Being A Minnie Mommie Number 2


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
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This is the opening to my journal on the parenting thread but going to move it accross as i think it would be better used here!!!!​

Link to previus thread

I thought i would start my own journal as i have been reading so many i thought i could at least try.

I have been with my beautiful wife now for 7 years we have been married for 3 and started looking into starting a family straight away.

From the start i was adamant i would never carry a baby and i still stand by that and my Wife Charlotte has been the one to do all the baby stuff, i am looking at this parenting journal from the other half perspective really, some of my friends call me the daddie but the name we have given me if """Minnie""".

We started our Baby journey let’s say on the 25/02/2009 which seems ages ago but i remember it so well, we went down to Harley Street London and had our first ever appointment with a lovely doctor and embryologist, which we was in there the doctor asked us if we wanted a Caucasian baby and Charlotte just said she "I don’t do drugs" well i wanted the world to eat me up, safe to say we never went back leaving in fits of laughter...

We contacted the London’s Women’s Clinic, the London Fertility Centre and the London Women’s Clinic Darlington.

We went for several appointments and had our first appointment on the 28/9/2009 with the LWC Darlington where our journey started.

Our first appointment was very scary but we have such a good network of friends and family that it went so smoothly. Egg Sharing was our next step as the process was very expensive and obviously not being a “Daddie” we had to pay a small fortune of £1000 for sperm x2

The fun begins, we went for scan after scan, charlotte injection after injection, I was unable to help her with these as I felt I could not hurt her. We had our egg collection and I think if I remember charlotte donated around 30 eggs altogether so far (it was around Easter time as well)

Our first attempt did not go according to plan and we had a MC just after Christmas 2010, but we went back for a second go and fell preggies whoohooo. We were given a due date or our LO of the 15TH December 2010 but she decided to come early in all the snow on the 7th December. I remember panicking like hell when charlotte was in labour as there was nothing i could do, thank god we had a good team of midwives and charlotte aunty with us, so I just played teas maid really.

Our little girl weight 7lb 4oz at 5:15pm

Lacey Jayne is now nearly 1 and I cannot wait for her 1st birthday.
It took me ages to change a nappy using cloth bambino mios ahhhh and could not make a bottle at first I just poured and scoped and hoped for the best so was banned from them jobs to begin with. I am the main bread winner in our house and work 40 hours a week for the NHS and do overtime in A&E with helps pay for some things but also miss out on some stuff as well, the bonus to doing everything is when I get home the smile on Lacey face is amazing and make me smile and she outs her arms out I pick her up and that’s my time.

I am in charge of bath time and bed time….

Would not swop my little family for the whole world, we have just suffered another MC but am still going to try next year surplus to funds.
Well Lacey woke up this morning and screamed the place down now more zzzzzzzz for us then one up all up!!!!!
Hi Guys

Thank you!!!! XOXOXOX

Cee108 not long now!!!

xforuiholdonx Hi ya!!! whohoo another follower xxxx

Updated pic of what Charlotte has sent me this lunch time, we are trying to get lacey out of having to long of a sleep in the day time because she is just waking in the night!!!

So now i know what Charlotte means when she takes her self of for a sleep without her knowing. What do we do now!!!! wake her leave her ????

Oooh that picture is soooo adorable, bless! She's so comfy right where she is - I won't have the heart to wake her! Though I'm sure the person who has to stay awake with her at night wouldn't agree :blush:

So, since I don't know much about the subject, what DOES one do when a toddler takes themselves to sleep? :D

Oh and yes, am waiting for my squatter to evict but he's showing no signs :( Have been told if he doesn't appear by the 16th, 17th is Induction Day (I'm so scared of that for some reason!) Fingers crossed it won't come to that!
Cee108 i dont have a clue what to do about it when she goes of to sleep, sometimes if the dogs are in the kitchen she will climb in their bed and sleep with them!!!!

i wake her up really if i am of work but Charlotte leave her :growlmad:

She slept all last night for the 1st time is about 8 weeks which was amazing but i found myself waking up and just checking her :dohh: i think my body has got used to being woke up. :coffee:

We are a family of eating at the table toghether as much as we can and have been trying to get lacey to eat as much different stuff as possible weetabix, toast, cornflake are all a hit but tried her with porridge yesterday she just looked at me like crap!!!!!

