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Bonfire Babies!! **DRMGDLOOoooooo**

Hi! Donna, so glad to hear you had a good holiday overall and that you are back in good graces with your dh.
Not much going on here, dylan has chicken pox and we are prisoners of our own home. He is miserable and has HUNDREDS of spots. I've started to get a cold, which I think dylan has too. Sleep hasn't been great. Our house move is proving difficult, I wish we were buying a new build! work is stressful, I do NOT miss the deadlines!! dreaming of next maternity leave ....

Will pop back later to write more, just got Dylan to sleep and I've been dreaming about having a bath all day!! xxx
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONNA!!! hope you have had a fab day with lots of cuddles & pressies from all of your family!! :) xxx
Glad you had a fab holiday Donna and hopefully birthday too!

Well, Macie is now 1!!!! Where the F*** did that year go?????
She had a fab day and was spoilt rotton bless her!
I also got to meet my niece yesterday (only a week old) and she just seems so so tiny! and it made me so so broody. I really want another bubba!
Well me and DH are trying to work things out too so thats making life even easier! He's not moving back in just yet but were going to see how things go.... if it doesnt work then at least we tried! and thats whats important.

Well i absolutely HATE work and have been diagnosed with depression recently which doesnt help as this place makes you depressed as it is haha.
I'm counting down the days till i finish work!!!!!!

Hope all mummas and bubbas are well xxxxx
Aww Chelsie, hope u are okay hun <<<hugs>>>> sent your way

well, I had a wee hold of my daughter's friend's niece (6 weeks) at the weekend and you know what - i felt nothing haha -maybe the end of my baby making days aren't going to be sooooo tough after all lol -I mean she was cute and I can hardly remember Dawson being that small lol, but I had her all of ten mins and then she started to whine and I gave her back pronto lol -do you not want to change her nappy? or give her her bottle? ....... errmmmmmmmm NO! haha. Dawson was being a wee angel, playing contentedly on the floor with his toys and he is getting so more independant every day so I am (thankfully) just looking forward to a bit more freedom I s'pose.

Thanks for the b'day wishes -I had a fab day, never done anything special but got spoiled and bought myself a new outfit to wear to a wedding in a few weeks. Am wanting a new tattoo also, but cannot decide on the design. I want something that represents my 4 children, maybe a Rose for Loren (Rose is her middle name) and then what???? for the boys. I just dunno!!! Cant be thorns haha... or thought maybe the sun and three stars, or Moon and three stars or thought of a rose stem with 4 roses attached. Was thinking of getting it on my hip going from my front to back so trailing branch would be good but I am not sure yet, so more thought needed definitely.

9 days til Dawsons birthday, and this time last year I was already 5 days overdue haha

Wee website that might interest any of you bargain seekers, I came across it a few days ago and it looks fab
https://www.everything5pounds.com/ ... and as you'd imagine lol... everything IS £5 haha

I ordered a couple o things so I'll let you know if they are crap or good

Anyway, off to the park, hope it stays dry :) Have a fab day, ladies, babies and tots xxx
Well not long til Deej's first birthday now!! Anything exciting planned? Glad you sound cheerful about the prospect of no more babies, as before it seemed like it would be really hard....but you never know do you!!?? I like your tattoo idea, I've never had one but it was always next on the agenda after my navel ring!! (10 years ago!)I've just never had a good enough idea! I'll try to have a think if I can come up with any ideas!!

Chelsea, sorry about the diagnosis, but I can understand where your frustrations are coming from. Not firsthand, but watching what dh has gone through over the years and he went through something similar a while ago, part of the reason why we are moving house is because we are in quarters at the minute and hubby cannot take it being so close to work any longer!! So i'm hoping moving will cheer him right back up! Glad to hear your giving it your all with your dh, hope it works out, not for Macie (even though it would be nice for her if you did) but you really need to make sure whatever decision you make is right for you. huggssss

I've been quite shopoholic lately... I've been to next 3 times since the sale started lol... 5am, 9am on day 1 and I just went in today to get some prices corrected and a couple returns and I came out with an oil picture thing and a bathroom cabinet for the new house...and if Dylan didn't wake up and through a paddy I would have made some more purchases for me too...but it was probably a sign to leave when he started screaming the place down!! He does not like his pram and wants to be carried or walking, pram is ok for sleeping but that is it...as soon as his eyes open ---> scream!! and silly me forgot the carrier at the house!

I must stay away from next!! (but there are further reductions and more stock added online lol )

Love to all mummies and babies!! xx
I was just realising some ladies on here are quite keen to get into Pinecone research, which just makes me wonder how you have gotten on with it Donna & Nat??, have you gotten some pennies from it? I hope you have, I get between 1-3 surveys a month. :) xx
Yep Liz -same from me, about 1-3 per month :) thanks

I was invited to recommend others too, but my sis tried and was told they did not require her family dynamic just now :(

glad its worked out for you Donna!! I'm really glad I signed up to that one! Need to look back over paypal to see how much I've made over the year... not enough to retire on though hahah!! xx
Love it!! Gets me at least 2 free Starbucks a month!!xx
They fired me because I missed two in a row! :growlmad:
They fired me because I missed two in a row! :growlmad:

Omg- they never did they? What if you were on hols or ill (or just busy??) lol

I pay all sorts wth Paypal - so have gotten money off loads with my wee bonuses -free photos was the last thing :thumbup: Would have only been £3 but still, every little helps :)

Dawsons birthday today, so emotional tonight reminiscing about this time last year lol
love my wee family so much <3 xxxx :hugs::hugs:
awww Donna! Hope Dawsons birthday was a fab day. Know what you mean about reminiscing..its such an emotional event :) I can't believe Dylan was 2 months when Deej was born!!

well off to do some packing! hopefully moving next friday, but busy busy at work next week so need to finish it all of before Sunday really!! :wacko: xx
Dawsons b'day was so good -he got loads of stuff -we bought him a bike, a new ball tent (as he wrecked the first one lol) a lawnmower and a fire engine and a paddling pool lol. He also got a scramble bug- he loves it!! :)

The weather was gorgeous, and we spent all day out and about and in the garden, Bliss!

