BFP Chasers...........Feel free to join....

wanting - well that's a bummer. I can say that every time I was preg, I didn't know it. The ONLY thing I felt with the boys was the day of my transfer (so clearly nothing probably actually HAPPENED that day) - we were buying food at a butcher shop for dinner and I spun around quickly and got very dizzy. That's it!
But you've had 4 babies already - what were your symptoms with them early on?

Well I just worked all weekend and that sucked, and I fell off the cleanse. I'm so weak! I N-E-E-D-E-D pizza and wine on Friday, so we had it. I wasn't terrible all weekend, just should have had more control and skipped any bread or coffee. I only had coffee yesterday and only a half cup. I actually have one now and I got my breakfast sandwich but starting at lunch, i'll go back to my shakes and fizzes. :) All about balance, right?

We brought M to the Dr again yesterday, this time for a sty on his eye that will not go away. So just making sure it IS a sty - it is. He's fine, went to the playground after. Timothy has gotten super clingy with me again and I can't say I mind!! <3 I missed my little guy for these last few months he was a complete Daddy's boy! Except now I feel bad for DH b/c both boys fight to be held by me or share a lap and Daddy gets left out in the cold a little. I know how that feels and it sucks! :( Ahhh the guilt never ends, does it?

How was everyone's weekend?
Wish- I’m not sure why they make me take the glucose test so early, maybe because of my age? Even though I passed this time, I’m sure I will test positive when they make me take it again later on. The number was already starting to be on the higher side. Even though I have a bump, I think I’m not technically showing, as it isn’t baby but probably a combo of bloating and insides/fat being pushed out by my uterus!
I admire your quest for healthy eating! My diet has gone from shocking (I didn’t really eat any vegetables when I was younger) to "only" pretty bad as I get older. I try to eat healthier during pregnancy, but I struggle with that because of the food aversions and nausea. Talking about nausea, it’s a lot less bad, but it’s still there. It now comes and goes, rather than hanging around all day. And I no longer gag from it, I just feel bad. The exhaustion seems to be just as bad, though!
Kai went through clingy stages too, and he too shifted between DH and me. I’ve told myself that it’s just a phase. Poor you, work sounds really crazy! I hope you’ll get some respite soon. And I hope M’s sty has finally heal!

Wanting- Sorry about AF. I hope that the next cycle is the one!

Mum- How are you doing? Are you feeling better these days? Are you showing yet?

AFM- Kai had a little cold, and it once again “blossomed” into breathing/asthma issues. He was breathing really fast and wheezing again. But this time we managed it by using the inhaler and staying home with him. He improved greatly after that, but I get so stressed out managing DH’s freak outs. He gets so worked up whenever Kai is sick. Plus he blames colds on things that I do, like bringing him for the swim class (indoor pool) or forgetting his jacket for the 1 minute journey from parking lot to grocery store (it was 4pm, not cold, and Kai was dressed in long sleeves and pants). He wants to stop the swim lessons, even though Kai loves them. I grew up in the tropics, swimming many times a week through the year, and I believe in getting children comfortable and adept at swimming. Plus it’s yet another fun thing that DH wants to deny him, just because he’s so anxious about these things. Argh!

Oh, the NIPT results came back low risk! I know I didn’t need it as we did PGS testing, but I still did the test in case. Another hurdle cleared!

I’ve been on the couch resting the past two days. I feel ill and exhausted! I think I’ve been trying too hard to keep my old pace of work in the lab, and it finally took its toll. My boss doesn’t seem to notice that I can’t work as fast now, and he’s stressing me out trying to keep up with his expectations. I rarely take time off as I feel guilty, but DH told me that I really should. I’m really glad he made me stay home, because I really needed the rest.
Thank you ladies, it’s so difficult as they all become a blur! :haha: I only had a 4 day period instead of 6-7 so I have no idea what’s going on maybe I’m getting too old!

