BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

My mum is so annoying. She keeps telling me that Liam needs pureed food and he shouldn't be eating proper food yet. Everything she says, I have an answer for, and everything I say, she has an answer for. She says he should have pureed food, I say he copes fine with "fingered" foods, she says she didn't give "us lot" finger foods until we were about a year, I say that's probably why we've all got such crap hand-eye co-ordination then, so she goes into how she's never even heard of BLW, I tell her nor did I until I saw about it on these forums, she says I shouldn't trust the internet, so I tell her there's books written my professionals, so she asked me what my HV thought, and I told her my HV was impressed and has been with almost every decision I have made so far.
Then her dinner turned up so I had to get off the phone.
I can't wait until I see her next so she can see Liam eating and hopefully he will change her mind.
I just wish my Mum would accept that he is my baby and I will decide hwo to raise him.
I've done A LOT of research into all of the decisions I have to make about Liam's life and decide what I think is best for us as a family.
Anybody got anything about BLW I can tell her to hopefully shut her up?
Sorry for my rant, I just had to let it all out!
My mum is so annoying. She keeps telling me that Liam needs pureed food and he shouldn't be eating proper food yet. Everything she says, I have an answer for, and everything I say, she has an answer for. She says he should have pureed food, I say he copes fine with "fingered" foods, she says she didn't give "us lot" finger foods until we were about a year, I say that's probably why we've all got such crap hand-eye co-ordination then, so she goes into how she's never even heard of BLW, I tell her nor did I until I saw about it on these forums, she says I shouldn't trust the internet, so I tell her there's books written my professionals, so she asked me what my HV thought, and I told her my HV was impressed and has been with almost every decision I have made so far.
Then her dinner turned up so I had to get off the phone.
I can't wait until I see her next so she can see Liam eating and hopefully he will change her mind.
I just wish my Mum would accept that he is my baby and I will decide hwo to raise him.
I've done A LOT of research into all of the decisions I have to make about Liam's life and decide what I think is best for us as a family.
Anybody got anything about BLW I can tell her to hopefully shut her up?
Sorry for my rant, I just had to let it all out!

"Non - believers" tend to only change their mind when they see how well a LO eats, which can take a little bit of time. but they all come round in the end!
My mum is so annoying. She keeps telling me that Liam needs pureed food and he shouldn't be eating proper food yet. Everything she says, I have an answer for, and everything I say, she has an answer for. She says he should have pureed food, I say he copes fine with "fingered" foods, she says she didn't give "us lot" finger foods until we were about a year, I say that's probably why we've all got such crap hand-eye co-ordination then, so she goes into how she's never even heard of BLW, I tell her nor did I until I saw about it on these forums, she says I shouldn't trust the internet, so I tell her there's books written my professionals, so she asked me what my HV thought, and I told her my HV was impressed and has been with almost every decision I have made so far.
Then her dinner turned up so I had to get off the phone.
I can't wait until I see her next so she can see Liam eating and hopefully he will change her mind.
I just wish my Mum would accept that he is my baby and I will decide hwo to raise him.
I've done A LOT of research into all of the decisions I have to make about Liam's life and decide what I think is best for us as a family.
Anybody got anything about BLW I can tell her to hopefully shut her up?
Sorry for my rant, I just had to let it all out!

"Non - believers" tend to only change their mind when they see how well a LO eats, which can take a little bit of time. but they all come round in the end!

I really hope she does change her mind, along with a few other people I know who disagree with MY choice on how to wean MY baby.
I think she thinks I'm clueless because I'm young (18) and because she's never trusted me with babies before. When I was 15/16ish and my cousin was born she was all paranoid when I held him and wouldn't even let me stand up.
When I was 17 I used to baby sit my little sister (my step-mum and Dad's daughter) overnight and she was only 3 months the first time.
Personally, I think I'm very good with babies, but obviously my Mum thinks different. When I'm at hers and Liam cries she tries to take him off of me...I hope she does this to give me a break, not because she thinks I can't settle my own son...???
Sorry my rants gone completely off track of BLW, I hope you all don't mind.
I usually don't mention BLW to "older" (or more traditional) people. My mum knows better than to make comments (she knows I won't be influenced) but she probably disapprove of many things I do like cosleeping or BLW for instance. My MIL, on the other hand, can't help commenting on what she thinks we're doing wrong. I don't think it has to do with age, to be honest, as my OH and I are both older than 30. She still thinks we're not able to take proper care of Liam!

