition that we decided we would be able to cope with a family after all and 3 months later started TTC (Dec 2009). 6 months of TTC and I got my BFP on 26th April 2010. At 6 weeks I had a bleed which lasted a few weeks caused by a SCH, luckily it was gone by my 12 week scan. I had to come off my medication whilst pregnant which resulted in me being off sick from work. So on the day Jessica was born I went to the docs for a continuation of my sick line, I took a urine sample with me as I was convinced I had a urine infection (no symptoms and never had one before!) Doc checked it and protein was off the chart, took BP and next thing I knew I was in an ambulance heading to the hospital. The rest as they say is history - I was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia and Jessica was born 4 hours later at 24+4 when they couldnt bring my BP (255/180) down and my kidneys started to shut down.

Pre Jessica I worked as a civilian calltaker/control room operative for the local police force. Im planning to go back but I am hoping I can go back for maybe a day a week and supplement my income with a bit of childminding as I really dont want to leave Jessica, I am dreading it, but I realise the benefits of a bit of adult company sometimes!!

Anyway soz for the war and peace, basically my life has changed a lot (for the good!) since having Jessica but we realised that would probably happen. Didnt have much of a social life before anyway due to my illness (well we did do dinner, cinema etc), havent been out without J since we got her home but know mine or hubbys parents would babysit in a second but I just dont feel the need to go out without her at the moment and hubby feels the same. She is the best thing that has ever happened to us and is worth every second of what has happened, she really is my special wee superstar.:kiss::cloud9:
Oooohh ya, what to say?
Before being a mummy i was a pub manager, worked there for 6 years and working as a relief manager at the same! It was there, just over 4 years ago i met my bf and 3months later we 'acidently' fell pregnant! First pregnancy a breeze, it was then i decided i wanted to stay at home and have more kids! Last August, fell pregnant again and from the offset it felt different! Bled from 12weeks, waters broke at 23+4 and 27+4 teeny was born via ec due to low bp on my part n fetal bradicardia on his!
i dont get many nights out cz hes still in nicu and my big one is looked after by anyone n everyone! I would love to go bk to wrk one day but right now all i want is my boys back together :)
*hugs and kisses*
OH MY GOD CLAIRE we have to do it!!!
So, before your preemie came along, what was life like before? What was your job, what did you do? How has it changed? Did you go back to work? Do you get out much?

I left college with a BTEC National Diploma, started working as a nursery nurse in Jan 2005, I got together with D later that year, we got our first BFP in June 2006 (eek!) and Tyler arrived on 1st March 07 (42+1) weighing 9lb 2oz...!!!
We finally moved in together when T was 7 months old in October 2007.
Decided to TTC#2 after T's 2nd birthday, so had my Implanon removed that month! Got our BFP in September 2009, at our 12 week scan we were told our baby didn't have a heartbeat :( I had a D&C almost a week later.
I was a mess and NEEDED to get back on with TTC... so we did. A few days into the new year we got a BFP! Followed by BFN's.. then at 5 weeks a digi BFP, phew!.. followed by painful cramps and spotting, sent to EPAU and a scan together with low HCG levels "confirmed" an early m/c :(
I had a week of bleeding and when it eased I tested. BFP.. the next day, BFP.. went to the docs armed with my tests and after BEGGING she took some bloods. I got a phonecall 3 days later I needed an urgent scan as she said I must have leftover tissue, my HCG levels were HIGH..
What do you know, I go for my scan and I hear the tech talking about how "good" everything was looking.. I almost hit the floor when I heard the word heartbeat... "There's a baby?!?!?!" "Ummm.... yes" and a *nice* big clot. They told me baby had to outgrow the clot so better his/her chances. 7 weeks and 2 days!
I had bleeding every single day of my pregnancy.. as well as a gush (flooded the bathroom at work and home) at 11 weeks, and another one at 15 weeks (this time my nan's house, nice!), both times I was amazed my little baby was still hanging in there!
I eventually got signed off work at 17 weeks after being advised by the hospital to see my GP.
At 25 weeks I braved it and went on holiday, and 2 days later I woke up in a soaking bed, in a caravan, 5 hours away from home... my waters had broken.
I spent a night in Truro hospital, transferred for a 2 day stay somewhere else South, then transferred home to Leicester where I stayed until Leo was born at 28+3!
I'll be going back to work in September when Tyler starts school. Leo will go to nursery and I'm hoping to keep my hours short :)
I went out and left D with both kiddies on Fri eve, to the cinema up the road :o today I helped my friend to decorate her new house and was out for 4 hours!!! I feel naughty, haha!