This morning i decided to funk up the porridge and make it with cinnamon and rasins and she ate it :happydance:

Morning time is normally my time with lacey so was really please that she ate all her breakfast bless her when i was cleaning her up and and turned around to put her tray in the sink she had grabbed my cuppa and poured half of it on her luckily it was luke warm as did nto burn her but had to get her changed again but the best is the :hugs: cuddles before i go bless her its like she knows now that i will be home soon xxxxx

Obviously the snow is playing havoc as if it is still her on monday i dont know how i am going to get Lacey to the childminders cause i dont drive and charlotte does not have the flexibility of taking time of where she works, i have spoken to my boss and they have said if i can not get her to not worry and just come in to work when charlotte gets back but that would be doing 2-10pm and i would be on my own in the office so it would drag like hell.
Hi Carrie,

I am also the non-birth mom so will be great to read how things are going. As we are only 5 weeks into motherhood everything is still new to us!

Its been my first week back at work this week and it has killed me, hated leaving them but in the next breathe it is so nice to come home to cuddles and dinner on the table(lol)!

Look forward to reading your journal.

Kerry x
Hi kezza78 no worries at all, it is horrible at times, but the whole birth thing makes me cringe!!!! ahhhhhhh

Just booked me FREE Disney park tickets through SKY so now need to book eurostar and hotel to stay over :thumbup:

Never beedn before so any advice would be amazing think we might go down to lond and stay over or fly from manchester and have a few day in paris :happydance: well excited to meet mickey and minnie :happydance:

Stuck at work sometimes i hate working for the bloody NHS!!!!

it means i am going to miss everything by the time i get home, teatime, story time, cuddles and bedtime :cry::cry::cry: well mad fricking computer work you stupid thing !!!!​
xforuiholdonx where abouts on the east coast are you!!!

Of home now.... hopefully will get home in time for story and bed i am shattered zzzz
:blush: Happy Valentines Day :blush:

Happy Valentines day hope everybody has had a brilliant morning and are having a fabulous day!!!

Had to take lacey to the childminder tomorrow, which was a nightmare in the morning as the snow had still not melted in our area. i have put a pic up of her in the snow going through the park near us.

Had to fight with lacey to get her dressed this morning, we are a cloth using nappy family and have been putting lacey on the potty every morning once she gets changed, and this morning she decided she did not want to pee in her potty but go down the side of my bed and pee like a boy up our bed arghhhh!!!!! :growlmad:

Was so mad but laughed as she was so pleased with herself :haha:

Why is it so hard to try and be mad when they make you laugh and if ends up funny.

Have added some pics of lacey this morning, she has gone shopping this morning with Charlotte becuase i did not get a card this morning and i have a sneaky suspision that i might have something when i get back from work :hugs:

I got charlotte 2 cards one form me with 2 little pink birds on it personalised and ones from Lacey with lots of hearts on saying to my mummy xxxx

Well we have been worried about lacey circulation becuase when she wakes her feet are frezzing so have been bundling her up at night time and warmed her bed up last night to make sure it she was warm, my house is not a cold house at all and the heating is on during the night granted on low but warm.

OH had been panicing and me to if honest as when Lacey is doing nothing or been outside it does not take long for her feet and hands to be frezzing to the touch bless her and have noticed blue tinge on lips and around mouth.

I put up a thread on the toodler forum to see if it happened to other babies and by the looks of it i am not on my own which is good. I am at work tonight in A&E so going to grab my friend who works as one of the traige nurses and see what she says as of tomorrow and we are going to take her to the doctors but nurse friend often either tell me what to do first or what to say to the doctor to make sure i get it accross right which helps.

Will update with what they say!!! :wacko:

On a positive note i am looking forward to my day of tomorrow with little legs. :thumbup:

Well never made it to the doctors are ended up in A&E !!!! :cry::cry::cry:

When i finished work i updated and went to bed Lacey was up and down all night and i just thought it was her teeth until i woke her in the morning and woke up to this bless her at 5am, it was all over her body as well


rang reception in A&E and they told me to bring her straight up!!!

After being in A&E for 5 hours, Lacey had got ''slap cheek''

NHS Defination
Slapped cheek syndrome (also known as “fifth disease”) is a type of viral infection that is most common in children, although it can affect anyone of any age.

