BF in a jacuzzi?????

I don't think it matters how much boob was shown, if she was bf IN the pool surely it wouldn't of hurt her to get out the pool to feed her baby... S
The I know my rights bit just conjors up a women to me who will do things they know will cause a stir just because "I can" to get reactions

I wonder would it be any different if I was to sit in my local pool actually in the pool and start making up a bottle of formula, mixing it etc.
If I was asked to leave should i go to the media and try to get a story put of it because Im also trying to feed my baby or is it just for bf mums only :shrug:.
What's the difference?

Why cause a seen if your not allowed to eat in the pool get out stop drawing attention and just get out and feed at the side what's the big deal
I just dont think there is any need to expose a full boob to feed.I managed for plenty of years and never had to do it.If your top has to pull down instead of up you can put something over your shoulder to give yourself a bit of cover,its really not hard.If another woman sat in the pool with a boob out Im sure they would get complaints,you cant use feeding a baby as an excuse to have no modesty.

Incase anyone wonders I am Extremely pro breastfeeding and did so myself for many years,and always in public.Inmy peer support role I have seen many a boob,and wholeheartedly agree 'a boob is just a boob' but everyone doesnt see it that way and I think there was no need for it on this particular occasion.I'm not saying she should of hidden in the changing rooms,but in the jacuzzi,no.
I dont have any issues with it except I sometimes think some women just try to go out of their way to make a nuisance of themselves and give us fellow bf mums a bad name,just cos they can.
I just dont think there is any need to expose a full boob to feed.I managed for plenty of years and never had to do it.If your top has to pull down instead of up you can put something over your shoulder to give yourself a bit of cover,its really not hard.If another woman sat in the pool with a boob out Im sure they would get complaints,you cant use feeding a baby as an excuse to have no modesty.

Incase anyone wonders I am Extremely pro breastfeeding and did so myself for many years,and always in public.Inmy peer support role I have seen many a boob,and wholeheartedly agree 'a boob is just a boob' but everyone doesnt see it that way and I think there was no need for it on this particular occasion.I'm not saying she should of hidden in the changing rooms,but in the jacuzzi,no.
I dont have any issues with it except I sometimes think some women just try to go out of their way to make a nuisance of themselves and give us fellow bf mums a bad name,just cos they can.

You can put something over your shoulder but that doesn't mean you should or have to. I've never just sat there with my boob out while not feeding but I'm not going to worry about how much skin is showing if my LO needs a feed. After all the 'offending' bit of my breast (the nipple) is covered by the baby's mouth and the rest, well it's just a bit of skin.
Frankly I wouldn't care if a woman had her whole breast out and she wasn't feeding. A boob is still a boob.
She would have needed to expose a full boob to bf in that.

In the pool, yes. Outside of the pool, she probably did what I've always done, wear a swim cover (mine is plain tshirt and short) I have an older kid so I hate leaving him unattended (he is 12 years old but still want his mom to watch him). I would be pissed if the lifeguard focus on what I am doing outside of the pool which breastfeeding is not so noticable.
Lifeguards are trained to monitor the pool area which doesn't just include inside the pool, it's the surrounding area as well.
Frankly I wouldn't care if a woman had her whole breast out and she wasn't feeding. A boob is still a boob.

And niether would I.

I was simply pointing out that not everyone shares the same view on exposed breasts :haha: which is essentially what it would be.
I just dont think there is any need to expose a full boob to feed.I managed for plenty of years and never had to do it.If your top has to pull down instead of up you can put something over your shoulder to give yourself a bit of cover,its really not hard.If another woman sat in the pool with a boob out Im sure they would get complaints,you cant use feeding a baby as an excuse to have no modesty.

Incase anyone wonders I am Extremely pro breastfeeding and did so myself for many years,and always in public.Inmy peer support role I have seen many a boob,and wholeheartedly agree 'a boob is just a boob' but everyone doesnt see it that way and I think there was no need for it on this particular occasion.I'm not saying she should of hidden in the changing rooms,but in the jacuzzi,no.
I dont have any issues with it except I sometimes think some women just try to go out of their way to make a nuisance of themselves and give us fellow bf mums a bad name,just cos they can.

Honest question: is my son the only one that would go hog wild for something thrown over my shoulder or put over his head? He would have an absolute blast throwing it to the ground and then screeching his joy at having thrown something to the ground. Or he'd play peekaboo with it and screech for joy with that. I keep seeing this suggestion because often my boob is just out there, but I don't find this suggestion to be useful irl, iyswim.
My LO was fine with a cover when she was tiny but I know there's no point anymore. She would rip it off in a second and probably be upset that I tried to put it over her and be even more likely to unlatch and look at me like "WTF mom?!" so I'd have an exposed nipple and an angry baby.

