BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

What sort of food are you offering him? Is it stuff that is easy to grasp but that is also easy to get bits off if he does get it to his mouth?
chele - Bun didn't eat until 7.5 months - and lots of other babies on here were later too. Just because they say 6 months is when you should start solids, it doesn't mean your LO is ready to eat them! I first noticed evidence in Buns diaper at 7.5 months, then over the next few weeks he started eating so so much better! He was just not really into eating - like your LO, he would put everything in his mouth EXCEPT food. Food he would just drop on the tray and leave alone.

BLW has been so amazing for us!!! I was worried too when Bun was eating nothing at 7 months, but he didn't want purees either - so I just kept on with the BLW and am so glad I did. I love going for sushi and giving Bun avocado rolls of his own, or at thanksgiving dinner last night he had a plate of turkey, gravy, roast veg and apple pie!!! Other babies his age are still getting "lumpy" purees - what a pain!

Bun's first real food that he experimented with was toast (various toppings) - he would suck the toppings off but leave the toast. So I started putting the toppings on really thick lol.. He would eat some roasted sweet potato or regular potato as well, but he really liked wrestling with the toast. Just keep offering and experimenting and your LO will learn that food fixes that hungry feeling!!! And once he realizes that, there will be no stopping him. I would just offer him a variety (especially what you are eating) and eat with him. don't worry about how much he is actually swallowing at this point! Food is just for fun right now - he is getting everything he needs from milk! xx
we are stuck in a lunch rut where all Sophia has is bread or bread type products (wraps etc) i mean she has some fruit or cucumber with it but I can never think of anything else that is quick, easy and portable to have for lunch other than sandwiches - any ideas?
does Sophia like pastry? you could make up some little tartlets or quiches or pinwheels (I do cheese & Marmite ones, yum) - they freeze well and are fine cold (and they hold together fairly well if you're out and about). I also do drop scones (though I haven't in a while) and while they are wheat-flour-based, they needn't be, I found a recipe that used spelt flour and want to make it when I find some. They are nice with nut butter. I make mine with 1/2 the amount of sugar in the recipe and they are fine (it's only 15g in a batch that makes about 16-20). I don't even warm them up, just take them out of the freezer and let them thaw, and if we're going out I put the spread on with them still frozen so they have defrosted by the time we want them but they are still cold.

I'm persisting with pasta at the moment, if it's done with a non-messy sauce it can be fairly portable for out and about. and if you do it in advance it's quick when you want it.

We are also in a lunch rut (actually a food rut lol) - This weekend I promised myself I would change things up for lunches! I couldn't change Bun's favourite breakfast ever - oatmeal! But I am also going to be experimenting with food that is easy to hold and eat, not too messy, and portable. These are some things I am considering making:

Sushi Rolls (I found out Bun loves sushi rolls, so I am going to experiment with nori rolls of my own with fillings like avocado, cucumber, and sweet potato)
Courgette or other vegetable pancakes (I used to make these and he loved them - they are very portable too!)
Thin crepes wrapped around fillings (like cream cheese and fruit spread) then cut into pinwheels
Sticky rice balls with savoury filling
Steamed stuffed wontons (he loves these!)

Most of these I make and freeze. I just thaw what I need that morning and Bun eats it cold or room temp. He doesn't really like sandwiches so I need to get creative! The nori rolls are actually very easy once you get used to it - you just can't make them too far in advance or they mush. xx
Thanks MJ and Sun, I really like the idea of pastry (I bought some puff pastry and stuck iti inthe freezer and completely forgot about it :dohh:)

So how do I make cheese and marmite pinwheels - these are bound to be a hit with Sophia (and with me too!)
Sun you sound like you make some amazing stuff, i woldn't know where to start making wontons an the like - Sun is very lucky!
Thanks MJ and Sun, I really like the idea of pastry (I bought some puff pastry and stuck iti inthe freezer and completely forgot about it :dohh:)

So how do I make cheese and marmite pinwheels - these are bound to be a hit with Sophia (and with me too!)
Sun you sound like you make some amazing stuff, i woldn't know where to start making wontons an the like - Sun is very lucky!

Yes those pin wheels sound interesting can we have the recipe please:thumbup:
I feel like a failure :cry:

I've bought 3 jars of food. Max just still isn't interested. He puts things in his mouth all the time but when it comes to food he's just not bothered. He eats about a quarter of a rice cake at breakfast and pretty much just sucks things we give him once before dropping them. No changes in his nappy because he's just not eating

Please convince me to continue BLW :cry:

I did that, i went and bought some plum pouches and even offered him one and he took it, so i felt really guilty thinking i was starving him. My husband said just keep persevering with BLW and i did thankfully. He turned a corner this week, he eats every meal time now and he has dropped a bottle, keep going you wont regret it honest:happydance:.

I went out with a friend today who TW at the start but really got her LO to eat with her hands with finger food really quickly she now eats blueberries, raisins etc (she is 11 months). I thought she was very advanced, until my friend said no way could she demolish a cucumber stick as quickly as my LO can:haha: stick with it, it's a great journey:thumbup:
I make my cheese & Marmite pinwheels with scraps of shortcrust pastry from making quiche - I make the pastry from scratch without salt, so it's just unsalted butter, lard, plain flour and water. I'm sure they'd be fine with puff pastry as well. :)

All I do is roll the pastry into a rectangle, spread it very thinly with Marmite (I've read that you should water it down so it paints on but I never have), sprinkle with grated cheese (I usually have mature cheddar, never measured an amount, I don't use too much), then roll up like a sausage and cut it into round slices about 2cm thick. Flatten them slightly then bake at 200C till they're nice and golden (10-15 mins). I've never brushed with milk or egg before baking but it would make them look nicer, mine tend to look a bit dull (but they're still yummy)
This is the recipe as written (from Cooking for Baby).. the substitutes I make are in brackets, since Bun doesn't eat dairy due to intolerance and he doesn't eat honey yet.

