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Hope Funyun feels better soon, Terri!

I’m not doing well in my office league (middle of the pack) but I did join one online money league for $100 and I’m in second place. Woohoo!
watching your crazy temps, TTC!

OUCH, Mr FT!! (laughed at that, btw) - good luck with the next blood draw. That does sound suspicious but I hope he's ok. Man, you are a busy lady. That hotel sounds phenomenal - looking that up in a moment. I'm in three leagues this year - winning one so far, middle of the road in another (but got killed this week) and completely losing the other. So maybe I'll break even! :haha:

The boys are 9 months today. Where has the time gone already? Yet it feels like forever ago we had little infants. I've been looking back at some of their pics and videos and it's so hard to imagine them being so tiny! Their 9 month appt is this Thursday. I'm always so curious to see where they fall on the height/weight charts. I think Timothy is growing like a weed, he seems so tall for a 9 month old. And Malcolm is still such a peanut but man, is he ever blossoming in the personality department. They both are but M took a bit to come around.
Wow - Some of you have been around here for five years! I have been around just over a year... I feel like a newbie LOL.

Sorry I've been quiet. Life has sort of been hectic lately. Who am I kidding? It's always hectic now! With DW working nights and me working days, there's very little time for anything other than watching the baby and sleep. But I have to say, I love it and it's going a lot better than I had thought it would. I was so worried we'd be strained by this schedule to the point of misery, but so far, it's working out. I don't want to do this forever, though, but we're good for the medium term.

Terri - I'm sorry to hear Fun broke another nail. Just when he had gotten out of the "cone of shame" after so long! Are there any treatments to help him if it turns out he has Lupus?

TTC - I love that you took Bella to a football game. Miriam loves watching it on TV... although I suspect it's the movement and color she's really drawn to, and not the game itself! Great to know we have another generation of girls enjoying college sports.

Wish - your boys keep sounding more and more adorable. Nine months already! Miriam will be 6 months on Friday, but it still seems like she was just born. Although it also seems like we've had her with us forever and that any time before baby was in the very distant past. Is there a pool yet on which boy will walk first and when? LOL

Miki - I hope things are still going well with your new home and you and DH are getting settled in. How crazy that right when things are already so busy in your life that your boss goes on leave!? I bet you are rocking it, though! You seem like you can handle yourself in a stressful or surprise situation. Just make sure you're taking care of you! How are things with the daycare situation these days?

Ask - I hope you and your baby are busy bonding and that you are loving being a new mom.

AFM - I'm still getting used to this new format. I kind of like it but also don't like change, so I'm on the fence. I guess I'd better suck it up and get used to it! Miriam is doing really well and has her 6 month check up on Friday. I'm excited to see how much she weighs and how tall she is. We have basically graduated from OT and just have PT every other week, so things have settled down a bit with the appointments lately. M still has a lot of trouble turning her head to the left, but is making progress in other areas with PT, so that's good. She is still at or ahead of her adjusted age and behind for her actual age, so I guess that's a good place to be. This week, she has been super fussy and hard to soothe, is drooling like crazy, and has a little head congestion. From what everyone else has told me, this signals a tooth coming in. We shall see. I am both not ready for her to have a tooth yet and excited to see this new tooth. We started solid foods this week, too. Sweet potatoes were a hit, but very messy!
Oh, it was so cute seeing Bella at the game!

We're trying to teach Bella to say "love." It's hilarious. After about the 3rd time of being told, "say I love you," she just starts blowing kisses!

Bella Game.jpg
Oh, it was so cute seeing Bella at the game!

We're trying to teach Bella to say "love." It's hilarious. After about the 3rd time of being told, "say I love you," she just starts blowing kisses!