I think some people who already have kids think they did the only right thing and you're wrong because you do differently. Just ignore them. :)
Hi Lovely Ladies!!! :hugs:

Just a question - when you give cereal (shreddies or weetabix), do you use cows milk? Or do you just offer it dry? Or maybe you just soften it enough so it isn't hard but they can still pick it up? I am trying to offer more finger foods, since Bun no longer wants to use a spoon! So I baked his oatmeal into bars lol! :thumbup:
Hi Lovely Ladies!!! :hugs:

Just a question - when you give cereal (shreddies or weetabix), do you use cows milk? Or do you just offer it dry? Or maybe you just soften it enough so it isn't hard but they can still pick it up? I am trying to offer more finger foods, since Bun no longer wants to use a spoon! So I baked his oatmeal into bars lol! :thumbup:

i used water at first because I wasn't sure if he'd eat it or not & didnt want to 'waste' my ebm... lol. But now I use ebm on cereals... I have on occasion used a splash of warmed cow's milk but he didnt seem to like it as much. :shrug:
Hi Lovely Ladies!!! :hugs:

Just a question - when you give cereal (shreddies or weetabix), do you use cows milk? Or do you just offer it dry? Or maybe you just soften it enough so it isn't hard but they can still pick it up? I am trying to offer more finger foods, since Bun no longer wants to use a spoon! So I baked his oatmeal into bars lol! :thumbup:

I use cow's milk. I find that Thomas likes it quite soft but not so soft that it falls apart in his hands. So I leave them to soak for a bit then take them out of the milk so they don't get too soggy. He only likes weetabix when it's totally mush (from a preloaded spoon) but he prefers the bitesize weetabix which hold their shape better or the bitesize shredded wheat.
Hi ladies :flower:
Can I join in on this thread, please?
My LO is 6 months old tomorrow, and we started giving him solids about 2 weeks ago. Because he had stopped putting on weight and was doing lots of green nappies, he was referred to a paediatrician who told me to give him solids asap to help him gain weight. So although I had my heart set on BLW, I panicked a little bit and bought some baby cereal and purees to try him with. He's only had these 4 or 5 times from a preloaded spoon which he takes from me, puts straight in his mouth and hands back for re-loading! He seems to be gaining weight now, and I'm trying to let him feed himself with finger food most of the time. Two things though:

1) He seems to really enjoy taking mush off the spoon - he seems hungry for it (although he always has a bf first), and just gets really excited about it. I feel a bit mean insisting on just finger foods that he can't get as much of! He actually manages very well with veg/fruit sticks and pieces, but some slippery things (eg plum) he gets very cross with. So sometimes I just hold a piece of plum for him and he sucks and chews them from my fingers. I know we should try not to intervene, but it's awful to watch him struggle with slippery food when he really wants to eat it! He also seems happier when I do this!

2) I explained BLW to his nursery and they keep telling me that they "put carrot sticks/cucumber/potato etc on his tray, but he wasn't interested/ignored it". (I don't think they're giving him long enough). So they resort to the spoon - but have told me that he doesn't grab it from them to feed himself! So if they're telling me the truth, then he's behaving differently at nursery from the way he behaves at home. I don't know whether to INSIST that they only give him the finger food, or whether to just accept the fact that he'll be spoonfed on the 2 days a week that he's there.

Does anyone else have similar experience?
Any advice much appreciated!

Firstly, who decided a banana was a good first food to test baby's readiness to eat?! They get sooo slimy so quickly!

