Bottle for ebf baby??


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
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My lo is nearly 6 months old and I have ebf him since birth. When he was a couple of months old he had a few bottles of expressed milk with a bit of persuasion. I went out to pick my Mum up this evening and so expressed some milk for my oh to give lo in case he got hungry. Well whilst I was gone all hell broke lose! Lo woke up from his nap and started screaming immediately. Dh tried everything nappy change etc and tried to feed him from the bottle and he would not take it. My Mum is going to babysit for us while we go to my Christmas party in a few weeks and now I am panicking! Lo will be in bed and hopefully stay asleep until we come home but if he does'nt I want to leave some milk in the fridge for Mum to feed him with if necessary. Are there any tips for getting him to take a bottle of expressed milk if needed? We have tried a few different teats with him settling on the Nubi but that was when he was younger. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!:wacko:
I had trouble with bottles at first too but it wasn't the bottle per se it was more that she just wanted the boob. I would recommend getting your husband to practice giving her bottles. My sister had good luck walking with my lo while feeding her. My own mom refused to take her for any stretch that required a bottle :( Can your mom practice giving her bottles? You'll know your mother and mine was quite difficult and unhelpful while my mil just got on with it. I do think it's largely a persistence thing and she will eventually come around. That being said, my lo is 6 months and I work one day week and have since she was about four months and while she is now okay with bottles she is always up all night after I'm gone for the day as I suspect she just takes the minimum to get by from a bottle and waits for me to get home and makes up for it by breastfeeding all night. We used avent comfort bottles and now have some mam ones but again I just think its bottles in general. Good luck!
I think the problem is that at 2 months they don't have an established feeding habit but at 6 months they do. I gave a bottle to my LO at 2 months from time to time with no problems. But when I tried to wean her off the breast at 3 months it was a nightmare. She flat out refused the bottle. She didn't recognise it as a valid feeding method.

If I were you I would try and give her a bottle more often so that she recognises it as food. It took us 3 weeks to get her to take a bottle.

It may be complicated it you just want to give her a bottle from time to time without it becoming a regular thing.

Have you tried using a sippy cup? Another thing you could do is to give your LO yoghurt for the meal? You can use adult yoghurts (unsweetened) with no problem or you can buy the baby yoghurts that use formula as a base. It may be a solution for your Xmas party especially if it is just for one or two meals.

One mom I know had to stop BF quite suddenly as she had to be operated and medicated Her DS totally refused the bottle. She fed him yoghurt.
Maybe try nook bottle? The shape of those is different and my little is breast fed but if given a bottle prefers a nook one or a super cheapo one! Might be worth a try xx
My son never took a bottle and when the time came to give solids he happily took a doidy cup, they are great :)
bumping this. I need to get my daughter to accept a bottle as well.. its not going so well. I'm only able to pump a teeny bit but its enough that if she sucked on the nipple she'd get a taste.. its getting her to suck that's the issue...she just chews on it and then FREAKS OUT after awhile because she wants my boobs. I cant have help with OH or anyone else.. I asked him to try for awhile and he didn't want to be consistent with it so I guess I'll just do it on my own.

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