I think most newborns/younger babies don't really care if they're covered but once you hit 6+ months you're probably not going to have much luck.
Mine never liked a cover and neither did I, just one more thing to faff about with.
I just dont think there is any need to expose a full boob to feed.I managed for plenty of years and never had to do it.If your top has to pull down instead of up you can put something over your shoulder to give yourself a bit of cover,its really not hard.If another woman sat in the pool with a boob out Im sure they would get complaints,you cant use feeding a baby as an excuse to have no modesty.

Incase anyone wonders I am Extremely pro breastfeeding and did so myself for many years,and always in public.Inmy peer support role I have seen many a boob,and wholeheartedly agree 'a boob is just a boob' but everyone doesnt see it that way and I think there was no need for it on this particular occasion.I'm not saying she should of hidden in the changing rooms,but in the jacuzzi,no.
I dont have any issues with it except I sometimes think some women just try to go out of their way to make a nuisance of themselves and give us fellow bf mums a bad name,just cos they can.

Honest question: is my son the only one that would go hog wild for something thrown over my shoulder or put over his head? He would have an absolute blast throwing it to the ground and then screeching his joy at having thrown something to the ground. Or he'd play peekaboo with it and screech for joy with that. I keep seeing this suggestion because often my boob is just out there, but I don't find this suggestion to be useful irl, iyswim.

I never got as far as bf in public but knowing my sons personality and how he reacted to bf in general I know full well he would have had a fit at having somthing over his head to bf.
He was bad enough about hating being held in a BF pose let alone being covered.
I have a cover for this one once hes born but again dont think id get as far as NIP due to personal hangups but I have it mainly for pumping while at work because the whole place is covered in cameras that are linked to all the stores that everyones has acsess to the video links and it makes me uncomfertable the idea of sitting there trying to fiddle with pumping and anyone could be watching on tv, pc, phones.
Mine doesn't eithet so thats why I go for nursing tops . She can't pull it off
Maria wouldn't let me put a cover over her either, she would just rip it off.
DS loves fabric. Putting fresh sheets on the bed while he's in the room turns it into an hour-long project. He just can't get enough. I'm glad he's not the only one who would make a spectacle.
My daughter has always hated anything over her head since birth, even if I'd wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to use a cover and to be honest, why the hell should I?
Nobody takes offence at a baby with a plastic nipple in it's mouth which strictly speaking isn't natural and yet people still take offence at a baby nursing from what nature intended them to?

The amount of boob on show really doesn't matter, you can bet your boots that someone will have been showing more flesh in a skimpy bikini than a Mum who chooses to nurse in a swimsuit.

The only way for breast feeding to be normalised is for people to SEE it in action, you want to cover up? You go right ahead but don't expect everyone to follow suit.

The Mum in the story does seem to have gone there purely to cause a scene, ok, there were better ways to make her point but lets face it, how many have taken part in nurse ins? Surely they're also "making a scene"?
Seems the whole point of the story is getting lost in all the other "debating".

Oh and please! Don't try and equate bottle feeding to breast feeding, a previous poster said about taking a bottle and formula into a pool and making up a feed, hardly the same is it? I whip out a boob (I might even whip out a WHOLE boob!!) and that's it, baby is being fed. A formula Mum would have to take equipment and the formula and actually make up a feed. It'd be the same as saying "I'll make a Sunday lunch in the pool because that's the same as breast feeding".
I'm not against formula feeding at all, we all feed our babies whether it's with a boob or a bottle, we all have our own reasons for choosing the method of feeding and no one has any right to belittle us for our choices.
But in this instance, bottles and breasts really aren't comparable.
My daughter has always hated anything over her head since birth, even if I'd wanted to, I wouldn't have been able to use a cover and to be honest, why the hell should I?
Nobody takes offence at a baby with a plastic nipple in it's mouth which strictly speaking isn't natural and yet people still take offence at a baby nursing from what nature intended them to?

The amount of boob on show really doesn't matter, you can bet your boots that someone will have been showing more flesh in a skimpy bikini than a Mum who chooses to nurse in a swimsuit.

The only way for breast feeding to be normalised is for people to SEE it in action, you want to cover up? You go right ahead but don't expect everyone to follow suit.

The Mum in the story does seem to have gone there purely to cause a scene, ok, there were better ways to make her point but lets face it, how many have taken part in nurse ins? Surely they're also "making a scene"?
Seems the whole point of the story is getting lost in all the other "debating".