OOOOOPS.... essay!
hi yall :wave:
i like this thread lol
i left school and started workking as a carer for adults with learning disabilitie and challenging behaviour. i loved it!! was a bit rough but in general was an amazing job. worked with oh and ended up moving in as his flatmate :blush: we got together straight away lol we got engaged and we (i) decided to ttc. after 5 mcs i had an appointment to get everything checked but the day before app i got my bfp. i was monitored very closely and at 7weeks, my 3rd scan lol, we had 2 gestational sacs but only one heartbeat :( my whole pregnancy sucked and at 38weeks i got a emergency section and as soneone already said the rest iis history. i ended up with 17 scans in total lol
i had an amazing social life before i got pregnant and even during pregnancy i went out a fair bit, only juice though :) now i havent been out much but i am happy with that and have only been drunk once as it was my hen night lol
i have just been accepted into college to do an access course in pediatric nursing but still not 100% sure if i will go this year as oh and i are undecided about ttc #2 coz it took so long the first time round to get my 'forever' baby. still not sure about work as the hours are really bad. i got married 3 weeks ago and had my stupid second 'wedding' last night. i feel very honoured and sometimes overwhelmed that i am Camerons mummy and Garrys wife and i wouldnt change either of them for the world. :) :)

ps it would be good to go for a drink and meet yall :) xxxx
So, before your preemie came along, what was life like before? What was your job, what did you do? How has it changed? Did you go back to work? Do you get out much?

My life was very hectic - still is lol. I'm a dentist and co-owner of a fairly big dental practice. I met my OH fairly late in life and whilst I knew I wanted kids (he has 2 from his previous marriage) but Jamie was an unplanned valentines day present. Very much wanted though. Because of the business I was never going to be able to be off long term although the circumstances around Jamie meant I took longer off than I was originally planning and I went back to work just after new year. Being self-employed I now work 3 days a week and have an assistant for 2 days which is great. Jamie goes to nursery rather than a childminder or nanny. I gave a lot of thought to this as we have no family near us as we are both from the north (I'm a geordie and he's from Manchester) and as we missed all our NCT antenatal and have no baby friends I thought it might aid his development to be with other babies which it does seem to be doing and it's just next to our practice so is excellent if I want to pop in.
We don't go out much as we have no babysitters nearby, but we do go away to see our nearest and dearest for weekends which is great.
Before I had Archie I was a successful Sales Manager at a large Life and Pensions office. My career was at it's peek. Life was all good then came the shock of having Archie. One day I was at work facilitaing a meeting in the board room, the next I was in hopsital giving birth at 27 weeks.

Has it changed me.....Yes very much so. I was very selfish before and after Archie was born I became very selfless. Everything changed, the way I thought to even the way I dressed. Archie was my main and only priority.

Did I go back to work....Yes when Archie was 11 months he went into full time nursery and I returned back to my role as a Sales Manager. No one could prepare me for the months ahead. The person I had changed into really didn't suit my role. I was also very unconfident which is not what you need in a sales role. It took me a good year to get back to who I was prior to having Archie. Working fulltime is hard but I wouldn't change it. Having Archie was hard but I would'nt change him for the world either.

Would I go through it again....NO!
befor my Michael i worked as a Registerd Nurse i had a clinic in Africa, I met OH in Canada where i am originally from we where both University students @ the time in actuality we where neighbours who got very neighbourly iykwim :rofl: a few years ago we moved back to his native country in Africa and i been travelling back and forth for the last few years. My lo came @ 25 weeks and we spent 15 weeks in the hospital reasons for him coming early where pre e and IC
I did a French and German degree at St Andrews and then met DH in my first job in 1999 (I sound so old!) We didn't get together till 2001, then got engaged in 2003 and got married in 2005. I used to work for the Scottish Arts Council in Edinburgh but the travelling got too much (4 hours a day!) and I had no life :haha: so I got a job nearer home - just doing admin and reception for a firm of accountants.

