OOhh i really like Micah David... whats the surname?? It goes really well, and u dont hear many micahs, or i havent anyway. Is that a definite then do u think? Or are u still looking for other possibilities? Eugene though?!! I really dont like that!! Did hur oh actually like it? I honestly think my boyf would call it Conan if it was upto him. He's never looked so excited as when he found that in the name book!! We really liked Henry Frederick (after boyfs dad, and my step dad), but i was talking to a primary school teacher who said that in the last few years she has really noticed old fashioned names coming back in, and that she had 3 Henrys in her class, one freddie and one frederick
. So think thats ruled out, im Helen and there were 3 others in my class at school and i hated it!!
If its a girl though we'll be fine!! Did u think ur LO was a boy before ur scan? I remember ur 12 wk one suggested girl, but did u have a feeling either way? At first i was sure it was a boy,now im not sure. Scan in less than 2 weeks now!!!! Soooo excited!!
Since iv been sitting down, im feeling pork chop a bit!! I find if i lean forwards a little they move, maybe its because they are getting a bit squashed? Sounds like the Changmeister is a busy little boy in there!!
It really freaks me out sometimes thinking there is actually another person inside me- with a heart and bones and a brain! I cant quite get my head round it that we literally 'grow' a person!!
Can u have more time off if u need it? U def need to be careful with ur bp- iv got it in my head u work in a hospital for some reason? Am i right? If u do, does that mean u can monitor it while ur at work, and if it gets too high u could go home maybe?? I dropped a glass on my foot while i was washing up! There was soooo much blood i thought id cut an artery. Literally pools of it on the floor, iv never seen so much. Luckily my boyf was here, and he's in the police so he was amazing,if id been by myself i dont know what id of done. Turns out id severed a tendon. No break or fracture though, which was good, but they had to operate to repair, and so the tendon cant move while its healing,iv got a cast upto my ankle and im on crutches!! I honestly cant get over how much hassle its been for a cut foot!!
How's The Changmeister today?!!