You'll definitely have to be flexible. I know from my experience with DD1, that giving her a bottle at the hospital was asking for trouble when it came to breastfeeding, and we almost weren't successful. I was in TEARS trying to get her to breastfeed, when she'd have much preferred the ease of the bottle.
However... if something happens, and you need to give LO a bottle, you are NOT a bad mom!!
Looking back, I don't know why she 'needed' a bottle... since exclusively breastfed babies don't really have any milk for days. So be sure they really do 'need' it... ifyou'r intent on exclusively bf-ing.
Next...working doesn't mean you can't bf.. it just may mean you won't EXCLUSIVELY bf. I pumped as much as I could, with formula at the caregiver's as back-up. Somedays we had enough milk to get us through, other days she had to have some formula. But when she was with me, she could bf for all of her meals. I made it 9 months with my first, and 6 months with my second-- I don't know why it was so short with him... he just...stopped.
In the hospital, if you need rest, utilize the nursery but ask that they bring LO to you for feedings. Feedings won't take long since it's just colostrum anyways.