blw weetabix


Pregnant with no 2
Aug 13, 2010
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Hiya ,iv got a toddler & a 7month old who is blw,today i got up after a rubbish night (from my toddler) and felt so tired so gave them both weetabix,im just wondering if any one else gives their bubs weetabix? i cant remember when i started giving it my older one but i was reading the packet this morning to see if ok and there is a lot of salt in them!!! am i being anal about this? i still gave it her :blush: just feeling tired but having a read and iv gone over the recommended amount for the day! im kinda at peace with the fact but its such an easy breaky to sort when busy or tired that i would like to give it again?

what do you guys give that quick and healthy? any ideas? x
We generally have a very low salt diet, so we were/are happy for LO to have weetabix. Maybe try porridge as an alternative. Ready brek has always gone down well :)
thanks Patch :thumbup: we always do porridge but needed something a bit diff and also easier as with porridge i like to put seeds,Cinnamon & (mashed banana for toddler) and i couldnt be blessed :haha:

i will try ready brek... thou but from what i can remember its a bit more runnier that porridge,which is harder 4 LO to handle? also is that not got a lot of salt? :flower:

Also we have wholemeal bread & wholemeal most things but with my first i gave him white,think i read somewhere it was better for them to digest? hmmm not sure that was the reason actually... but something like that lol any way can i just get away with giving wholemeal,as i have been :blush: x
Ready brek is runnier than normal porridge, yeah, but I think we made it a bit thicker than the instructions and it makes quite a thick paste, which LO could either pick up in his hands or he always enjoyed hitting with a spoon :haha: It's got no added salt or sugar, so it's no different to regular porridge in terms of salt and stuff. Only got in it what you add to it :thumbup: The BLW cookbook has a recipe for porridge fingers, too, which are basically porridge made with a tiny drop of milk, so they're more like the consistency of flapjacks, if that makes sense?

We throw a handful of raisins in the top of porridge for Isaac now, and sometimes some cinnamon. Yum :)

As for wholemeal, it's all a bit confusing, isn't it. How much bread and stuff do they eat? When LO was eating tiny amounts of everything we gave him white bread as we didn't want to fill him up too much and affect his appetite for other things. Now he's bigger and eats more of everything and needs more slow release energy, we've swapped to brown bread, pasta and rice. I'm not sure what we'll do when it comes to weaning this next one. I suppose I'd give white bread but brown pasta and rice, but I'm not entirely sure why (other than it's easier to make 2 different types of sandwich than make 2 different types of rice!) I think the theory against wholemeal for babies is that it's too filling and could mean they get too full of bread and don't eat enough of a variety of nutrients. I suppose you've got to judge for yourself whether the amount they eat is enough to cause problems :flower:
I know they're not necessarily easier than porridge and that kind of thing, but how about scrambled eggs for breakfast? Or we make drop scones with raisins sometimes. Or just a range of things on toast, maybe? Breakfast is the hardest meal I think.
Thanks again Patch :flower: & a massive congratulations! didnt realize you were preggers again... wonderful! x

Iv got the BLW book too,i love it! i do drop pancakes with cheese & red pepper (mix milled seeds in too) as well as raisins which LO loves, easy when we are on the move...never did them savory for my boy (poor thing :haha:) but its good :thumbup:
But you know sometimes id just love to plonk a bowl of cereal in front of them and not have to worry bout salt/sugar!!!

Think im gonna continue with the wholemeal as its not holding back her appetite :haha: and yes that is the reason,i remember now!
Thank you! Just waiting for this next one to put in an appearance now. Kind of a weird nervous/excited mix!

I know what you mean about cereal - we do just give Isaac cereal sometimes (actually he comes and shares mine), but they really are horrendously sugary! My go to at the moment is scrambled eggs on toast, which suits me because I'm utterly ravenous in the morning and cereal just isn't cutting it, and Isaac absolutely loves eggs! I think his usual breakfast these days is a banana, 1 x weetabix with milk, a share of my scrambled egg on toast and sometimes a bowl of plain yogurt. He likes his breakfast! :haha:
You get baby versions of weetabix my elsest loved them when he was small and it has less salt etc in them. Cow and gate used to do a sunny start version that's what we used
You get baby versions of weetabix my elsest loved them when he was small and it has less salt etc in them. Cow and gate used to do a sunny start version that's what we used

ooh ta,is it organic do you know? x
Just bought some weetabix this afternoon, and the salt levels aren't super high. The recommended serving of 2 biscuits plus milk has 0.4g of salt, so one biscuit plus milk would only have 0.2g. It's not nothing, but I wouldn't worry too much as long as the rest of the meals that day aren't too salty :thumbup:
Patch :dohh: just had another look,i was more tired than i thought and read it completely wrong! yeah im happy with that xxx
Scarlett barely eats half a Weetabix, so it's a tiny amount of salt. She also only eats a quarter of a slice of bread usually and that's the main salt culprit really (unless you give processed foods but i don't.)
I mix 3 dessert spoons of ready been with about 60ml milk and micro for 40 secs, that seems to be a good scooping up consistency! Then I mix in some stewed apple or plum or a tiny bit of agave nectar.

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