BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

I bake snacks :) Savoury muffins go down very well here. They freeze really well too. I also sometimes bake bread but have only had success with white loaves thus far.

I think you definitely have to trust LO about quantities. Ruby will eat tonnes sometimes, such as 2 fish fingers, a big handful of butternut squash wedges, peas, then 2 small pears! But other dinner times she'll only eat 3 or 4 bites of food. So I'm sure it all balances out. Often, I've actually no idea how much she's eaten as we don't usually give her her own serving - just a steady stream of bits from our plates. I prefer it this way tbh.
We had FIL and Step-MIL round for dinner today...arrrrrggggghhhhh! :hissy:

I'm not sure i can even go into it all as i have only just calmed down and they left about 6 hours ago! :haha:

Basically it was what i should probably have expected, but i (stupidly) was so excited about how well Toby was doing with BLW i assumed everyone else would be too...but no, it was all
"I don't think he likes that" (he was chewing some broccoli and pulling a funny face- but that's just the face he pulls, he loves broccoli, i know he loves broccoli because he chooses to eat it, even over other things on his tray!)
"He's not eating it he's playing with it" :dohh:
"He's dropped it" (It was at this point i realised we wouldn't be having the nice stress free meal i had envisaged)
"He's choking" (He was gagging, he did gag quite a bit today but that's because he's getting much better at actually getting things in his mouth and got a bit ambitious with some chicken)
"I don't agree with this- the child is struggling" (FIL, when Toby was gagging on a piece of chicken, and managing very well to push it to the front of his mouth i thought, but apparently they didn't :growlmad:)
"I don't see what's wrong with feeding them from a spoon" (I had never suggested there WAS anything wrong with it)
"It never did you any harm" (FIL to OH...I didn't point out how much of a fussy eater OH was and still is to a certain extent, especially when it comes to textures)
"I don't see the point of this 'giving them chunks of food' nonsense" (We have already told them about BLW and the possible benefits so didn't even bother answering this one)
"He's going to learn to eat with his hands and won't be able to use cutlery" (Step MIL, who then went on to say Toby would be "like that chef on the telly, scooping things up with his hands with his dirty finger nails"...Apparently she was talking about Jamie Oliver?! :shrug:)
Also "If you'd blended all that up he'd have eaten it all by now" (Felt like saying "So?! What's your point?!" :growlmad:

Oh god, it just went on and on :cry:

I was so looking forward to us all just sitting down with our Sunday dinner (roast chicken, potatoes, broccoli and carrots) and Toby being able to have everything we were having, and everyone seeing how well he does. I'd even got us a strawberry cheesecake for pudding and was planning to offer Toby some fresh strawberries i had bought for if he wanted something while we had dessert but it just wasn't like that at all. They didn't even stay for dessert.

Basically Toby had a bit of broccoli, and a bit of chicken and then everyone was finished, and FIL was making a big song and dance about how he was "struggling" and Step MIL was making snide remarks about his bumbo and how he would be able to pull the tray off and get himself out and all this utter cr*p and making the atmosphere really uncomfortable :growlmad:

So even though Toby wasn't finished (he didn't have anything in his hand at the time, but i knew he would pick up more if i put some in front of him, he was just talking some time out to have a look round at everyone) I ended up plating up the rest of the food i had put aside for him and putting it in the fridge and getting him cleaned up, at which point FIL and Step MIL left (basically straight after the meal) and then i let Toby have a nice peaceful, unhurried meal with me at tea time, when he got to have a go at his chicken leg etc without all the drama.

OH said it was pretty much inevitable we'd "get it at some point" from our families re: BLW, and that to him it was "like water off a duck's back" and i shouldn't let it stress me out...but even though i tried not to be bothered about it, it really did spoil my day a bit :(

(Incidentally, at tea time when it was just me and Toby as OH went out to work, he couldn't get ENOUGH food, he had a good go at his chicken leg and definitely swallowed some small pieces of chicken, he also had some rice cakes with cream cheese and some yoghurt and then was still looking around for more so ended up having a rusk as well! (Was running out of things to offer at this point! I hadn't been expecting him to want "tea" as i'd thought he'd be having a nice relaxing "dinner")
Grrrrr! How annoying!!
I'd be sticking my fingers in my ears and going 'la la la la'. And chaining them to a chair and forcing them to read the BLW book.
Sure they will take it all back in a few weeks /months. Most objecting relatives I've heard about on this thread have eventually eaten their words :)
Rebaby - it sounds like you've had all the classic objections from them. That must have been so hard. It sounds like you did the best you could by clearing up early though. None of you needs that sort of negativity around mealtimes. I agree though, it won't be long before they're eating their words!
My son is 7 months old and is becoming increasingly uninterested in solid foods. I've been feeding him jarred baby food since he was 4 months old, about 2 or 3 ounces twice a day in addition to 6 breastfeedings per day. At first he was a great eater but now he is rejecting the food and will only eat with distractions like toys, and then he will only eat a few tablespoons per meal. He doesn't even open his mouth for the spoon, I have to drag it along his chin to get him to open up for the food. I have tried all different types of baby food. He keeps trying to grab the spoon and bowl. I have tried giving him those melt-in-the-mouth baby puffs and yogurt treats but when he puts it in his mouth he starts gagging and choking and his face turns red and he gets so scared he starts to cry! Is it too late to start BLW at this point, given that he's been on pureed foods for several months now? I am so worried that he's not getting enough calories for energy since he is crawling all over the house and standing and will soon be walking, and I know my breastmilk doesn't have sufficient vitamins. He is pooping and peeing a lot but I am still worried...why is he rejecting his food? He is teething, could that be the reason?
Dogmom - your breastmilk does have enough vitamins - my good friend who is a breastfeeding support worker says that breastmilk alone can sustain a child until two years.