Oh and please! Don't try and equate bottle feeding to breast feeding, a previous poster said about taking a bottle and formula into a pool and making up a feed, hardly the same is it? I whip out a boob (I might even whip out a WHOLE boob!!) and that's it, baby is being fed. A formula Mum would have to take equipment and the formula and actually make up a feed. It'd be the same as saying "I'll make a Sunday lunch in the pool because that's the same as breast feeding".
I'm not against formula feeding at all, we all feed our babies whether it's with a boob or a bottle, we all have our own reasons for choosing the method of feeding and no one has any right to belittle us for our choices.
But in this instance, bottles and breasts really aren't comparable.

Still eating in the pool when its not allowed... Is exactly the same :shrug:.

Sunday roast, bottle feeding or bf still eating in the pool when the rules say you can't... One poster said getting the baby out for feeding the baby would get cold... Well I'm saying the baby would be cold taking it out to give it a bottle

Same rules should apply for ff and bf mums... There's no difference
^^ well said.

In this instance, bf and ff are the same. If you want to normalize bf, then follow the same rules everybody else has to. You are not the exception.
I am also of the mindset that "no food or drink" should also be applicable to breastfeeding.

I don't really get the analogy about formula and Sunday lunch. Flipping the cap on a beer would be just as easy as whipping out a boob but I'm pretty sure people would still take exception to that since there's no food or drink allowed in the pool.

And yes, before anyone wants to state the obvious, I realize drinking a beer and a baby feeding isn't exactly the same. But I don't see why the ease of breastfeeding should make it okay because you deem bottle feeding to be too much faffing around. It's not really about that at all, is it?

It's about the rule that some breastfeeding moms are assuming they are the exception to.
The analogy about sunday lunch and formula feeding is easy to understand really. It's about the fact that you have to take something that is not on your body into a pool. So in that respect, no, taking a beer into a pool ISN'T the same as breast feeding, it's still taking something that isn't on your body into a pool.

Have I said that it's ok to breast feed in a pool because it's easier?


Stop putting words into my mouth then!

I'm saying because it's completely natural as in the female body makes the milk, then it shouldn't be classed the same as food and drink. Yes, it's food but it's a food that is made by the body, dispensed by the body and there's no foreign objects to take anywhere.
I don't see how arguments that say milk might get into the pool or baby being sick in the pool can be used here. As a lactating Mother, my boobs leak. Fact. So without feeding my daughter, there's milk getting into the pool. At my daughters swimming lesson the other week a baby was sick in the pool. The reason? He swallowed some of the water. Should he not have been allowed in the pool because there was always a possibility that he could have been sick?

The no food and drink rule shouldn't apply to breast feeding because having a nursing baby is not the same as opening a bag of crisps or eating a mars bar or drinking a bottle of pop (or any of the healthy alternatives in case someone thinks I'm just referring to junk food) if anything other than breastfeeding is done in a pool (which includes formula feeding) there is some sort of packaging, there is some way of that contaminating the pool - not so much with formula but it still has to be contained in a bottle.
Eating food or drinking could cause the pool to have to be shut down and emptied and cleaned if any of it gets into the water, same with bottle feeding, drop the bottle (yes I know it would likely float but just in case it didn't) and then there has to be some sort of cleaning that has to be done.

No one has to empty and clean a pool because breast milk got into the water....

This is what the law has to say on the matter of breast feeding in public (in the UK) :

Where can a woman breastfeed?

You are protected in public places such as parks, sports and leisure facilities, public buildings and when using public transport such as buses, trains and planes. You are protected in shops, public, restaurants and hotels regardless of how big of small. You are also protected in places like hospitals, theatres, cinemas and petrol stations.

This is probably more applicable :

Are there some places where I cannot breastfeed in public?

Yes, it is not against the law to prevent a woman breastfeeding in a service which is a single sex service for men. This single sex service must be justified, for example, where only one sex needs it or one sex needs the service more than the other. Voluntary groups or charities set up specifically to benefit one sex may be acting lawfully if they exclude women. Religious organisations may offer services to one sex if it is in line with the doctrines of that religion. In some cases, where single sex services are justified, it would be reasonable to object to members of the opposite sex being there.
It is not against the law to prevent a woman breastfeeding where there are legitimate health and safety risks, for example, near to certain chemicals or radiation.

Please note, no where does it say that a breast feeding Mother cannot feed in an area where there is no eating and drinking. Only in areas where there are legitimate health and safety risks. A swimming pool would not come under this.

Taken from here :

Gotta love the 2010 Equality Act!
Jeez, relax. I misunderstood your post is all.

I still disagree that it should be an exception to no food/drink, but that's okay. I can agree to disagree.

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