~~~ Big family wanted ~ trying for #3 + ~~~

Hey Ladies :)

Im TTC #4
I have 3 boys, Harry will be 7 the 18th, Alfies 4 and Charlies 2. Im 25 and OH is 27.
Really really really hoping for a PINK BFP for christmas.
Im going to try the Shettles/Hazel Philips method for a girl this month.

Everyone seems to be having girls this year, and im so jealous :(
Everyone trys to put me off wanting a girl, saying there really naughty and alot more hard work. But it doesn't put me off, cant be any worse the 3 young boys lol.

Gemma - I have my driving test soon, and i keep looking at little cars. But then i realise im going to need atleast a people carrier lol x

my little boy is mardy but a real mummys boy
my little girl is mischievious - wouldnt say naughty but i never know whay shes doing from one moment to the next - everyone else says shes naughty but they all have boys and i think she's brill! but shes a real daddies girl! i dont get many cuddles as all daddy.

but as a girl girl myself i recomend girls .

my son isnt my partners dna child (only way i can put it) but my partner wants another girl!
i love the name charlie!! going to be our childs name no matter what x
Im 6dpo and feel sick as a pig today have come home from work early

Not fussed what our next baby is at all! long as its ok
Im 6dpo and feel sick as a pig today have come home from work early

Not fussed what our next baby is at all! long as its ok

same here!!

i feel sick today too 5/6 dpo :(

Well i HAD to go work this morning had 2 driving tests to take up passed thankgod :happydance: but if i had normal lessons id have stayed in bed after school run :cry: felt proper sick!!! had to do the keep swallowing thing ya know??! to keep it down! im NEVER ill but had to come home after at 11.30 :( anyway it could be a 'bug' though so keeping an open mind :shrug:
oohhh fingers crossed for you - are you testing early or if AF ia late?
Just if AF is late, I can wait :haha: either am or not, got patience with stuff like that
Aww, my 2 oldest boys are mommys boys. My youngest is all for his dad! But thats because my OH spoils him cause his the youngest. :)
i love mummys boys (apart from OH lol)

i love my cuddled..

whats making you all want another?

for me i want it all again xc

All my boys are growing up FAST. Need a baby in the house again lol.
My youngest starts nursery in April, im going to be sooooo lost on my own :(
Hopefully we'll be awaiting our new arrival by then though :D xx
im ttc #3..on my 3rd month hoping to get a bfp this time! me and DH have 2 little girls..oldest will be 4 in march and youngest is 2 years 3 months. i love being pregnant, labor, delivery, newborns..all that stuff! i cant wait to get another BFP! :D
im trying for # 3 too!!! i got two boys.... 3 and 5...... hoping for a girl :)
haha - i think the labour is only part i dont want to do again - we had a birth plan and everything oh was so excited about seeing our little girl born etc..

then 3 4 days weeks before she was due he went to work as normal and bout 45 mins after he left i got tummy ache well i rang him and he was on his way home when i gave birth alone with my toddler on the toilet!!

birth plans went out window!
was quite proud bathed fed and got kayden ready all whilst in labour very proud hahaha... luckily she weighed 5lb 13!! which for 3 weeks early quite heavy so wewent hospital for a check over then home!
I was only 16 & 17 when I had my bubbas (they are now 13 & 14), I had a terrible time with their father, who now has no contact with them. I am with a wonderful fella now, :hugs2: and we would dearly love to have a bubba together. I went through so much strife before, I don't feel I have had a chance to do the baby bit 'properly', there is a baby-sized hole in my heart :cry:
i know how you feel with ex part .

i was with him 3 years and got pregnant i thought everything be fine but got worse and worse finally my son got meningitis at 4 weeks old when my ex tried kidnapp him from hostpial bed!

i been with my now partner since i was few months pregnnt (we always been the mates that never got together)

went through a LONG court battle eventually i got a letter literally saying he no longers wishes to persue access.. that was 4 yeears ago in jan!

i got pregnant straight away with my daughter but still would like another x
I have 3, 2 girls and a boy. My oldest's dad left me when I was 3months (i was 18) then I met someone else and fell pregnant whilst on the pill however before finding out about pregnancy I found out he was cheating :(

I have known my wonderful hubby since before I even conceived my oldest, he was best mates with my best friends BF (at the time, they are now married and expecting #3) we got together when my youngest daughter was 1month old, he was brill with my girls and so was his parents. The girls fathers don't have anything to do with them and both my girls call my hubby Dad :D We have been a couple for 9 years, married for 7 and have a 6 year old boy together and would like to complete our family with another bundle of joy.

When we was planning our wedding my oldest DD (at the age of 4) asked if she could have the same surname as hubby and me (the girls had my maiden name) their names were changed by deed poll the month before we got married :) DH treats all 3 children the same..... as his own!! Thank good there are good men out there xxx
did you not need ex permission? - sorry my eldest is my maiden name and when we get married id love for him take my partners name.

My eldest calls my partner daddy! - im dreading day i have tell him the truth as he loves his daddy :( x
My oldest son i had when i was 18, his dad left me when he found out i was pregnant but he'd also been cheating. He already had another son a year before. His had nothing to do with Harry ever. I got with my current partner when Harry was 4 weeks old!! Matt (OH) and all his family have treated Harry like there own from the day dot, you'd never believe he wasn't his biological dad!! We had Harrys name changed by depoll about 3 years ago when he started school. Didn't need any kind of permision from his 'sperm doner'. As i didn't have his name on the birth certificate. Think it cost about £50.

I also had Harry at home on the toilet LOL

Gemma - Bit of a personal question, you don't have to answer if you don't want to :)
Does your little boy know that your current partner isn't his real dad?

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