It's never too late to start BLW. If he isn't eating his purees anyway then you've nothing to lose. The gagging is very normal, although hard to watch, it will happen less once he is more practiced at feeding himself.
I didn't know that, I thought they needed solid foods for vitamins after 6 months if you aren't supplementing breastmilk with formula (he hates formula and won't take a bottle anyway). I will go shopping now and buy some organic fruits and veggies and start BLW today...thanks for the advice!
Their iron stores start to decrease at 6m, but they don't suddenly run out. The iron in formula is very hard to absorb anyway, unlike the iron in breastmilk.
rebaby.... it does get better.. my MIL thought BLW was the most insane thing she had ever heard, and gave me a really hard time about it.. now she brags to her workmates about how impressive ruby is at eating her meals!
what people dont seem to realise is that starting BLW at 6 months is just the very beginning of a process... they expect them to start at 6m, and suddenly be eating huge meals etc if its going to when they see them gagging/ playing with food/ making faces, they take that as 'proof' that it doesnt work!
just stick in there... eventually they will have to eat their words when they see Toby enjoying a lovely roast dinner etc!
Rebaby :hugs: - luckily most people have been supportive of me but even they have refered to G as struggling and it makes me feel so guilty. Mainly coz sometimes he does struggle and I am never quite sure when to offer something easier... I don't want always make it easier for him but sometimes I have to - see below.

1 time I offered chicken leg; he licked it, picked it up etc but then HD was crying, shouting & waving it; I offered potato, carrot & leek which he ate then tried the chicken leg again - he picked it up, brought it to his outh cried and threw it away, I then pulled pieces ofmeat off for him & he ate loads; tried whole leg again and he just cried...
Oooh I just discovered this thread!

Rebaby - thats horrible. Sounds just like the way my mum would get on as well so I feel your pain (and anger!)...

I already put up a thread about this, but we started this week. Was a bit disappointed that we weren't able to start the BLW route as I'd wanted, but I just knew LO was ready for food. Gave him porridge yesterday and he loved it. He also refused me spoon feeding him (YAY!!!!), insisting on grabbing the spoon out of my hands and feeding himself. I was so proud :)

Am a bit - right, where do I go with this now? - as he had porridge with melon yesterday and today. I don't want to bore him, but at the same time, can't get to the shops now until tomorrow after hes due another (food) feed. And I just ate the last of my hummus so he can't have that :D
1 time I offered chicken leg; he licked it, picked it up etc but then HD was crying, shouting & waving it; I offered potato, carrot & leek which he ate then tried the chicken leg again - he picked it up, brought it to his outh cried and threw it away, I then pulled pieces ofmeat off for him & he ate loads; tried whole leg again and he just cried...

Ruby wouldn't have a clue what to do with something like a chicken leg. I am 100% sure it would just be flung to the floor. I would just pull off pieces of meat for her, I don't see anything wrong with that.
Ruby has always had a strong preference for bite sized pieces of food.:shrug:
:hugs: Rebaby. That sounds like a nightmare. :(

Maybe they will come around eventually -- when they see what a pro Toby will be. My MIL was very skeptical and anti BLW at first. She just tended to show her disdain through snide comments and looks rather than outright comments. But now, she talks about it to me (and anyone who will listen!!!) about how fabulous it is! She almost uses "My grandson has never had baby food or been spoon fed. :smug: " like it is her bragging rights to all her friends and coworkers.

I hope your OH's family comes around, too!
Ooohh Rebaby you poor thing :hugs: its so blooming hard when people just cant keep it shut! I cannot wait until people start to eat their words with Gabriella too, its so frustrating when everyone else thinks they know best :growlmad:

we have started to offer foods again, we put it on hold for a week as Gabriella has been poorly with a stomach bug :cry: but thankfully she's better now.

