BLW - Baby led weaning support thread

yes babys certainly pull some funny faces when first trying out foods...

click for video ^

Barry's doing really well there! My lo has now decided she doesn't like broccoli or carrots, she liked them in the beginning. Did Barry ever go through a stage of putting the food in his mouth moving it around a bit and then pushing it out of his mouth in bits? This seems to be where we're at right now! :dohh:

barry just started with BLW in that video, that was about a week in ater the gagging stopped. he still loves carrots, but seems to prefer them dipped in cream cheese, same with brocoli, you might wanna try it, cream cheese goes on everything, pasta, toast, rice cakes and veggies!

and yes he did that stage, munching everything into bits then pushing it all out his mouth. now hes started pushing half out and swallowing the other half.

I imagine my sneaky little girl will just lick off all the yummy cream cheese and toss the carrot aside :haha: x
Has anyone got any good recipes for good dips?

I have shop bought hummus but intend to make my own this week since I finally have time (yay!). LO is obsessed with dipping atm. He dips everything!! He even spilt water on his tray this evening and dipped his sweet potato chips in them :haha:

I would love to try salsa, guacamole, but I have no idea where to start!
This link was posted in the Cooking and Baking section. It's a meal planner but has recipes for dips and sandwich fillers which could be good for BLW.

It's cooking on a budget but the recipes are good starting points and you can always add/take away things. I'm struggling to think of things we can eat for lunch at the moment!

May have to make some sweet potato wedges though - sounds good!
Sweet potato wedges are sooo good! Most roasted veggies are a winner - carrot, butternut squash, parsnip, potato. My LO loves them and it's such an easy chuck-in-oven-and-leave dinner :)

I'll look at that link now thanks :)
We're back on mush.

Hehe not really ;)

But after watching LO scoop up a huuuge amount of hummus with his spoon and fork and looking so pleased with himself, I started to make more mushy type meals. Tonight it was cottage pie and C loved it! He used his little fork to scoop up nearly every drop and there was hardly any spillage until the end!

At one point he got a big cheesy bit of mash and I have never seen him look so happy :)

just thought I'd share as I'm sooo enjoying this 'new' stage of BLW!
Hi ladies,

We're just starting on our weaning adventure, and I wanted some advice on what to give tiny for her breakfast.

She is only just coming up to 5 months but has stolen food from my plate several times so we've been popping her in her highchair to join us at mealtimes and giving her little bits of our dinner which she tries... she's not eating much but that's to be expected.

I'm ok with lunch and dinner options but not sure what to give her for breakfast. She tried baby porridge and hated it (we did it plain) should we add something to it and try it again? We've been allowing her to hold/gum some toast (wheat free bread) and some banana/clementine and she ate a tiny bit of well cooked scrambled egg today. I have normal porridge or cereal most mornings so want to make sure she is getting the same or similar.

So breakfast ideas?

Also probably really dumb but are there any foods (at 5months) we really should avoid. I've read Wheat/Gluten is best avoided (her dad has an allergy), i'm guessing nuts and shellfish but anything else i've missed?

Any help so we can start our journey perfectly would be amazing!
i found that mixing things with the oatmeal/porriage helped.

like avacado, or mashed banana or mashed pineapple (thats a fav of my LO)

also dont make it too runny, my LO prefered it thicker and doesnt like anything runny atm.
Bunny - I am new and having similar confidence wobbles, because of pressure from other people etc but tbh when you think about most purees being fruit / veg, theres not really much calorie content is there, its our 'diet food' so even if you were full time feeding purees they wouldn't be getting much!

My hubby saved me luckily with a relative who kept banging on about they "must" have pureed food first.............he told her cavemen went from milk to dinosaurs and he didn't think they had blenders :winkwink::winkwink::winkwink:

Hello to everyone - hope you don't mind me tagging along, my LO Dylan is 27 weeks and though he was stealing food around 5/5.5 months we have ended up stopping and starting again slowly as he had a bout of bronchiolitis just after we started and its still lurking :cry:

I am struggling with the gagging though..........only when we're with other people who don't 'get it' though, I feel they're humouring me lol. But he is doing really well - sweet pototo wedges / butternut squash wedges and anything bread-like are quite well received at the moment!

