Yeah, her make over looked really good! Proper suited her. After last night, I like her a little more. Was nice to see her like that, now John James isn't there she's more fun!
What order does everyone think they'll be leaving?
I reckon
i Think josie will win, but i think id quite like dave to win now sam peppers gone lol.. i hated dave at first but now he just makes me laugh so much x
i Think josie will win, but i think id quite like dave to win now sam peppers gone lol.. i hated dave at first but now he just makes me laugh so much x
What ex housemates do you think will go back in?
I've seen John Mcrick on the adverts and if he goes in then I def will not be watching. I can't stand him at all.
If Nikki goes back in then won't be watching it just because she gets on my tits
josie to win, i have voted 3 times, although im thinking too obvious, you know how these programs go! i want josie to win as she went to the school in the same town as me in yate bristol, i went to king edmund and she went to brimsham! DO IT FOR THE BRISTOLIANS JOSIE!
Yep lol. I like this bit 'cos it reminds me of all the housemates I've forgotten about!
Is it sad that I'm excited.
OMG, Iffy has a recording contract.
Can't stand Sunshine, What is she wearing?!
Woo, Corin looks gooorgeous!
Rachael is just with Nath for publicity! So obvious. He can do better.
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