Yestersay she tried roast potato, roast carrot - which she liked, broccoli - take it or leave it, and yorkshire pudding - which she absolutely loved :thumbup: could not get enough :D And then she tried strawberries for pudding - her face was absolute picture, i so wish id have had my camera. she actually closed one eye and shuddered - i think they may have been a bit too sweet for her, lol :haha:

For lunch she has just had toasted crumpet with marg - which she absolutely loved - she screamed when the first half was gone, until I gave her the second half. she also tried some seafood sticks (not the best i know, but i was eating them because i love them, so i let her try some) - she didnt particularly like them though, and a blackcurrant little stars yoghurt - she didnt like this either.

It so much fun seeing her enjoying food :happydance: and actually chewing and swallowing it :)

Just a couple of questions from me if you dont mind...

Should I be offering her a cup of water with her meals?
Some days she has 2 meals, other days she has 1 depending on nap times) is this OKay at this stage? (shes 6 months and 1 week old)
When did your baby start to cut down their milk feeds? (Im thinking ahead to going back to work in 2 months)
Was there a connection between eating solids and waking during the night? (she currently wakes once)
When will she start gagging less? :cry: Its so scary :(

I think thats all for now, lol :D

Oh no, lol, also what do you use to spread on pitta bread? wraps etc? I have tried her with banana mashed up (and whole) quite a few times but she just doesnt like it at all. I sometimes give her darylea cheese spread but dont want to give that too much. What else could I use?? :kiss: xx
Glad it's all going well Dom....:)

Should I be offering her a cup of water with her meals? Yes

Some days she has 2 meals, other days she has 1 depending on nap times) is this OKay at this stage? (shes 6 months and 1 week old) Yes again! Ruby didn't have 3 meals a day, every day until 8 months

When did your baby start to cut down their milk feeds? (Im thinking ahead to going back to work in 2 months) 8 months

Was there a connection between eating solids and waking during the night? (she currently wakes once) Yes, she started waking once or twice some nights when she hadn't done previously!! (although I'm sure it's a coincidence, not to do with solids)

When will she start gagging less? :cry: Its so scary :( Ruby still gags I'm afraid. She went through a phase of no gagging, but recently she has started to be lazy about chewing, and stuffing too much into her mouth at once, causing gags a plenty :dohh:

Oh no, lol, also what do you use to spread on pitta bread? wraps etc? I have tried her with banana mashed up (and whole) quite a few times but she just doesnt like it at all. I sometimes give her darylea cheese spread but dont want to give that too much. What else could I use??

100% fruit spread is a good one. Most supermarkets stock the St Dalfour one, (well, Sainsbury's and Waitrose do) which is like jam but without any added sugar.
I sometimes do mashed avocado, cheese on toast, or cheese and tomato on toast.
I'm slowly starting to introduce BLW but stuck when it comes to him getting enough fruit x
Is it ok for me to give him whole raspberries & blackberries???
I'm slowly starting to introduce BLW but stuck when it comes to him getting enough fruit x
Is it ok for me to give him whole raspberries & blackberries???

I tend to cut raspberries, blackberries, blueberries etc in half and she manages them fine. (otherwise they are a bit of a choking hazard size i think)

Have you tried melon cut into pieces, really easy for them to eat as it just melts more or less. Or really ripe plums and peaches? Leave the skin on but cut them up (I usually cut a plum into 6 or 8 pieces). Then they just suck on them and usually spit the skin out!
I'm slowly starting to introduce BLW but stuck when it comes to him getting enough fruit x
Is it ok for me to give him whole raspberries & blackberries???

I tend to cut raspberries, blackberries, blueberries etc in half and she manages them fine. (otherwise they are a bit of a choking hazard size i think)

Have you tried melon cut into pieces, really easy for them to eat as it just melts more or less. Or really ripe plums and peaches? Leave the skin on but cut them up (I usually cut a plum into 6 or 8 pieces). Then they just suck on them and usually spit the skin out!

I thought raspberries etc would squish easily in the mouth but will cut them in half if thats best x Havent tried melon or plums & peaches - man I'm rubbish x will get all of these in tomorrow's shop x
Thank you x
I gave Adam blueberries for the first time last week, and I was worried they'd be a choking hazard so I squished each one between my thumb and forefinger to break the skin. He was enjoying them so I gave him more and more, then I left a couple whole and he still managed them fine, in fact I think he enjoyed squishing them himself. So now I wouldn't cut them unless they were particularly big blueberries. I thnk I'd leave rasps as well but probably cut strawberries. He had a satsuma today, again for the first time, and he was fine without me cutting into the segments. But we're a few months into BLW and he's quite proficient; I wasn't happy about giving him whole berries before now. Like Shiv said, pieces of plum seem to be universally popular (Adam loves them quartered) and slices of ripe pear and peach/nectarine.
I leave raspberries whole - G loves them. I cut small strawberries but actually leave the huge ones whole.

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