Bold 2 in 1

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I was a veggie for 9 years. Then I ate a bacon sandwich and never looked back :haha: I don't eat lamb though, never have. It's mostly just chicken I eat tbh, with the very very occasional steak.

Aaanyway, I got the purple bold (lavender?) and it smells looovely and gets the nappies nice and clean :)
ooh i love a bacon sandwich, i eat pork even though im muslim aswell so am a bit of a hypocrite for not letting leyla lol, i love a ham sandwich aswell, sorry prob not the right thread for this, please dont kill me :blush:

Naughty Ellie! :devil: :haha: I've been veggie since I was about 10 and the only thing that would tempt me back to eating meat would be a pork pie... the kind with the thick crust and the thin layer of jelly on top, yummy, or a sausage roll from Greggs. :rofl: Guess since I'm officially a Muslim too there's not much chance of that!

I've had the purple bold before, but it didn't twig that I could use it for nappies. It was a bottle I got free as a sample but I don't think I'd buy it again even if it wasn't tested on animals cos I don't really like the smell. I do love real lavender but I like my clothes to smell like what they usually call 'fresh linen' or something, yes that lovely fake fresh smell! Love it!
oh god i love pork pies aswell, well even though were muslim were alevi, so the pork thing isnt SUCH an issue for us but its still frowned upon lol, were basically not allowed to eat rabbit which i couldnt eat anyways :shock:

Which one did you get? I have the purple one but need some more so might go for a new smell :D

The blue one, spa fresh or something. Washing tonight so will let you know if it's nice! :D
oh god i love pork pies aswell, well even though were muslim were alevi, so the pork thing isnt SUCH an issue for us but its still frowned upon lol, were basically not allowed to eat rabbit which i couldnt eat anyways :shock:


Ahh lucky! We're not really bothered about meat being halal cos in the UK it doesn't make much difference to how they're killed, but pork is still a big no-no... sad if I wanted to eat meat :cry:
Yes, yes Im the devil for feeding my family meat and not being a strict vegan.
Never mind that I ensure I source my meat and other animal products from the very best places (organic, free range, places I have visited and SEEN the quality of life those animals have)
Next you will be telling me I am the devil for putting my dogs and horses to sleep rather than let them suffer til they die "naturally"

If you can be so dismissive and rude towards someone who is very concious of animals being treated well I wonder how obnoxious you can be towards people who are wont win any people to your cause thats for sure.

OMG...all I said was that it's sad that you think it's funny. How the hell is that rude or obnoxious? I was only trying to point out the animal testing issue initially and seemingly a few people do care so that's all I set out to do. Personally I could not use a product that I knew had been dripped into an animal's eyes or rubbed into a raw wound on its body however nice it might smell or however effectively it removed stains. Similarly I do not eat meat because I don't believe that my tastebuds are more important than the life of another being, regardless of how that being has been treated. If others choose to then that's up to them but at least they can make an informed decision if they know the facts.
hun, squish didnt say that animal testing was funny, i think theres just been a misunderstanding :shrug:

Yes, yes Im the devil for feeding my family meat and not being a strict vegan.
Never mind that I ensure I source my meat and other animal products from the very best places (organic, free range, places I have visited and SEEN the quality of life those animals have)
Next you will be telling me I am the devil for putting my dogs and horses to sleep rather than let them suffer til they die "naturally"

If you can be so dismissive and rude towards someone who is very concious of animals being treated well I wonder how obnoxious you can be towards people who are wont win any people to your cause thats for sure.

OMG...all I said was that it's sad that you think it's funny. How the hell is that rude or obnoxious? I was only trying to point out the animal testing issue initially and seemingly a few people do care so that's all I set out to do. Personally I could not use a product that I knew had been dripped into an animal's eyes or rubbed into a raw wound on its body however nice it might smell or however effectively it removed stains. Similarly I do not eat meat because I don't believe that my tastebuds are more important than the life of another being, regardless of how that being has been treated. If others choose to then that's up to them but at least they can make an informed decision if they know the facts.

Tbh, I found something about your tone to be somewhat expectant and also the suggestion, well declaration, that "some people just don't get it" is pretty obnoxious. She does get it, we all do... and we make our choices accordingly.
hun, squish didnt say that animal testing was funny, i think theres just been a misunderstanding :shrug:


No I realise that. She thinks it's funny that an animal killed at a few weeks/months old doesn't know what it's lifespan should be. That's still offensive.