Off to hunt down a fruit puree recipe to stick on toast :haha:
Bunny - I am new and having similar confidence wobbles, because of pressure from other people etc but tbh when you think about most purees being fruit / veg, theres not really much calorie content is there, its our 'diet food' so even if you were full time feeding purees they wouldn't be getting much!

My hubby saved me luckily with a relative who kept banging on about they "must" have pureed food first.............he told her cavemen went from milk to dinosaurs and he didn't think they had blenders :winkwink::winkwink::winkwink:
Hello to everyone - hope you don't mind me tagging along, my LO Dylan is 27 weeks and though he was stealing food around 5/5.5 months we have ended up stopping and starting again slowly as he had a bout of bronchiolitis just after we started and its still lurking :cry:

I am struggling with the gagging though..........only when we're with other people who don't 'get it' though, I feel they're humouring me lol. But he is doing really well - sweet pototo wedges / butternut squash wedges and anything bread-like are quite well received at the moment!

Off to hunt down a fruit puree recipe to stick on toast :haha:

LOVE IT!!! so so true!!!!

Haven't had any disapproving looks yet, luckily we don't really get anyone visiting so no-one to comment really, must say though when he gags i try and say 'good boy well done'! and rub his back for reassurance.

this is my blog with a video of the boys tonight at dinner, sorry proud mummy moment with EJ's spoon skills

this is my blog with a video of the boys tonight at dinner, sorry proud mummy moment with EJ's spoon skills

And rightfully so! EJ is doing really well with that spoon x
:wave: Just popping in radomly again. :haha:

Looks like we are starting BLW with DK this week. :wacko: I can't believe she is already old enough and ready. I was holding out for 6 months with her (even though Otter started early), but the last 2 nights in a row she has dived for and stolen chunks off my banana then proceeded to shove it in her mouth. :rofl: Last night when she did it, she had a look of pure amazement and bliss on her face as she rolled bits of the banana around in her mouth. So cute!

Anyway, just wanted to comment on a few recent posts.

Breakfast: I found in the early days fruits and cheese (sparingly due to salt content) were easiest for breakfast. Toast with fruit jam was also a good one. I would also smear greek yogurt on toast to add a bit of protien to the meal. :thumbup:

As for comments, they are a tough one. You just have to ignore them and move on. I found that the VAST majority of people that were dubious about BLW were totally sold on it after seeing how well Otter was eating by 7-8 months. In the meantime you just have to let comments roll off your back and don't get sucked into arguing with them. :hugs:
Oh! And things to stear away from before one year:

Honey! (botulism risk)
Whole nuts (choking hazard)
Cut grapes and other things of similar size in half (choking hazard)
Hard candy (choking hazard)
Anything with a history of food allergy in your family.
OMG TL! :wave: I can't believe you're in here again already!!! :shock: And I'm still TTC #2 :rofl:
:rofl: I know! Me, too!

Baby :dust: for you! :flower:

DK had her first dinner with the family tonight. It went really well. Will post pics soon! :thumbup:
She did really well! We had noodles with burger patties and mushroom gravy. I didn't want her to have meat just yet so gave her the noodles with gravy. I also gave her banana rolled in crushed cheerios so she could grab it more easily. I actually think she got some down her! :shock:
Well you'll know tomorrow how much she ate! :rofl: She's doing so well!! Definitely looks like she's into this whole eating business - she'll be a pro in no time. :thumbup:
Also Otter is such a big boy! :shock: Where has the time gone?? xxx
hey guys,

Just wondering if you can help me, Kaiya has come on loads since I started to blw her 2 weeks ago, however..... she hasnt started to swallow anything, which isnt bothering me too much at the mo, as thats the normal isnt it? and she is chewing on the food, but then spits it out. but she wont take any runny food such as yogurts, any tips on how i can get her to like yogurts?
hey guys,

Just wondering if you can help me, Kaiya has come on loads since I started to blw her 2 weeks ago, however..... she hasnt started to swallow anything, which isnt bothering me too much at the mo, as thats the normal isnt it? and she is chewing on the food, but then spits it out. but she wont take any runny food such as yogurts, any tips on how i can get her to like yogurts?

It's totally normal! Just give her more time. It took mine over a month to start actually wanting to eat the food.

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