I’m away next month so maybe I will get pregnant this month haha!

I would have certain symptoms in some pregnancy then have them a cycle but then that cycle would be bfn so no way to tell with me :haha:
Mikihope - I’m not doing too badly thank you. Think bump is starting to appear but it’s the sciatica I’m struggling with more than anything at the moment. I’ll live though. We have to haha.
Taurus!! blast from the past! Yes - this thread will live on forever!! :friends: your boys are GORGEOUS! You must have so much fun!

mum - I can't believe you are still dealing with the sciatica! What are you doing for it? When is your next scan or test?

wanting - CD12 - start that :sex:!! ;)

miki - I'm so glad you took time off too! I'm sure it's so hard to have to make yourself sit back and go slower, since you're so used to running around all the time! Especially when you may physically not 'look' like you need to take it easy just yet (like a giant bump - people always tell you to sit down, etc). Enjoy it now!! These next 6-ish months will be the LAST time you'll get to relax!! :haha:
Ugh, I'm so sorry about DH's anxieties!! I hate that they turn it on us too! Like colds just don't happen?? And I agree with you on swimming - I'd love to get the boys enrolled for swimming classes too b/c it freaks me out them not knowing, BUT - and I think I've said this before - we aren't around a lot of water, so for now it's ok. Within the next few years, though, for sure.
Have you told your boss yet? how'd that conversation go? When is your next scan?

Hello to anyone I missed! Wicky and Rainy - if you're lurking, :wave:

Not too much going on here - the boys turned 20 months yesterday! I'm pretty sure that directly coincided with them turning into devil children! j/k but they were rougher yesterday, for sure - just fighting over everything, not sharing, directly disobeying me when I said to STOP ramming their toy into the was a circus for the 3 hrs DH was gone to basketball. I took them for a walk around the neighborhood and that calmed them for at least a half hour. It was nuts. I was exhausted - I fell asleep at naptime before they did!! I think the 2's are starting to seep in and, boy, are we in for a ride!
We are going to that park with them this weekend! I found a really good deal on expedia for the Residence Inn so that should be enough room for us. I can't wait! We've never done something so seemingly spontaneous like this!
My next scan is October 21st

I can only have paracetamol and do stretching exercises as they ‘cant’ do anything manual so I’m guessing I’ll just have to wait it out and hope it eases somewhat as opposed to getting worse as baby grows.. :(
Wanting- Fx for this month!

Mum- How awful for you, surely there’s something they can do for your sciatica now that you’re in the 2nd Trimester! I hope it gets better for you.

TTC- Oh no, so sorry about your CP. I see the line, I really hope it’s a sticky one!

Taurus- Your boys are so adorable and handsome! They must be so much fun, and possibly getting easier to look after?

Wish- Thanks, it was a much needed rest, I almost couldn’t get off the couch! I was better on Saturday, and then Monday I realized I had full blown cold symptoms, along with asthma. I had a panicky call to the doctor’s trying to figure out if it was ok to use my rescue inhaler. Luckily I could, because I really had difficulty breathing! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I did tell my boss at around the 8 week mark. I think he’s just clueless about how much pregnancy takes out of you. I can tell him until I’m blue in the face, but I think that until he experiences it vicariously through his wife or someone close to him, he doesn’t really get it.
Yeah, DH is really over the top with his dirt/sickness worries. And he’s so afraid of Kai falling, etc. The only thing that keeps me sane is that he does seem to calm down after a bit. I’m hoping that he’ll be more relaxed the 2nd time around! We’re going back for the swim class tomorrow (skipped last week), I’m praying that Kai doesn’t catch a cold from somewhere and give DH more fodder. I agree with you, it’s so important for them to learn to swim. I hope you get to start your boys on swim lessons, but there’s definitely no rush as they’re still young. I just have a personal desire for Kai to have a childhood like mine, where I started young and I spent so much time in the water as a kid that I wanted to live underwater!
Wow, lucky you! I’m envious, enjoy your spontaneous holiday!

