Bought a new buggy!


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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Sorry I am cheesin'!

Got Rebecca the Quinny Zapp in Bright Pink at Babies R Us, it is the easiest buggy in the world to push. I love it!:happydance:

Selling her maclaren techno classic now, as its only 3 months old!:blush:
ooooh is the maclaren 1 the pink 1!!!!???
I have the MacLaren Quest Pink Summer Fleur upstairs lol.

The one I am going to sell is navy.:baby:
ach phooo *huffs*


how much lol

is this the one ur after? thats the one i have, but the 07 model is out now!
waaaant iiiit|!!!!!! lol u sellin ur navy one on ebay?
we must have the same taste hun :)

i love my quinny zapp.
i have it in black.
i bought it when Dior was 6months oild. and out of ALL my bugies its my fav one i use all the time
its great for jumping on the bus etc.

ps whet car does your OH have?
have you checked that the xts will fit in?
i have a passat and the xts only just gets in. duds on the pf has just bouht it too but she is gutted it wont fit in her car
Dionne we have a Vectra SRI which is prob the same size as a passat.

I am still getting the XTS, when other bubs arrives. Is Duds selling hers?lol!

Yvanne I am listing my techno on ebay but as local pick up only :hugs:
dont u need a twin hun?
nah got 1 lol, chloe likes walkin sumtimes tho, n my single is gettin a bit worse 4 wear!!
no duds loves it loads too so is still going to keep it lol she got it in cream though.

you going to get the cosey toes etc with it?

i love the bag that matches
The cosytoes to go with XTS or ZAPP? everything for the Quinny is soo pricey!

As for XTS we are still debating colour, Im changing my mind to black as I can buy pink cosytoes to go in it (i like the VIP-very important princess one in Mothercare) but mum and Dale say they hate black buggies, think i will get the deciding vote :wacko:
i love the red xts but kris and mum loved the black

but imagine your 2 girls in matching pink outfits pink blankets/cosey toes and sun brolies on black. will look lovely. dont think pink and red will go so much
Can i ask for a link for some decent buggies??

These that your talking about sound lush!
That was exactly my argument Dionne!

Imi this is the link to the one i am getting and the one Dionne already has and loves!
Hummm i like it but i would prefer one infront of other not side to side ...

Any ideas??
I am thinking about getting the Zapp. I just love the fact it folds so small but am still umming about it. I love the turquuoise colour but can't find it :(

Did they have any at the babyshow??
Yep they had all the colours at the Babyshow. I had Rebecca out in her Zapp earlier, it's fantastic, however cause it does not recline she will never have a nap in it.

Beanie, Id definitley buy one tho, so small and compact for transportation. Toys R Us have £20 off them just now hence the reason we bought ours yesterday xx

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