We've been having Ronan sit with us when he's awake for meals for the last month now, giving him a spoon or something to chew on, and as babies are wont to do, he's been making grabs for our food, along with the napkins, salt and pepper shaker (maybe he'll have good table manners!) and anything else in reach. :rolleyes: We've not let him have any of the above before mind you.

Anyway, yesterday morning while having breakfast he grabbed at my banana and broke the top off and almost had it to his mouth before it slipped from his hand. Rather than take it back like I normally would, I figured I'd leave him to see how far he got with it. He managed to cram it into his mouth and nom some off before dropping it again (did I mention they get slimy really quickly?). I watched him carefully and while he had banana all over him (how do they get so little food spread so fast in so little time?), he definitely had some in his mouth that he was moving around and then seemed to swallow! This morning's dirty diaper definitely confirmed that he had swallowed some...I'm sure that's the only reason for the banana test since there's no mistaking it in their diapers.

I figured I'd give him another bit of banana to try this morning just to see whether it was a fluke one off or not but again he tried to get it to his mouth and managed briefly before it slipped out of his hand, so he just face-planted onto his tray and started chowing on it that way. I took it away from him after that!

I know he's only 5 months now, and to be honest I'm not sure I am ready, even if he seems like he might be. He has good control in handling non-slippery items (video of him chewing on his spoon here:, etc. so I'm not sure what to do now. I am really not in a rush for him to wean, and I think I would like to wait, but if he's ready, and he's showing he's ready, and he's actually manipulating and putting food into his mouth, does that mean I should leave some different, non-slippery food on offer for him, or should I just keep letting him chew on his spoon for a few more weeks yet?

I know it's a personal decision, but I'm torn and would value opinions and experience here!

Also, every Ikea from the east to the west coast of the US, and online, seems to be out of stock with the Antilop highchair and with no indication of when they will be back in stock, so I would love some recommendations for inexpensive, BLW friendly (easy to clean!) highchairs. I'm tempted to get a travel one since I would still like to get an Antilop when/if they come back into stock within the next couple months.

Help! :flower:
Firstly, who decided a banana was a good first food to test baby's readiness to eat?! They get sooo slimy so quickly!

We've been having Ronan sit with us when he's awake for meals for the last month now, giving him a spoon or something to chew on, and as babies are wont to do, he's been making grabs for our food, along with the napkins, salt and pepper shaker (maybe he'll have good table manners!) and anything else in reach. :rolleyes: We've not let him have any of the above before mind you.

Anyway, yesterday morning while having breakfast he grabbed at my banana and broke the top off and almost had it to his mouth before it slipped from his hand. Rather than take it back like I normally would, I figured I'd leave him to see how far he got with it. He managed to cram it into his mouth and nom some off before dropping it again (did I mention they get slimy really quickly?). I watched him carefully and while he had banana all over him (how do they get so little food spread so fast in so little time?), he definitely had some in his mouth that he was moving around and then seemed to swallow! This morning's dirty diaper definitely confirmed that he had swallowed some...I'm sure that's the only reason for the banana test since there's no mistaking it in their diapers.

I figured I'd give him another bit of banana to try this morning just to see whether it was a fluke one off or not but again he tried to get it to his mouth and managed briefly before it slipped out of his hand, so he just face-planted onto his tray and started chowing on it that way. I took it away from him after that!

I know he's only 5 months now, and to be honest I'm not sure I am ready, even if he seems like he might be. He has good control in handling non-slippery items (video of him chewing on his spoon here:, etc. so I'm not sure what to do now. I am really not in a rush for him to wean, and I think I would like to wait, but if he's ready, and he's showing he's ready, and he's actually manipulating and putting food into his mouth, does that mean I should leave some different, non-slippery food on offer for him, or should I just keep letting him chew on his spoon for a few more weeks yet?

I know it's a personal decision, but I'm torn and would value opinions and experience here!

Also, every Ikea from the east to the west coast of the US, and online, seems to be out of stock with the Antilop highchair and with no indication of when they will be back in stock, so I would love some recommendations for inexpensive, BLW friendly (easy to clean!) highchairs. I'm tempted to get a travel one since I would still like to get an Antilop when/if they come back into stock within the next couple months.