We started NTNP in 2007 then started properly TTC in June 2009 and I found out I was pregnant in October 2009. I had a wonderful hint of any problems till I went for my 25 week check up and they discovered I had the start of pre-eclampsia. It got really severe quite quickly and Sophie was delivered at 27 weeks exactly, by emergency c-section.

I had to start my maternity leave really suddenly - I was in work on the Monday, had my mw checkup at 9.30 on the Tuesday and was planning to be in work by 10.30 but I was never back! I had to take 2 weeks off sick then started my maternity leave 9 weeks earlier than planned!

I've now handed my notice in at work so I can be a SAHM.

I don't miss my old life in the slightest - I'm so much happier now!
What a trip down memory lane...
I got married to Dave in 2007, we had already been together 7 years, it's our 4 year wedding anniversary today. We started ttc March 2008, and I got pregnant with Molly 3 months later.
I was working in a management role in a call centre. I had a week's leave for Christmas, and was due to go on maternity leave at the end of February, Molly was due 22nd March. Whilst on annual leave I went for a routine ante-natal appointment at 28 weeks and they discovered I had pre-eclampsia. I had no clue, no symptoms what so ever. I had her at 29+1.
Before Molly I used to go out with my friends all the time. I hardly go out at all now, but when I do I have a brilliant time! I went back to work when Molly was 10 months old. I've stepped down form the management role, and I work 8.30-2.30. I wish I could be a SAHM but we just cant afford it :cry:. I love where we livem and there's no way we could do that with DH's wage alone. Life has never been better, Molly lights up any room she enters :cloud9:
Before Lakai...

I met my hubby at 17...we dated for almost 4 years. I got my BA in Fine Arts, did nothing with it. Went to make up artistry school, we broke up and I moved to another province (22 hours away from everyone and everything I knew..a town of 1500!..alone!). I didn't stop caring about him though...but did have another relationship in the years we were apart. But naughty me every time I came to visit my parents, I went and saw him...and it was like a moth to flame...very bad, I know.

I ran a very successful pit bull rescue and rescued over 47 pit bulls in a year...from abusive situations and dog fighting mostly. I even had a litter of wolf pups for two weeks! I was an accountant at an environmental company in the oilfield business for 6 nuts, because I SUCK at math. Oh and I did graffiti in my spare time...:blush: Thanks to my husband who was a massive graffiti artist when we were 17...

Finally my dog died in 2007, sounds weird to mention but had he not suddenly passed away....I would have not moved back, he wasn't remotely a city dog. I still didn't really want to leave, I loved the country but then my landlord suddenly hated that I had a pit bull and told me I had to leave (she ended up begging me to stay because I was a good tenant...crazy witch!). I literally moved back and right in with my we never were apart. It was so surreal.

We lost a baby before Lakai was born...I actually joined BNB Christmas 2007 (I think 2007..) to announce I was preggers...=(

We went out lots, my hubby is in the hip hop/rap industry and was managing two of the biggest Canadian hip hop groups. We went to shows but hated night clubs. We went out with friends and such lots. We actually had people over!

Then we had bubs. Now I am a stay at home mom...and hermit! :rofl:
So, before your preemie came along, what was life like before? Before I had my 1st preemie, I was a typical 18yo going out enjoying myself and was very shelfish. What was your job, what did you do? I worked for Ford car sales before she was born, then left that job and did other jobs in retail, office work and care work, in between having my other 3 preemie's
How has it changed? My life's changed so much, I've been through dv twice and got out for my kids sake. I'm now a single mummy and A strong one, the scbu experience really gave me the push to do something in life i've always wanted to do and retrain in Health care.
Did you go back to work? No i'm going to Uni Sept to do Health and Wellbeing and at same time plan to train as a breastfeeding support worker.
Do you get out much? I never go out as feel too old to now lol and would rather be with my kids.
I met my husband online, not through a dating site we chatted & just clicked. He lived across the country & because I owned my own nursery couldn't move so he moved down to me :) married on 08.08.08 & after the wedding on some days I had 3 jobs! Cut back to 2 jobs last year but when I got pregnant I was very ill & diagnosed with a miscarriage at 9 weeks. Went in the following week for a d&c and there was lil man waving back! Strangest day of my life!
I am returning to one job soon & the other as long as I can hold off because ds needs surgery so want to get that out of the way before I go back full time. Very depressed at the thoughts of it but no way could we afford not to.
We've had a few nights out but I seriously don't miss it, guess Im old before my time!

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