Slapped cheek syndrome usually affects children between the ages of 3 and 15. Most cases develop during the late winter months or early spring.

The most common symptom of slapped cheek syndrome is the appearance of a distinctive bright red rash on the cheeks. This is how the condition got its name.

Most children will not need treatment as slapped cheek syndrome is usually a very mild condition that passes in a few days. Occasionally it can last up to four or five weeks.

Symptoms such as headaches, high temperature or itchy skin can usually be treated with over-the-counter medications such as paracetamol and antihistamines.

Adults who develop joint pain can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, as painkillers.

You will probably only need to contact your GP if one or both of the following occurs:

•Your (or your child’s) temperature rises to 39C or above.
•Your (or your child’s) symptoms suddenly worsen.

At first i was shocked, what is it what do i do, what did i do wrong :dohh: thank god i do overtime in A&E and knew the nurses and doctors and they explained everything and to basically put it keep eye on her make sure it does nto get worse or she starts itching, make sure she is confortable. So spent the day at home watching DVD's and trying to get her to eat anything and drink what ever she wanted.

From what i gather it is a viral infection and is how her body copes with it all not sure if it has anything to do with cold hands and feet but need to clear this up first. She is happy this morning so thats a bonus and she went straight to my aunty who is looking after her today.
Eek, that looks so scary!! :O Glad it turned out to be something easily treatable. Hope her symptoms disappear soon.
Well lets just say it did not take her long!!! she still has a bit of a rash but she is much better thank you. I took her to the doctors about her hands and feet albeing cold and they did nto say a lot to be honest was quite pissed with the outcome. He just kind of fobbed us of i think and told us to make sure she is wrapped up and warm... i kind of felt like he was saying we dont wrap her up enough and walk her about with short and t-shirt on in the pram with no cover.

She had jeans on, cardie, jacket and footmuff with a blanket, fleece linned hat and gloves!!!!!!

Here she is before we went just doing her new trick of jumping of her little chair!!!

200220121275.jpg 200220121276.jpg

BABY 2 Update

Mummy and me have been talking loads recently about expanding out little family even more and have contacted Manchester Adoption to get some information and have also been looking at having another of our own becuase with Lacey being under 2 they said it would take a white for adoption becuase the child has to be younger then lacey and she would need to be 2 years old.

If we were to go back down the route of IVF again using our embryo we already have made up with the same donnor sperm as lacey we would have to go back to darlington for the procedure.

Have also been looking at doing it ourselfs but am not sure were to start if honest dont have a clue where i would start and not to sure of it all, the IU, PI, Whatever I does confuse me and i am a bit dubious about the donnor part of it all, i have heard of the following but after having a good look around not to sure

Has anyones else done it this way and what route did they take any advice welcome....:wacko:
Hey :)

We had Tegan using AI at home with a known donor who has no involvement in her life. It was pretty straight forward and if you google it you'll find a lot of info. It was lovely really, we made our baby together :)
I've been pregnant twice since (and sadly had two resulting losses, both with the same donor), both times we used AI. We aren't thinking of trying at all for the next few years (and only then if we find the perfect, perfect amazing donor - unlikely, beggars can't be choosers as they say, and there are a lot of less than genuine men out there)

Anyway, if you can find a donor, I would try six months of AI at home before going down any more expensive routes :)
Hey :)

We had Tegan using AI at home with a known donor who has no involvement in her life. It was pretty straight forward and if you google it you'll find a lot of info. It was lovely really, we made our baby together :)
I've been pregnant twice since (and sadly had two resulting losses, both with the same donor), both times we used AI. We aren't thinking of trying at all for the next few years (and only then if we find the perfect, perfect amazing donor - unlikely, beggars can't be choosers as they say, and there are a lot of less than genuine men out there)

Anyway, if you can find a donor, I would try six months of AI at home before going down any more expensive routes :)

Thank you, i now it might sound stupid but i think its the whole legal thing that bothers me and the donnor turning up!!! find it bit scary, to be honest dont think we could afford many more goes even with charlotte donnating her eggs we have already had 1 loss before lacey and one after, i really dont want her to be an only child,

Do you have to buy the stuff to do it at home on line etc, wouldyou recomend anything or definatley dont use this stuff!!!

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