So I seem to be virtually the only one who gets it and still makes the ethical choice then? Well, rather rude and obnoxious than arrogant enough to think I am so superior over other living things that I can use them for my own gain. It's a shame I'm so outnumbered. If there were more like me and less like you there would be a lot less pain and suffering. I'm surprised there are so few caring souls on a so-called 'natural' parenting section. I guess that the concept of compassion doesn't extend beyond your own kids. It's odder still that your concept of parenting doesn't reach to teaching your children respect for ALL life...and don't even bother to tell me that you can respect animals and still eat them,test on them etc. because that's just a ridiculous cop out. I shan't bother continuing to post on this thread as I'm clearly wasting my time.
You are saying an animal does know what its lifespan should be? You really REALLY think that a sheep or cow or dog or cat or horse KNOWS it should live for X number of years?

Having already stated that I dont agree with and actually am actively against animal testing you choose MY post about choosing organically farmed, well cared for animals to demonstrate your point??? um...duh?
If you are going to use an example use the disgusting conditions battery hens are kept in (my sister has eight ex battery hens, poor mites) or the conditions some pigs kept simply to breed piglets are kept in with barely enough room to stand, in such tiny pens they often lie on and kill thier young. The pigs we eat come from a countryside farm where they have free access to fresh air 24/7, stys with full straw beds, plenty of water, plenty of good quality food and you still thinks its up to you to march in and tell someone thats wrong? Seriously?

I love animals, I sure as hell respect them which is why I like to ensure that the animals I DO eat are kept in the best way possible and killed in a way which is not at all traumatic to the animal.

Its no wonder so many people DONT care about animals enough because if they state they are against animal testing but eat meat people like you make them out to be some evil being with no love or respect for animals and slagging people off about eating meat doesnt exactly gain you any support.

Actually Im seething that you would suggest I see myself as "superior" and you suggest that I (we...everyone here who eats meat regardless of where it comes from) cause pain and suffering to animals.

Natural parenting isnt about being strict vegans, you CAN still teach respect for others (including animals) to children without having to avoid eating or using all animal products. My 5yr old has more respect for animals than most his age do.

Its arrogance like yours and your assumption of superiority over everyone else thats the problem and there is a reason you are in the minority.
Squish, slightly off topic but I would love some veggie recipes as like you I don't eat a lot of meat but I end up stumped when trying to make veggie
recipes. When I buy meat ( from the supermarket as I live 2 miles from Glasgow city centre so no farms) I do buy organic & free range and I can't bring myslef to buy the supermarkets cheaper stuff (although I understand and respect those who do) since I watched kill it cook it eat it x
No I realise that. She thinks it's funny that an animal killed at a few weeks/months old doesn't know what it's lifespan should be. That's still offensive.

So I seem to be virtually the only one who gets it and still makes the ethical choice then? Well, rather rude and obnoxious than arrogant enough to think I am so superior over other living things that I can use them for my own gain. It's a shame I'm so outnumbered. If there were more like me and less like you there would be a lot less pain and suffering. I'm surprised there are so few caring souls on a so-called 'natural' parenting section. I guess that the concept of compassion doesn't extend beyond your own kids. It's odder still that your concept of parenting doesn't reach to teaching your children respect for ALL life...and don't even bother to tell me that you can respect animals and still eat them,test on them etc. because that's just a ridiculous cop out. I shan't bother continuing to post on this thread as I'm clearly wasting my time.

I think it's probably for the best not to continue posting on this thread, as this thread and indeed the whole natural parenting section isnt for pushing your opinions/values onto others, by either preaching at them or making them feel bad. You are not the only compassionate person here but it's no ones right to force or guilt others into changing their ways. People have the right to choose how they live their lives whether you agree or not, it's their life and as long as your living yours in whatever way that makes you happy then I think that should be enough, you cannot possibly change people, if indeed they even need to be changed, unless they want and choose to.

Maybe we should just let this thread go now as it's completely off from what was originally started, and although there have been some good points raised, this isnt the place to be discussing them.

:flower: xx
Yes but the companies have to pay the people for their time/travel/give them food etc, make sure they're all treated ethically, and if say someone came out in a rash they might have to pay them compensation etc etc. And you could fit 100's of lab rats in the space of a small room, there are no regulations to follow, they buy them cheap or breed them especially onsite and then just incinerate them after so there's no costs afterwards.

