BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

We get the same thing regarding wanting what's on my plate and my drink regardless of the fact it's the same! Not really getting there with cutlery at the moment he'd still rather use his hands at the moment xx
Sophia is not a big cutlery user, but when she does she uses toddler ones that have plastic handles but metal promgs/spoon. This seems to be a good compromise as they are small enough but still metal which is much easier to prong things with (have you tried using a plastic fork to prong things with - it's a nightmare!)
Ruby's only just started to use cutlery very well, we also use the metal ones with a plastic handle.
Well, sitting in her high chair playing with a spoon was no longer cutting it so I gave her some broccoli and courgette when we were having tea and she found it very interesting! She made faces at the broccoli but kept going back for more and had a really good suck on the courgette.

I guess we've started weaning! Managed to get a photo and a bit of a vid but she was starting to get a bit fed up by then but I did get a shot of the courgette getting to the mouth!

I never thought I'd be so excited about her gumming a bit of veg - especially when to her it's just another thing to put in her mouth!
Ok I found a chunk of carrot in her nappy (I didn't even know she'd swallowed some!) - is this ok? Or should she be digesting it properly?
Ok I found a chunk of carrot in her nappy (I didn't even know she'd swallowed some!) - is this ok? Or should she be digesting it properly?

It's good!!! At first the food looks as if someone put it in the nappy lol... As she eats more she will start getting adult-like poo (complete with smell!!) :sick:

Thanks! I don't think I'm looking forward to normal poo - although hopefully there's less chance of explosions!
Jacob HAS to have cutlery at every meal too, he will sit and whinge until he gets it, we also use the little metal kids sets with plastic handles, he also wont take pre loadsd spoons anymore he has to dip the spoon in himself, seems like we've gone back to messy eating again as he seems to love to stab his food/tray/plate with his cutlery lol
Well it's official - Bun's eating can no longer be predicted! I could always guarantee he would eat a full bowl of porridge at breakfast, and would always eat things like pasta or lasagna. But now he is getting so picky! He will usually eat toast (back to toast again - his favourite 4 months ago) if it has almond butter or hummus on it and will pick at other things, but the only thing I can guarantee he will eat each and every time is cheerios. He really likes to try new things and will eat a good amount as long as I offer him something new every few bites - but it is hard to have such a variety to offer at every meal. For lunch I offered scrambled egg, vegan loaf, toast with almond butter and jam, rice cake with hummus, pear slices and banana and he ate a little of everything. I am glad he is eating, but on days where I only have a sandwich to offer he will eat a few bites and get bored - so he hardly eats!

Anyone else's LO similar? Also I used to toss all the uneaten food in the garbage, but now I will save it for the next meal in case he wants it then (I throw it all out at the end of the day though) sometimes he will eat it later or gets too distracted to want to sit in his chair so it doesn't make sense to throw so much in the compost. arg!
We've gone back to soooo messy! I can't help but laugh though as he looks so pleased with himself after sticking his fist into a tub of yoghurt or picking a grape off a stalk with his teeth :dohh:

(well actually, LO is quite sick at the minute, but this is before he was sick)

Hes also become incredibly picky too. I've reached a stage where I just cook things that I know he'll eat as I don't have the time to experiment like I used to, for him just to toss it all over the side :/ Weekends are good for something new but working week dinners have become so boring. Eugh its so annoying :haha:
G has picky days - we usually have 1 day a week where all he wants is fruit, fruit & more fruit!

I also offer things several time. Tonight he just played withhus stew so I put him diwn and cleared away for an hour before offering it again.
I haven't put anything on for a while but I think any calories Tom is currently getting from food are completely accidental as he's hardly eating anything. I think its down to teething but I'm begnining to despair at the tiny amount he eats each day amd he's not really making it up with milk as he'll only take 3 bottles a day now at the most.

Today he picked at his cornflakes and cherrios and ate a couple of blueberries for breakfast. I ate his toast as he refused to touch it. Lunch - the cheese on toast all went over the side together with more blueberries but he did eat his yoghurt. Tea - no risotto passed his lips, no raspberries, virtually no yoghurt either. He did suck a bit of rice cake with cashew nut butter but that was it.

How can you survive on so few calories??
I haven't put anything on for a while but I think any calories Tom is currently getting from food are completely accidental as he's hardly eating anything. I think its down to teething but I'm begnining to despair at the tiny amount he eats each day amd he's not really making it up with milk as he'll only take 3 bottles a day now at the most.

Today he picked at his cornflakes and cherrios and ate a couple of blueberries for breakfast. I ate his toast as he refused to touch it. Lunch - the cheese on toast all went over the side together with more blueberries but he did eat his yoghurt. Tea - no risotto passed his lips, no raspberries, virtually no yoghurt either. He did suck a bit of rice cake with cashew nut butter but that was it.

How can you survive on so few calories??

Sophia is very much a feast or famine kinda girl - she will eat like a pig for a few weeks then will have a fussy week where she doesn't eat a lot (does coincide with teething usually). She will eat if she is hungry, so I try to just not worry too much. I am sure your LO will pick up again in a few days :hugs:
Thanks for that. I was nearly in tears at lunchtime when he just threw everything onto the floor yet again!

I wish I could say he was a great eater at other times but he's not. He's just even worse than normal at the mo!
shiv, & hippo, the feast or famine comment pretty much sums up harry here too. He has days where he eats almost nothing & other days where i feel like i literally cannot offer him enough to fill him up & lord only knows where he puts it! :dohh: But, i usually find it only lasts a couple of days & usually happens when he's teething, is over tired, or about to get a cold or bug.... I found when it's teething related, giving him some teething gel on his gums before the meal helped soothe him enough to eat more than he would normally be willing to eat when he's grizzly.
I hope your LO gets their appetite back soon. :hugs:

Also, we had a bit of a break through with the bread- he seems to prefer brown bread & will eat that ok, but white bread he just squishes & throws on the floor, so I've got to make lots more brown & granary bread now, lol, and find some nice dip recipes for him to dip with, which he thinks is the best way to eat everything. Tonight he had homemade pizza & dipped it into greek yogurt... strange boy! But at least he's eating bready based foods now, so it's ALL GOOD!
Lyrik is 5 months and I want to get started on BLW
I need help I have NO clue how i start!
Any help is greatly needed
Assuming your LO can sit unaided in a highchair then getting started is easy! Just place some fingers of food (cooked veg and ripe fruit work best - brocolli and carrot sticks, ripe pear and melon work well) then just let little one get on with it. If they manage to get stuff to their mouth then great, if not then just let them play. Don't interfere though, at 5 months it is really about play and seeing if LO is ready for weaning yet. If they can get food to their mouthes without any help and swallow it then they are ready!
Well, we've been playing with food for just over a week now and we love it!

We manage to try something around once a day, sometimes twice, although yesterday we didn't manage to give her anything. She's 6 months in a few days so I'm going to start doing more "meals" then.

At the moment, she puts food to her mouth, sucks it a bit, screws her face up and repeats the process! Some of it's been swallowed though we've had a couple of gagging incidents - they can be quite hard to watch at first! - but she's coped fine and there's always a big smile after :)

But now I have a new enemy... food stains! Red pepper :dohh: I need to buy some new bibs, but any tips as to the best way to get out stains?
If you have white bibs then soaking them in milton dsiinfectant (or the tablets) can work wonders!
Just don't do it with other coloured bibs or clothes as they bleach them white - much to my annoyance!

I swear by the plastic-y material (soft) bibs, from any supermarket, although I got mine in ikea. I just wash them with the dishes after and chuck them in the wash every once in a while.

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