I took "making a show of themselves" as a woman that makes it a bigger deal than it should be. Like they're just hoping someone even looks at them wrong so they can make a scene. An attention seeker in other words.
I don't care if it is done but just be discreet about it. If you don't have a cover, at least TRY to position in a way to keep things at least a little private.
Just as people should respect a bfing mom, bfing moms need to respect others as well.
I took "making a show of themselves" as a woman that makes it a bigger deal than it should be. Like they're just hoping someone even looks at them wrong so they can make a scene. An attention seeker in other words.
So what exactly is it these women are doing that is making it a bigger deal than it should be?![]()
I took "making a show of themselves" as a woman that makes it a bigger deal than it should be. Like they're just hoping someone even looks at them wrong so they can make a scene. An attention seeker in other words.
So what exactly is it these women are doing that is making it a bigger deal than it should be?![]()
Like you mentioned you do, whipping out the whole boob. Now while there is nothing wrong with that for most BFing mommas who do it just to feed their LO, I'm sure there are moms out there who do it in hopes that it will get them attention. It's just some weird way for them to feel like they're 'special'. There's really no difference in what they do unless they're walking around with a boob hanging out and no baby attached or something
Like I said, just an attention seeker trying to make a big show out of nothing.
And before it's said, YES, that means whipping out the boob just to feed your child may be considered by the random person that notices that you're making a show of it. They don't know you, but that's just people being judgemental people.
Not sure how much better I can explain that....![]()
As far as im concerned if the baby hasnt got a problem with me having dinner in public I havnt got a problem with them in having dinner in public.
I have seen one or two making a obvious thing about "iv got my boobs out and you cant stop me" and tbh making a little bir of a show of themself but thats a rare case.
What exactly is 'making a little bit of a show of themself'?
Are women dancing around, waving their breasts shouting 'look at me, I'm breastfeeding?'
When I feed my baby, I am feeding my baby. Sometimes I lift my top up and not much is on show, other times I pull my top down which pretty much exposes my whole breast, the only thing you can't see is what is covered by the baby. I am a 36H, so not small breasted, so it's often pretty obvious to people that I am breastfeeding. I am not 'making a show of myself' I am feeding my baby in the easiest way possible.
Breasts are for feeding babies. It is only in our culture, where we have been conditioned to view breasts as primarily sexual that anyone would think that anyone feeding their baby could be making a 'show of themselves'. This is exactly one of the reasons women should nurse in public, to normalise it. To normalise breasts being used to feed children.
The link pictures a woman breastfeeding in front of the President of Venezuela. I doubt anyone would refer to her as 'making a show of herself' or would you?
As far as im concerned if the baby hasnt got a problem with me having dinner in public I havnt got a problem with them in having dinner in public.
I have seen one or two making a obvious thing about "iv got my boobs out and you cant stop me" and tbh making a little bir of a show of themself but thats a rare case.
What exactly is 'making a little bit of a show of themself'?
Are women dancing around, waving their breasts shouting 'look at me, I'm breastfeeding?'
When I feed my baby, I am feeding my baby. Sometimes I lift my top up and not much is on show, other times I pull my top down which pretty much exposes my whole breast, the only thing you can't see is what is covered by the baby. I am a 36H, so not small breasted, so it's often pretty obvious to people that I am breastfeeding. I am not 'making a show of myself' I am feeding my baby in the easiest way possible.
Breasts are for feeding babies. It is only in our culture, where we have been conditioned to view breasts as primarily sexual that anyone would think that anyone feeding their baby could be making a 'show of themselves'. This is exactly one of the reasons women should nurse in public, to normalise it. To normalise breasts being used to feed children.
The link pictures a woman breastfeeding in front of the President of Venezuela. I doubt anyone would refer to her as 'making a show of herself' or would you?
A few weeks ago at work I was taking the food over to a table where the mother was bf, I didnt even realise thats what she was doing as I normaly do the children section it happens so much you dont even notice.