I have to say there are regulations that they have to follow, it may not seem it but this country is alot stricter than many others. To boycott everything that is affected by testing you pretty much need to buy everything natural and nothing from abroad, so thats all your high street stores out the window. Alo cosmetic testing is banned in this country.

hun, squish didnt say that animal testing was funny, i think theres just been a misunderstanding :shrug:


No I realise that. She thinks it's funny that an animal killed at a few weeks/months old doesn't know what it's lifespan should be. That's still offensive.

So I seem to be virtually the only one who gets it and still makes the ethical choice then? Well, rather rude and obnoxious than arrogant enough to think I am so superior over other living things that I can use them for my own gain. It's a shame I'm so outnumbered. If there were more like me and less like you there would be a lot less pain and suffering. I'm surprised there are so few caring souls on a so-called 'natural' parenting section. I guess that the concept of compassion doesn't extend beyond your own kids. It's odder still that your concept of parenting doesn't reach to teaching your children respect for ALL life...and don't even bother to tell me that you can respect animals and still eat them,test on them etc. because that's just a ridiculous cop out. I shan't bother continuing to post on this thread as I'm clearly wasting my time.

I dont think there is a need for rudeness, everyone has different views and opinions. Dont forget many medical procedures and drugs that save lives are tested on animals should we not do that? I have loved ones alive today thanks to some of those medications.

Its a very sweeping statement to say people dont have compassion beyond their children. All testing facilities aren't the same worldwide. Ive been to the pedigree research facility and i'll tell you something those animals are treated much better than some children ive seen being dragged up.

Sorry if that all came out as a ramble but to be totally against animal testing you'd need to be boycotting everything from your electrical products, to hospitals, you couldnt drive (they test chemicals in your petrol). Your clothes, toys, the list is endless.
hun, squish didnt say that animal testing was funny, i think theres just been a misunderstanding :shrug:


No I realise that. She thinks it's funny that an animal killed at a few weeks/months old doesn't know what it's lifespan should be. That's still offensive.

So I seem to be virtually the only one who gets it and still makes the ethical choice then? Well, rather rude and obnoxious than arrogant enough to think I am so superior over other living things that I can use them for my own gain. It's a shame I'm so outnumbered. If there were more like me and less like you there would be a lot less pain and suffering. I'm surprised there are so few caring souls on a so-called 'natural' parenting section. I guess that the concept of compassion doesn't extend beyond your own kids. It's odder still that your concept of parenting doesn't reach to teaching your children respect for ALL life...and don't even bother to tell me that you can respect animals and still eat them,test on them etc. because that's just a ridiculous cop out. I shan't bother continuing to post on this thread as I'm clearly wasting my time.


i dont think thats very nice, ive already said i would like to become veggie but i personally put my family's health first, im sorry if that makes me a bad person! :nope:

hun, squish didnt say that animal testing was funny, i think theres just been a misunderstanding :shrug:


No I realise that. She thinks it's funny that an animal killed at a few weeks/months old doesn't know what it's lifespan should be. That's still offensive.

So I seem to be virtually the only one who gets it and still makes the ethical choice then? Well, rather rude and obnoxious than arrogant enough to think I am so superior over other living things that I can use them for my own gain. It's a shame I'm so outnumbered. If there were more like me and less like you there would be a lot less pain and suffering. I'm surprised there are so few caring souls on a so-called 'natural' parenting section. I guess that the concept of compassion doesn't extend beyond your own kids. It's odder still that your concept of parenting doesn't reach to teaching your children respect for ALL life...and don't even bother to tell me that you can respect animals and still eat them,test on them etc. because that's just a ridiculous cop out. I shan't bother continuing to post on this thread as I'm clearly wasting my time.

Wow, it's such an arrogant thing to believe you're 100% right on a morally subjective issue. You realise that just because you think you're right, doesn't mean you are? Morality, as you should know, is relative.

I'm glad you have a passion and a belief but there's nothing immoral about those of us who just don't believe in the cause.

Natural parenting is not being dominant and aggressive in any way in your children's lives, letting them grow and make their minds up by themselves whilst being a source of unconditional support and love. I sincerely hope that you don't expect your children to believe the same things as you as THAT is not natural parenting, that is forcing your views onto somebody else with the narrow minded belief that you are right.
Hey, I wonder where you lot would've stood in the days of slavery? I would've been out there with my placard campaigning for abolition and trying to effect change for he poor sods while you guys all chatted about 'choice' and 'opinion'...and Anothersquish would be banging on about how her slave was ok because she gave him good quality of life no doubt!! lol
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