Bold 2 in 1

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Just out of interest, how do you know the animals have been killed 'humanely'? The vast majority of farms may keep their animals in a reasonable way but they go off to the same slaughterhouses as factory farmed animals and are killed in exactly the same way....not to mention that although they may have a reasonable quality of life they will still of course, only live a tiny portion of their natural lifespan in all cases.

I know mine is because its organically and locally reared and killed in my uncles slaughterhouse! I've worked there too so I know what goes on :)

I do a lot for the causes I believe in but animal testing isn't something I feel very strongly about. Other than household pets with whom I have formed some kind of bond, I don't really feel much for animals and the term humane bothers me... they're not humans, most animals maul their fellow animals to death given half a chance and for various "inhumane" reasons. I'm mostly interested in my family, save for a few child related causes, so my organic white meat only rule is for our health, not the animals and their peppermint foot baths (I forget which dairy company clams to do this...).

Anyway, I respect peoples passions and good for you if you boycott things you feel strongly about. I do. I will, however, be giving Bold a shot!

My sentiments exactly :)
I am against animal testing, and will stay away from companies that do that.

I think in this day and age its unbelieveble that a company will use any kind of animal to test out a new fragrance/product. I understand why many people eat animals, the whole they were put on this planet to be eaten etc but that's not for me and I'm pretty sure they werent put on this planet to be locked up in a metal cage their entire life, subjected to terrible and horrific testing, just so we can have a new ingredient or smell to our toiletries/shampoo/detergent/etc.

I admit if it was testing for some new life saving drug I would think about it differently. But for everyday things, I just think it's a pointless waste of life. Animals maybe not be 'humans' but they have a capacity to bring up their young, defend them, feel pain etc.

Anyway I didnt mean to start a debate on this at all and each to their own, people make their own choices and if they can live with them then that's fine with me.
Certainly worth it, just cant beat yourself up about the odd thing here and there! For example normally I will ONLY buy British Organily produced meat from local farms (ie I KNOW those animals have been kept well and killed humanely) but sometimes I have ended up buying frozen breaded chicken from Tesco.
I must admit to loving my 'natural' cleaning products...I use quite a lot of lemon juice, vinegar and salt for cleaning!

Just out of interest, how do you know the animals have been killed 'humanely'? The vast majority of farms may keep their animals in a reasonable way but they go off to the same slaughterhouses as factory farmed animals and are killed in exactly the same way....not to mention that although they may have a reasonable quality of life they will still of course, only live a tiny portion of their natural lifespan in all cases.

because I have actually accompanied some of the pigs from the farm we get our pork from...
the farms we get our chicken and beef from use the same place so we know they havent been traumatised, left in poor conditions etc at any point. They have also had a very good quality of life.
They may only lead a small portion of thier lifespan but then better they live it in good conditions than bad conditions. I dont think these animals are aware of what thier "life span" should be....:rofl:
ive really never understood why companies test on animals anyways, i mean just cos they do/dont react to something surely doesnt mean we will / wont??? just seems very odd, and im sure theres better ways to test it, like on people who actually offer to do it for example, im sure thered be plenty of people up for trying out a new product lol

Yes but the companies have to pay the people for their time/travel/give them food etc, make sure they're all treated ethically, and if say someone came out in a rash they might have to pay them compensation etc etc. And you could fit 100's of lab rats in the space of a small room, there are no regulations to follow, they buy them cheap or breed them especially onsite and then just incinerate them after so there's no costs afterwards.
but still, surely we are not the same as rats, i dont understand how they can think, oh that doesnt cause a rash on that rat so it must be ok for humans, surely our skin is totally different??? its just always baffled me :shrug:

No idea, just seems like in some respects we're still in the dark ages!
It's a funny argument they use - it's ok to experiment on animals because they're so different to us, but it's useful because they're so similar?! I think nowadays there's no excuse for it for cosmetic reasons etc as we pretty much know what different things will do to us.
or there is always some muppet open to sign a disclaimer and be a test human.
Or just test everything on all the people in prisons using up tax payers money to keep them when they have committed crime....might be a better deterant than anything else going around atm!
Certainly worth it, just cant beat yourself up about the odd thing here and there! For example normally I will ONLY buy British Organily produced meat from local farms (ie I KNOW those animals have been kept well and killed humanely) but sometimes I have ended up buying frozen breaded chicken from Tesco.
I must admit to loving my 'natural' cleaning products...I use quite a lot of lemon juice, vinegar and salt for cleaning!

