Hello can i join you ladies? My LO is a little on the large side too!!.
He was 8lb8 born so not too huge but he has made up for it since. He is 10 weeks tomorrow and was weighed yesterday at 15lb, he is a long baby 64cm. He is bigger than most babies at my first baby club (only 0-6 month baby's) and everyone seems to like telling me so and it's getting annoying now. He is happy and healthy what is the issue!!. I'm 5ft10 and so is OH, neither of us were big babies though.
Even the nurse/hv said yesterday he should start dropping on his charts now because he can't keep this pace of growth up for much longer, she made me feel really crap!! she even commented on the fact he really should be dropping a feed or two by now!! and how am i going to do that then then, let him scream?. I'm dreading the 3 month growth spurt what is he going to go up too, lol.
my HV said exactly the same to me, she said i needed to cut out his 4am feed. how am i meant to do that?! I couldnt just let him scream at 4 in the morning. But hey presto, a week later he dopped a night feed himself as is now going from 7.30 till 3.30 without a feed which I am dead happy with
There is hope for us soon then!. He has a cold at the moment so he is waking up more but the milk quantity hasn't changed. Maybe he might drop a bottle soon, i can only but dream!. He just doesnt seem to know how to sleep for long if that makes sense?
how old is your lo? Finnley has been feeding manicly for weeks and I thought he would never sleep through or drop any night feeds. He was literally doing 9 bottles of 7oz a day on hungry baby formula, 3 of those in the night. But a couple of weeks ago he dropped his 10pm feed, and 2 days ago he started to drop his 1am feed, so now hes going through till 3.30
Gunna give dreamfeeding a go tonight and see if we can get him going from 7.30 till the morning! It does get better hun, trust me