Sad sad day at work yday - we lost a young man, always worse when they are young! Worse still, his wife is 6 months preggers and it was so sudden, she was so stunned and looked so fragile and afraid and totally devastated -they have 2 other wee ones too :( There wasn't a dry eye in the place last night, I still get choked up thinking about it. Another pt, young mum -c-section 3 weeks ago due to pre-eclampsia, 2 days after getting home, she collapses and has a cardiac arrest -she is not doing well at all; looks like she may have suffered brain damage from lack of oxygen :( Baby got home a few days ago and is doing well and poor mum cant be there. So so sad, could just cry!!

Hate my job sometimes!

Love to all and take care xxxx
think my lil guy has measles :(

been poorly for nearly a week, high temp, dry cough, runny nose and then two days ago terrible rash, all over - poor wee guy, has really sore eyes today too and the rash is driving him mad

doctor thought viral rash yday but much worse today and i took him back down to the docs; so doc not 100 % sure but says we are to stay away from people just incase it is measles. So, in quarantine now.

on calpol, nurofen, piriton and getting covered in calamine cream and waking every hour zzzz
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz need sleep lol

annoying thing is, we were meant to get mmr 2weeks ago, but i was working, i went down last week but the nurse was off but then incubation period is 2 weeks so prob would not have made a difference Oh god just thought , mu sis in law only went home on the 2nd 10 days ago and she is preggers - i had better get on phone and let her know :(

take care all xxxx
Poor Deej!! I hope he gets better soon Hun! And that you get some sleep soon too xx
What a scary day yday - woke up about 9am, hubby had Dawson (for only about the 5th time in over a year I have actually had a lie in) and hubby says

" his rash looks funny, all blotchy and purple"

Eyes wide open now ,sitting up in bed !! Non blanchable purple wide spread rash. Dawson was really crabby, popped him on boob and phoned NHS24.

After 15 mins on phone, she advised I take him to hospital - GP out of hours clinic just to be safe.
I threw on a skirt and top off the floor lol, says to hubby 'we're off to hospital, you coming?'
PRICELESS!!! ' Yeah, I'll come.... just gonna shower first, and need to change my clothes (as Dawson had him a bit messy from brekkie) '

Needless to say, me and Dawson didn't wait lol -stupid man!!!!

infact just as I was leaving, the phone rang. It was NHS24- just making sure I was leaving right away lol.

Got to the out of hour docs, took one look and got out the penicillin injection and phoned me an emergency ambulance to the kids hospital. Omg!!!!! I knew he was too well for it to be meningitis (doc said so too) but his rash was (and still is) text book haemorrhagic rash like you'd get in meningitis.

Off we went, sirens ablaring lol -wee adventure for me and my little chicken -who was still sore from his jab in the bum tho' -phoned hubby to bring up my baby bag and to meet us there -okay he says but for fecks sake!!!!!! 'i still need to shower' wtf???????????
I am sitting in the ambulance with ydays t-shirt on, which now I look down at and I am wearing yoghurt and cheesy puffs lol, haven't brushed my teeth and haven';t even put a brush through my hair. I have not had a cup of tea, no brekkie and he is off for a fecking shower Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!

Anyway, several blood tests later, which involved three of us holding poor wee Dawson down for the nurse to cannulate and take blood from him (poor wee tyke was screaming so much) they cannot find out what's causing it. Bloods all fine, coag (clotting) fine, platelets fine,so a mystery. They let us go home at 4pm, and he is fine, looks bloody terrible but eating drinking and playing but wish I knew why. We have to go back up to the childrens hospital on Wednesday to let them see again - they need to keeep an eye on his kidneys and blood pressure incase its a specific blood disorder that can cause kidney damage :(

So that was Sunday! Day of rest. No chance lol

Hope all are well :) xxx
Oh god DOnna you poor thing! I can't believe your hubby didnt go with you, not that I need to tell you that, big hugs!! :hugs:

Glad to hear it is not anything like Men, but still, so traumatic for both of you!

Is his rash still irritating him? Let us know how it goes on Wednesday, poor little guy :( xxx
Donna - How is Deej doing now?? Sorry I didn't post a reply sooner but I did read your post from work off my phone and couldn't believe what had happened to you & Deej poor things!!! how scary that must have been being blue lighted!! and your dh..... well I hope he has properly realised the errors in wanting to take a shower... xxx
Lol dont think so Liz -the thing is that Dawson had been so poorly earlier in the week but was genuinely much better on Sunday, other than the rash changing; so we were both kind of sure it wasn't meningitis but still very scary when they told me that he was getting the prophylactic penicillin injection and we were going to hospital by emergency ambulance lol - i was all ready to drive there too.

His rash is still there but much less scary looking, and we are back at Yorkhill -childrens hospital tomorrow morning. Looks like it could be a vasculitis called Henoch Schloein Purpura but hoping to have something confirmed tomorrow, either that or its been a very rare reaction to the nurofen -hope not though cos nurofen is a godsend when teething!!

All looking well though, thanks ladies xxxxx

Hope all are well xxx
How did the appt go at the childrens hospital today Donna??

I'm just sat here in the new house thinking about all the boxes still left to unpack but am enjoying a glass of vino instead!!! xxx

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