That's adorable!!!! And those curls.... :D
Well, everyone can start placing their bets on when Miriam will crawl. She had a "pre-crawl" event today where she tried to pull herself forward with her arms and got several inches. The legs aren't coordinated or involved yet, but this is the first time she's looked like she is both interested in and motivated to be moving!
I just need to vent because I think I lost a friend over a Facebook post this week. I had posted several weeks ago an image that showed a bunch of reasons why someone would get a flu shot. I asked others if they had had theirs (I work in healthcare) and half joked "no cuddles from Miriam" until people get their flu shots because M is too young to get one. I am firm on this because she is in one of the highest risk categories (preemie, under 6 months adjusted age) to have complications from the flu. Someone I considered a dear friend said something snarky like "Sad, I guess I'll never meet her, then" in response. I was angry because I felt like if he had an issue, he could have told me directly instead of online, or he could have just kept it to himself -- he lives on the west coast and I live on the east coast, so it's not like we would bump into each other anytime soon. Plus, it could have been done without the snark if he absolutely felt it was necessary to post in a public forum. I'm also really sad because we were so close and now I feel like this is the end of our friendship after growing apart in the last few years and now this. I can certainly respect those who decide vaccines are not for them, but I would hope others, especially my friends, would respect my decisions and my daughter's health. I wanted to say to him that my daughter and I could have died in childbirth and she is still at high risk for dying of things like the flu, so no, I'm not budging on my refusal to allow unvaccinated people to handle her, but I decided to just react with a sad face emoji and let it go. But it was just so upsetting and I keep thinking about it. I felt like I needed to vent so I don't go crazy. I hope that's okay.
It's nice to pop in and see so many updates!

Yeah, it's so great to see their personalities, Wish! Unfortunately this also means that we get to experience a bunch of whining and tantrumish behavior. I'm curious to see how your boys do with their height/weight measurements too. Gummy was 50 percentile for both (but his head was big as usual), but I don't understand how he could be only 50% for weight when he looks like a round ball when he sits down.

Terri- glad that Funyun is doing better, but then too bad he has another split claw! I hope it's ok. You're taking such good care of him, and leading such an active life... I love how energetic you are!

TTC- Bella is so adorable, thanks for sharing the pic of her at the football game. I've been wanting to bring gummy to a basketball game, but DH is afraid of the noise. Ugh, he's so (overly, in my opinion!) protective. I want gummy to roam free in the garden and everywhere. I'm super easy going about things, and he's the type that keeps wiping gummy's hands and wiping gummy's stuff that so much as touches our coffee table. Sigh. Guess someone has to be the voice of reason sometimes.

Yeah, Wicky, am definitely so ridiculously busy at the moment! Sounds like life is hectic for you too, and you're managing well. It's so fun to hear about how Miriam is developing. Wait till she starts actually crawling and looking like (in Wish's words) a mechanical doll. It's just too cute! Sigh, daycare was closed on Monday due to her having a bad food poisoning bout. DH and I have started to prepare ourselves for at least one closure per month. She does have long hours, and really awesome care between her and her assistant. We also are prepared to have a stronger word with her if she goes more overboard.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend's reaction. I don't like being judged, and I feel for you. I grew up in a society where people are so nosy and judgemental, and I vowed to be as open-minded about people's choices as I possibly could. You're doing what you feel is best for Miriam, and I hope you don't continue to feel bad about this for long. Just look at your smiley bundle of joy and I'm sure everything will be better soon!

We're still in the moving in messy stage, but enjoying life more and more in our new house and neighborhood. Gummy seems happy here too. And he now likes overturning his play table and the play gym, and playing with them upside down.
Miki - my daughter went to several basketball games last year. She ate it up! We were more concerned about taking her to a Gator football game in our stadium bc it’s truly deafening. That’s why we took her to an away game!

Wicky - vent away! IMHO, any friend that gets so worked up over your opinion about flu shots (especially since you’re in the health care industry and just want to protect your LO) isn’t worth the worry. As you pointed out, it really wouldn’t affect him anyway since you live on different coasts. He’s clearly one of these anti-vaccers. I know it’s hard, but try not to let it occupy any more space in your head. It’s his problem and his loss.
oh TTC, those curls are TO DIE FOR! I hope she has them forever!! Though I'm sure she'll complain about them as a teenager! HA! That's so fun taking her to something that means so much to you both. I love it.