Buckwheat Crepes

2/3 cup buckwheat flour (I have subbed other flours like spelt or barley, but I like the buckwheat)
1/3 cup whole wheat pastry flour (I use white spelt, but they would probably be more crepe-like with the pastry flour)
2 eggs
1-1/4 cup whole milk (I use oat or brown rice milk)
1 tbsp honey (I use agave or brown rice syrup)
1/4 tsp salt

Combine all ingredients in a bowl - batter will be runny. I usually let the batter sit for a few minutes if it has whole grain flour in it, since it takes longer for the flour to absorb the liquid. Heat crepe pan or frying pan over medium heat. Heat oil or butter in pan (or nothing if you are using nonstick) and pour batter in a thin layer to whatever size you want crepes. Cook until top is set and bottom is lightly browned (about 1.5min). Loosen edges with thin spatula and flip, cooking until 2nd side is lightly browned (about 30sec). Stack crepes between wax paper to prevent sticking.

I will cut crepes into a square (though you don't need to do this) and spread with fillings, then roll them up. It will stick in the roll position, and I just cut the roll crosswise like a sushi roll. Most fillings I use will stick the crepe together unless I make the crepe too thick. I also take the leftover strips from cut or broken crepes and save them for dipping in fruit sauce (or yoghurt would be good).

The cookbook has more suggestions for the crepes (haven't tried these though):

After flipping (while the crepe is still in the pan) sprinkle with grated cheese and let melt. Cut into bite-sized pieces
Spread crepe with ricotta cheese and veggies, fold into triangles, and cut into wedges.


I posted a recipe a while back that called for corn flour! I found out recently that in the UK corn flour is cornstarch (whereas here it is cornmeal milled into flour) - so if anyone tried that recipe and it didn't work, that could be why!! I'm not sure how it would turn out with cornstarch. Apologies if I ruined anyones recipe - eek!! xx
oh good diea about the pastry! I'm in a rut too - my lo seems to only want to eat dried fruit at the moment! Which is kinda great for the fruit but not since she isnt getting anything else!!
MIght try some pastry today\!!
im going to make some piklets ( like mini savory pancakes ) for the boys today yum yum im gonna have to use unsalted butter though which will make them taste werid to me and gonna put on some tomato purree/paste that ive made caus we had to many tomatos lol, gonna do a roast tonight so EJ will tuck in without the gravy with us
Thanks everyone. I am persevering but now we have the dreaded gagging. He gagged yesterday and was a little bit sick but he's just gagged now and vomitted so much gunk up. He'll learn I know but his eyes water so much and he goes so red in the face, it's just so scary

I gave him a chicken slice this dinner and he just kept feeling it (it was cold from the fridge) and looked at me like "you expect me to put this in my mouth don't you". It was so funny, normally he puts stuff in straight away (albeit then dropping it like he's not bothered) but he just kept playing with it. I moved his hands to his mouth and he licked it. He didn't look like he hated it but also didn't carry on wanting to eat it himself.

He loves the Plum carrot savoury biscuits (but choked on it)

And one thing he def hates, which really surprised me, is scotch pancakes. The first time I put butter on and he went "bleugh" (so funny to hear him make that sound) and yesterday I put jam on, but he knew I was trying to con him and wouldn't touch it, so clever!
I'm having trouble introducing meat.
I just can't get over the fact that he might choke on it.
I'm having trouble introducing meat.
I just can't get over the fact that he might choke on it.

try mince, it was the first meat sophia had, so minced beef or lamb or turkey made into meatballs or burgers. The meat then breaks apart really easily and is less scary (I found anyway!)
Maybe I'll give that a try.
Devin's still shoveling handfuls into his mouth. I just don't want him to swallow a handful of meat and choke on it.
Maybe I'll give that a try.
Devin's still shoveling handfuls into his mouth. I just don't want him to swallow a handful of meat and choke on it.

I also either offer mince or shredded chicken/turkey. xx

I am thinking of starting BLW with Phoebe. She is 23 weeks - is this to early? She is showing signs of being ready. She pulled OH's banana closer and put it in her mouth today and she has started feeding every 1 and a half to 2hrs (BF).
If its not to early what are the best foods to start her on? I have tried talking to HVs about this but they all seem to have diffrent views and it has become confussing!

Thanks :flower:
Hi CasG - 23 weeks is around 5.5 months and some LOs on here started BLW that early. It is hard to tell if your LO is ready based on her putting things in her mouth as babies put everything in their mouths and especially want whatever you are eating!! You'll find that some babies on here have been BLW since 5 months and others much later (Bun started showing interest in food/eating at around 7.5 months). I would make sure that your LO can sit unaided (or with very minimal support) before starting then offer something simple like steamed or roasted veg. Alot of the time when babies are first starting out they will put food in their mouth but not swallow anything on purpose. Don't worry about that - they will chew and swallow when they're ready to start eating. Until then they will just explore the taste and texture - all good!

As for first foods, lots of ladies on here have had good success with soft fruit (like melon), steamed or roasted veg (like sweet potato, carrot, or broccoli) and pre-loaded spoons of yoghurt. For us, toast was the first thing to really get his attention. He would suck the toppings off and play with the toast. Toast is better than bread at first, since bread gets gummy and hard to chew/swallow.

Good luck!! BLW is really great xx

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