Just out of interest, how do you know the animals have been killed 'humanely'? The vast majority of farms may keep their animals in a reasonable way but they go off to the same slaughterhouses as factory farmed animals and are killed in exactly the same way....not to mention that although they may have a reasonable quality of life they will still of course, only live a tiny portion of their natural lifespan in all cases.

because I have actually accompanied some of the pigs from the farm we get our pork from...
the farms we get our chicken and beef from use the same place so we know they havent been traumatised, left in poor conditions etc at any point. They have also had a very good quality of life.
They may only lead a small portion of thier lifespan but then better they live it in good conditions than bad conditions. I dont think these animals are aware of what thier "life span" should be....:rofl:

How very sad that you think it's funny. Some people just never really get it!
Yes, yes Im the devil for feeding my family meat and not being a strict vegan.
Never mind that I ensure I source my meat and other animal products from the very best places (organic, free range, places I have visited and SEEN the quality of life those animals have)
Next you will be telling me I am the devil for putting my dogs and horses to sleep rather than let them suffer til they die "naturally"

If you can be so dismissive and rude towards someone who is very concious of animals being treated well I wonder how obnoxious you can be towards people who are wont win any people to your cause thats for sure.
Great idea about testing on prisoners Squish!!! And no, you're not the devil for eating meat... you're the devil for encouraging us by example to spend waaaaaaaaaaay too much on nappies.

:devil: <--- This is you.

:angelnot: :angelnot: :angelnot: :angelnot: :angelnot: <--- This is the rest of us.

Personally, I'm a veggie because I can't stand the idea of eating flesh and I hate people who will eat burgers and chicken nuggets but turn up their nose at 'real' meat with a bit of blood or gristle because it reminds them that it actually is meat. That seems very disrespectful to the animals the meat comes from. But I have deep respect for people who are fully aware of where meat comes from and still eat it, especially those who care about animal welfare as you obviously do. That is very respectful and I don't have a problem with that. It's just that I personally could not watch an animal being killed and then eat it.

Hehe how did a thread about detergent turn into an animal rights debate?!
:rofl: I love how all the nappy buying is my fault!

Interestingly I only eat certain meats I dont eat beef or lamb at all and I eat only limited amounts of pork. My 5yr old already knows where meat comes from, he has seen the animals alive and kicking, I think its important that if he chooses to eat meat as he gets older he should have a complete understanding of where it comes from and how it gets from animal to plate. TBH if we had the option we would raise our own animals for meat, eggs, cheese, milk etc if we could! My 5yr old did spend most of last year on the pig farm next door to where I kept my horses, he helped look after them and then ate the meat, he now delights in telling people which part of the pig that cut of meat came from LOL
See that's what I like... if somebody is going to eat meat, I think they should appreciate where it comes from. Leyla is veggie for now but I do tell her already where the meat daddy's eating from comes from. Hopefully when she's old enough to decide for herself, she can make an informed decision (though perhaps the story about prawns being poor children's peeled fingers won't help her decision :rofl:)
leyla eats all meats apart from pork, i tell people its cos she's muslim but really i just dont think its good for her to eat it :shrug: she does eat chicken and beef though, lamb very rarely if i make it, i love it but its expensive, we just buy tesco / asda cheapest :( id love to be able to buy better meat but we're too poor :(

if i had more money id deffo buy everything organic and make sure my meat came from the right places etc and probably in the future i will when im richer but at the minute im just not able, ive really considered becoming a veggie because i watched this documentary about how they kill animals and how they are treated and i was veggie for a while before i got pregnant, in fact i grew up veggie because my mam was, but i just dont know how to eat properly as a vegetarian and how to make sure we get all of our vitamins and stuff we need, especially iron, its so difficult :(

My mum and older sister are veggie and as I eat only limited meat I cook a lot of veggie meals. Honestly you dont miss out on not eating meat and I COMPLETELY get where you are coming from on the expense front, meat is expensive! You may be suprised at how cheap it can be if you buy directly from the farms though, our pork costs around the same as asda/tesco cheap stuff but its from free range piggies fed organic diet (they happy piggies, used to like scaring the crap out my horses!) we get it cheaper because we buy in bulk directly from the farm who produce it. We buy enough for 6 months and then freeze it (we have two freezers!) we also buy organic free range chicken locally, 5 kg of chicken breast for £20...tesco value chicken breast is £6.56 a kg!!!!!

Anyhow if youd like some veggie meal ideas let me know, one of our favourites is courgette lasagne with four cheeses...yum yum!
I could never be veggie, not just because I like meat but because I'm quite lactose intolerant and it's a huge and easy source of protein and iron for me. I only eat white meat usually but OH has days where he needs pork :lol: so the odd chop or two isn't unheard of. I used to eat more red meat but it's just so hideously bad for people that I can never bring myself to want it any more. We mainly get organic from the supermarket, as I'm aware of all the antibiotics and various other drugs non organically farmed meat contains.

I'm probably not much of a humanist, most of my "causes" are those that directly affect my family and molly's future family but the population in general and animals have never been much of a concern of mine.

Anyway, I bought some bold! Smells lovely... will try it when smallo builds up enough dirty nappies and see if it works. Still waiting on my LLS UDNN, grrr! I pretty much bought the bold for that nappy... :lol:
Which one did you get? I have the purple one but need some more so might go for a new smell :D
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