Wicky - so happy to see your updates! I'm glad things seem to be settling down a little for you as far as appointments. How's your MIL doing? Now it's just the regular schedule you need to keep up with but it sounds like you and DW have it down pat!! Hooray for Miriam thinking about crawling!! It won't be long now! And yay for solids! Did you mash up the sweet potatoes or give her chunks? I'm still so nervous about this phase, but really now just with Malcolm. He has no interest in solids, I think b/c he knows he'll gag or vomit. Timothy has started to grab for things and try to get them in his mouth and all but chomps my finger off if I put something like banana near his mouth. So he's good!
As far as the flu shot thing - yeah, that is sad but he definitely took it a little far. NEVER? Like everyone you meet forever and ever is going to have had their flu shot. Clearly you just meant (I'm assuming) while Miriam is a baby and more susceptible to such illnesses and can't get her own flu shot. Sheesh. DH and I don't usually get flu shots either, only b/c we hardy ever get sick so rather than injecting something we might not need (and haven't shown a propensity to need), we forego that. But that doesn't mean we are anti-vaccers either. We get the boys their shots as needed and recommended. And now that we have the boys, we'll get them for the foreseeable future to be safer.

miki - pure madness at your house but it sounds awesome!! That's great that gummy is 50th all the way! Not that a slide in either direction is bad. I'm sure Malcolm will still be on the low end today but he's a little firecracker and healthy so I'm not worried. He's just a peanut!
Oh and I'm so with you on the Helicopter Parent vs Not - DH is my helicopter and I'm the freer one. It's actually caused stress between us b/c he equates me not being as careful aka neurotic (IMHO) to being negligent/not being on the same page as him. That's SO not the case - I want them to explore and learn. He doesn't want them to get hurt. I totally get where he's coming from, I don't WANT them to get hurt but I know they will and they'll learn from it. I'm ok with them crawling headfirst off of a carpeted step (one step) with the potential to land on their face - it's soft, and they need to learn that's not the right way to get down a step! Of course I guide them as well so they a) know it's a drop and b) need to use their hands OR I try to spin them around to show them to get down feet first. We are ALL learning here.

HAHA - who will walk first? I'm not really sure!! When I think one will hit a certain milestone first, the other jumps on ahead! So as of last night, Timothy is standing from a bear crawl position - not even having to hold on to a surface first anymore!! And then M is totally cruising on the side of the couch now! But he falls to his bum to go anywhere else. So we'll see!! Oh and Timothy can throw/roll a ball now too! How the heck does one even know that? But he had some other toy in his hands the other night and when he picked up this plastic bowling ball, he wiggled back and forth and then let it go so it rolled over to us. We were shocked and thought it was a fluke, so gave it back to him. He did it over and over again!
They have their 9 month appt today at 10am. I'm so excited! They have picture day today too so hopefully they get theirs done BEFORE they get their shots - better chance of smiles!
TTC- Nice to know that Bella enjoyed the basketball games and that they were not too loud for her!

Wish- Thanks, it's definitely awesome here in the house, despite still living in a mess. The garden is so great, but DH thinks that soil = dirt = germs! Argh, I had dreams of gummy roaming barefoot and free. I hear you on the helicopter parent thing. Same here, DH thinks I'm too lax and that I don't care. I want gummy to learn, and to enjoy his childhood.
I can't believe that Timothy is standing from a bear crawl position! That's amazing! I wonder if walking is not far away for him. It must be interesting to see the differences in your boys. How were their weight/height measurements?

Gummy has decided that he likes only the colorful pages in the book "Goodnight moon". So when I read it to him, he bounces and squeals at the colorful pages, and then he shouts with anger and falls over backwards with his feet in the air when I read the black and white pages. Since it alternates between the two types, he goes back and forth between the two silly reactions. So hilariously cute!

I tried to give gummy a quick haircut and accidentally cut straight across the front. He looked like a baby Julius Caesar... argh! I tried to salvage the haircut by attempting to layer the front. His bangs were so long and nice looking before, and now he looks so different. Oops!kai_newhair_1.jpg kai_newhair_2.jpg
gah, I can't get over how cute Gummy is!! He's SO full of happiness! I think his hair looks super cute swept to the side like that! Malcolm needs a little trim - that might be soon. Actually they both do, Timothy has a few wisps on each side that end up curling up and out.

Wicky - how are things? Has Miriam continued to start crawling? 6 months and beyond is just such a fun age. But I've had fun with them so much so far anyway, hasn't really mattered. But their personalities start to bloom right around now.