AFM- I managed to squeeze in a 10 minute slow jog a few days ago. I’d been unable to do any kind of activity due to feeling so terrible and exhausted, plus I was still afraid of bleeding. It went great, and then I felt terrible the next day due to the cold. I managed a tiny jog again yesterday, after I got my asthma under control, and today I felt horrendous. Dizzy, exhausted, numb all over, unable to focus, nauseated, stomach issues… I just realized that it’s possibly a migraine. Argh, I can’t catch a break!

How’s everyone else? Wicky, haven’t heard from you in a while… I hope you, your DW and Miriam are doing great!
Nothing today. So, I’m thinking it was a really cruel indent.
I see that one too, TTC!! What since?? that was Friday!!! UPDATES!!

miki - were you running before you got preg? I'd take care of yourself. Don't start anything new? Maybe go for leisurely bike rides but I think running is so hard on your body, that starting up right now is nuts! If you were already doing it, then no problem b/c your body would be used to it. Remember - your body already equals climbing Mt. Everest right now!! Plus you're sick - snuggle up in that couch of yours. :)
How did swim class go?

the boys LOVED Storyland - Timothy has a thing for tractors right now. Well, they both love all cars/buses/planes/etc - anything that goes Vroom vroom, beep beep or toot toot! Malcolm loved when the train would go by. They had a tractor ride (kinda like the Antique Cars you see at certain fun parks where you can 'drive' them along a track. We went on those dang tractors 5 times! They loved it! Because of when it was in the season, we didn't have to wait long at all and they couldn't go on too many rides so we just said let's go for it! We ended up having to wake them up at 6:45 this morning for school - they were so beat from the weekend.

what else is new? oh yeah - they have turned into feral children! overnight it seems! The 2's are upon us, a little bit early. Biting, not listening, defiance, scratching, pinching...holy hell. Still paired with sweetness too, but dang. I see the horns starting to sprout out of the tops of their heads. And Timothy started to swing his leg over his crib rail the other night, so THAT needs to be remedied immediately. DH measured and unfortunately dropping the mattress to the floor within the crib, there's too much of a gap between the mattress and bottom of the rail so they'd get stuck if trying to escape. So I'm going to see if my Dad can throw together a couple of platforms to put on the floor, put the mattress on that and then there won't be a gap. Geez. They are coming up for another visit this Wed and he's bringing tools already to fix our shed, so it should be pretty easy.

I see much wine in my future! :rofl:
TTC- I see that line too! Is it getting any darker?

Wish- Wow, your trip to Storyland sounded so great! How wonderful that your boys enjoyed it so much. I’m so envious! I would love to do something like that with Kai, but DH would freak out at the thought of the planning, the amount of germs, etc. Yep, Kai too started turning into a crazy toddler at some point, I can’t even remember when. He’s always loved trying to bite me when he’s in a happy mood, and it’s been difficult to get him to stop. I think whatever I’ve been trying has finally started to work, though. He has gotten much better at stopping himself, and what he does is to turn it into a big open-mouthed kiss. But yeah, they’re so maddening at this age, but so adorable! I think they’re extra cute so that we don’t consider giving them away :haha:

Oh, I used to run before I did the IVF transfer. So I’ve always been planning to start back again. Right now it’s really a tiny, very slow, jog. It’s probably more like a fast walk for most!