Help! :flower:

Hi hun, it does sound like he is ready but it is really up to you if you want to start or if you want to leave it another couple of weeks. Thomas was definitely ready at about five and a half months but I decided to leave him on just milk until six months anyway because that was just my preference to do that. It got harder and harder to hold off as he got closer to six months and we ended up starting two days before he turned six months as I couldn't wait any longer. I was glad I waited though - and he took to eating really quickly I think because he was so clearly ready for food. Alternatively if you want to start now, fire ahead, it sounds like he will manage just fine.

Can't help on the highchair as we have the IKEA one that you mention is out of stock.
Thanks, I think I may just play it by ear and maybe every sunday morning (he was born on a sunday) for breakfast offer him something to gauge whether he seems more ready or not, unless he becomes more insistent about it himself.

I know I'm sure not ready to deal with non-bf stinky diapers! :rofl:
I think part of the reason they choose banana us coz it's difficult to handle - g hated it at first got it in his mouth screamed pulled it out and cried! He'd already helped himself to toast so I tried peeled avocado which he tried quite happily.

It's only the last few weeks he's actually swallowed banana & he'll only eat it if he's rewllly starving hungry!
We are sitting down to 2 meals/ day every day - though Bun still barely swallows anything. His milk feeds have also gone up. But I can understand that since it has been so hot and he still will not drink water under any circumstances. I have tried many different cups and tried watered down juice, but nothing! So he is now over 8 months and still doesn't drink anything but boob! :wacko: My guy really likes to take things slow :haha: Something I haven't tried is buying some bottles and offering him water from a bottle - I haven't done this so far because he has never drank from a bottle before... but I am considering trying it out. Come on Bun - water is delicious!

Also how long before they actually swallow food? Bun chews then spits out most everything that goes in. :dohh:
Except for toast toppings!! These he scrapes off and downs no problem! Especially hummus!
G first drank Water from my bottle (a bottle of evian with a sports cap)
Sun, Ruby was in the chewing then spitting out phase for aaaages! Maybe about 3-4 weeks.
I would love some recommendations for inexpensive, BLW friendly (easy to clean!) highchairs. I'm tempted to get a travel one since I would still like to get an Antilop when/if they come back into stock within the next couple months.

Help! :flower:


We were going to go for the Antilop but saw this one instead
and just liked the look of it a bit better - I know the thing with BLW is practicality rather than looks, but this one is also very easy to clean and I really like the tray as it's wide and extends around the sides beneath LO's elbows, so seems to stop him sweeping too much over the side! We bought an inflatable backrest thing to go with it as well - it sits behind LO and round his sides, so supports him a little better in the chair while he's still quite small. It is more expensive than the Antilop, but worth it IMO.
Thanks, I did see those online but wasn't sure of the tray being big enough. It's good to know that it is!
Yeah, it's actually bigger than the Antilop tray. Only thing is that it's rounded, so it might seem that LO is not sitting quite as close to the main table as with a square tray. We got a red one by accident - didn't read the box properly and assumed they were all black! But it looks cool

EDIT: Also it doesn't come apart like the Antilop, so would be awkward to take anywhere
We're finally having a real breakthrough!! JJ has learned chewing and swallowing rather stan spitting out and his appetite has increased loads. Last night I made a tin of Ravioli between us (we're in the middle of moving house so had to be something quick) he's had it before and loves it - he ate a few of the raviolis himself from his fork but he really shocked me when it came to the tomato sauce. There was quite a bit - nearly a quarter of the tin so I tried with a spoon (he's not been keen on being fed with a spoon up to now hence the BLW but has accepted it a few times) OMG he LOVED the sauce he was leaning forward towards it with his mouth open wanting more. He polished the whole lot off lol and had I opened another tin might have eaten that too lol. He even lifted the bowl to his mouth to drink it in:blush:learned this from mummy I do this with cereal lol

And the best thing is - he then slept through for the first time EVER from about 11 to just before 6:happydance::happydance:

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