I think Malcolm MIGHT be starting to try to stand now too - yesterday he let go of a few things while standing with them, so we'll see. We had such a fun weekend with them. They are really starting to interact together now, it's so fun to see. They both slept for over 2 hrs in a nap yesterday, I was SO happy! We had plans at 11:30 and I needed to make an appetizer. I was able to do that, clean a little, MAKE myself a breakfast AND eat it, get their bag ready to was amazing! DH was playing bball so it was good to have that time to myself to get things done.
I went out to Boston overnight on Friday night for a friend's 40th bday - it was so fun but we all stayed up until 3, closing the bar. :shock: And then I got up at 7 to get home for 8. I had a little hangover but I rested when I got home and was fine for the day after that. It was fun, but I have another overnight this Sat night and I'm NOT doing that again. Tamer crowd this time anyway!

OH, their measurements! So yeah, the doc said they look great, happy and healthy!
Timothy = 29", almost 30" so we bought new car seats, weighs 20.25 lbs (60th and 73rd percentiles)
Malcolm = 27" and weighs 17.2 lbs (8th and 11th percentiles)
What is everyone's halloween plans? We think we're going to try a bit of trick or treating (despite Bella's stranger danger). Here she is from a halloween party on Saturday.

Bella is so adorable in her princess outfit, TTC! And... those curls!

We aren't doing anything - the boys aren't big enough to eat candy, they can't walk yet so it's kinda stupid to go out into the cold and beg for candy for ourselves. It will be after their bedtime too so this year is out. That said, we did get them costumes to wear to school on Friday! They have a costume parade - we'll have to sneak out of work to go get pictures. I can't wait. Malcolm grunts a lot when it's his turn for something or he's just getting your attention so he's going to be a caveman. And our little Timothy is going to be a dinosaur which is appropriate b/c of his screeching! I can't wait for pictures!!
I can relate to the screeching! Bella just started screeching when she's mad about something. It's irritating as all get out!
Haha, I can relate to the screeching too! I was shocked when gummy discovered shrieking, and then my sis told me that it got louder as they grew older :shock:

Wow, I can't believe your boys are already basically standing on their own, Wish! Gummy doesn't seem to be doing that at the moment. He does do the caveman grunting, which the daycare lady says is something she's heard from boy babies and not from girls. I then said that gummy should be dressed as a caveman for Halloween, so it's such a coincidence that you're dressing Malcolm as one! I'd love to see the pics of your little caveman and dinosaur. Extreme hilariousness and cuteness!

Oh wow, it's so interesting how Malcolm and Timothy are on different ends of the height/weight scale. Thanks, I feel better about gummy's botched haircut now. Daycare lady likes to comb his hair in a very nerdy side parting sort of way. It makes him like like a little goody-two-shoes and I find it hilarious!

How great that you get to have big nights out! I miss those days, but then again I don't miss the hangovers. Hopefully you won't have one after Sat night...
HA! I am sure it's irritating if it's for that reason, TTC! Timothy just 'talks' in that way or when they get SUPER excited about a certain toy turning on, they'll both screech. I think it's hilarious!

yeah I usually don't have a hangover these days but I did go all out and let off a little steam the other night. But that's not happening this weekend. I'll be up and out by 6am so DH can go play bball at 830 (it's a 2+ hr ride home). No biggie! It'll be fun to see all the girls and we're going to have a delicious meal at a great restaurant that we have as tradition every year.
Argh, our ex landlord (a company) took all our deposit! Remember that they did that to our former neighbors, who were 8 months pregnant when they moved out? They refunded us about $200, but that was the cost of the carpet cleaning we did before we moved out. There was no accompanying list or letter telling us why they'd kept the entire deposit -- just that measly $200 check. And after chasing them down for it, it still took them 2 months to get it to us. I'm surprised at how unprofessional they've been.

We'd only been living there about a year, and we never hung anything on the walls. We don't use shoes in the house. It was pristine, and the handyman who did the walkthrough said so. He said there was nothing to be done. The handover was basically within the next couple of days, so it's not like they had time to do anything before the next tenant took over.

We are so angry, and we plan to do what we can to get our money back. We've rented in quite a few places, and we got our entire deposit back in all cases (except for one where their policy is to deduct $200 for cleaning). We left this place in even better condition than the others, it was basically like new. I'm so upset at the unfairness of it all.

How's everyone? I hope your days are going better than mine! Oh yes, how was your night out, Wish?
that's so bogus, Miki!!! I hope you do get your deposit back - what the hell!

my night out was fun but brief - I was up at 5am so I just went home. Had a great day at home with the boys on Sunday! :) No more overnights for me for quite sometime now.

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