So the swim class went great, and we were all happy. Then Kai started with a runny nose and then a cough the next day! It seriously stressed me out thinking that DH would never allow him to swim again. Sure enough, DH made such a big fuss about it, and said that I was trying to have fun at the expense of Kai’s health. It really depresses me that Kai might have a repressed childhood. I can’t convince DH that it’s important for him to get out and do stuff, and that it’s not good for his immune system to shelter him from germs. I really can’t think of a way to shift DH’s way of thinking, since it does seem to make sense that we should protect our children from all those bad germs out there. It only makes me sound like a bad parent who doesn’t care, when I insist on bringing him out to the playground or swimming or whatever public place. Couple dealing with this with my hormones, and I’m truly depressed about it all. I need ideas... how to help DH see that bringing Kai out to play/swim is good for him, despite all the germs hanging around?
sigh - I battle this too, miki - i'm so sorry. First off, you are NOT a bad parent for wanting to expose him to fun things, albeit they are probably germy things. MOST things are!
2nd - I'd think chlorine would kill anything so I really hesitate to think that these swimming lessons are the cause of any germs getting to him.
3rd - daycare is a cesspool so he's going to get alllllll the germs when he goes there. And YES - getting germs is the name of the game so you build your immune system. Perhaps ask your pediatrician when you go next - make it so you're asking out of the same concern as DH but then the Dr will say 'they are going to get sick so you don't have to stop the child from doing fun things - they are going to get sick regardless b/c their immune systems are new and need to build up to fight against these germs they'll experience for the rest of their lives'. Maybe a side phone call to the Dr before his next appt to strategize? Does DH usually go with you?
4th - I don't want you to think Kai is going to have a repressed childhood if it's not like yours. We had some free-wheeling days in our time, didn't we??? I got to sit in the back of a pickup truck and go over bumps at probably an alarming speed and try NOT to fall out - that was fun and I wanted MORE! Hellllllz no, I ain't letting the boys do that! :haha:

Here are some things to maybe try, and I realize that I sound like I'm condoning playing games, but maybe just playing the role will get you where you need to be... rather than fight against him, try to either side with or even in some cases maybe act a little more extreme so he thinks YOU'RE being too extreme? If he doesn't feel like he's battling you for who takes better care of the child, his defenses will go down. But try it in a "yes, i feel that way too - what should we do? He needs to learn how to swim/playgrounds are so good for agility and physical development and we can't do these things at home/etc - we need to come up with a way for him to get this exposure but at the least amount of risk to his health. Though I do think germs are good for all of us in small doses, to build up our immune systems' or something along those lines. And def be the one at the Dr visit to ask the crazy questions so he can hear it coming out of someone else's mouth. It might sound a little crazier to him and he might back off a little bit.
I'd try to throw logic at it rather than 'well I did this as a kid and loved it so he should be able to as well' - I tried that one and got the exact same response as you did, that was doing it for me and not the boys.

I really hope this helps and I didn't overstep my bounds! I've just been where you are and I am in a better place with DH now b/c of these steps. I have had to FIGHT my urges to make faces, sigh outwardly, use mocking tones but it has worked. And it's not disingenuous - I am just making sure that he feels heard and that we tackle his concerns together. He's more relaxed now (though still more extreme than me).
oh this too - we make sure to wash the boys' hands after they do stuff like the amusement park/before dinner. Seeing me make this a priority has helped DH to know that I understand where he's coming from and I'm making the effort too. So maybe after swimming or something, just wash his hands (seems backwards to me, again, with the chlorine but whatever works). Or when you're done at the playground or whatever.
Hi ladies, I thought I would drop in as Lilys 3rd birthday is this Friday., seriously where does the time go!! Wish your boys will keep you busy at 2 for sure! But honestly 2 has been great for us. Watching Lily moving towards 3 has been awesome too. She's learning so much. Soon she's going to be going to school..ahhh I will be a mess. Lol
Ttc hope that line gets darker and Miki same battle with DH here too. Ugh!
Also Great to see you on here Taurus, your boys are adorable, great pic!
I’m gonna have to get you all to tell me a bit about yourselves so I can be caught up :haha:

I’m totally confused I get 2ww spotting every month since I had my daughter Erin. Don’t know if it is stopping things from happening. Last month I was really chuffed as I only spotted twice but this month has been horrendous. 4,6,7,8&9 but not boot once through the day different times and sometimes fills up the paper red with ewcm xx

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