However this time I was training a young lad and it was his first night out on the floor with me so he was standing next to me holding the rest of the plates.
This woman stood to put her baby back in the buggy and hovered over her baby fussing for about 10 seconds without putting her boob away so it was hanging out for all to see, the poor lad with me nearly shat himself and nearly droped the plate (he was only 16).
A few minutes later I walked past them again to check everything was ok to over hear her laughing with her mate that she did it on purpose because the reaction is funny and how no one can or would say a dam thing to her.
This I found very unfair to delibratly try to make a young lad uncomfertable for no other reason then she could knowing no one would dare tell her to put it away.
Granted these two girls where not exactly what id call your adverage respectable parent type (for want of a better word rather trashy and full of themselves).
About 4 years ago working in another resturant there was another woman bf and had been sitting there for about 10 minutes again I didnt even notice untill I was taking a elderly couple to a table nearby and the man didnt even look her way as he was chatting to me and im pretty certain he never even saw her but she still felt the need to suddenly shout out at the top of her lungs " yeah im breastfeeding so what, try looking the other way perv" the poor couple mortified just left as they didnt know what to say.
Thats what I mean by making a show of themselves, like I said before its a very rare incident and im pretty sure your adverage mother is nothing like this what so ever but the odd one does exsist.
As far as im concerned if the baby hasnt got a problem with me having dinner in public I havnt got a problem with them in having dinner in public.
I have seen one or two making a obvious thing about "iv got my boobs out and you cant stop me" and tbh making a little bir of a show of themself but thats a rare case.
What exactly is 'making a little bit of a show of themself'?
Are women dancing around, waving their breasts shouting 'look at me, I'm breastfeeding?'
When I feed my baby, I am feeding my baby. Sometimes I lift my top up and not much is on show, other times I pull my top down which pretty much exposes my whole breast, the only thing you can't see is what is covered by the baby. I am a 36H, so not small breasted, so it's often pretty obvious to people that I am breastfeeding. I am not 'making a show of myself' I am feeding my baby in the easiest way possible.
Breasts are for feeding babies. It is only in our culture, where we have been conditioned to view breasts as primarily sexual that anyone would think that anyone feeding their baby could be making a 'show of themselves'. This is exactly one of the reasons women should nurse in public, to normalise it. To normalise breasts being used to feed children.
The link pictures a woman breastfeeding in front of the President of Venezuela. I doubt anyone would refer to her as 'making a show of herself' or would you?
A few weeks ago at work I was taking the food over to a table where the mother was bf, I didnt even realise thats what she was doing as I normaly do the children section it happens so much you dont even notice.
However this time I was training a young lad and it was his first night out on the floor with me so he was standing next to me holding the rest of the plates.
This woman stood to put her baby back in the buggy and hovered over her baby fussing for about 10 seconds without putting her boob away so it was hanging out for all to see, the poor lad with me nearly shat himself and nearly droped the plate (he was only 16).
A few minutes later I walked past them again to check everything was ok to over hear her laughing with her mate that she did it on purpose because the reaction is funny and how no one can or would say a dam thing to her.
This I found very unfair to delibratly try to make a young lad uncomfertable for no other reason then she could knowing no one would dare tell her to put it away.
Granted these two girls where not exactly what id call your adverage respectable parent type (for want of a better word rather trashy and full of themselves).
About 4 years ago working in another resturant there was another woman bf and had been sitting there for about 10 minutes again I didnt even notice untill I was taking a elderly couple to a table nearby and the man didnt even look her way as he was chatting to me and im pretty certain he never even saw her but she still felt the need to suddenly shout out at the top of her lungs " yeah im breastfeeding so what, try looking the other way perv" the poor couple mortified just left as they didnt know what to say.
Thats what I mean by making a show of themselves, like I said before its a very rare incident and im pretty sure your adverage mother is nothing like this what so ever but the odd one does exsist.
Fair enough, the second woman sounds an idiot, although in the first example maybe she just forgot and she was laughing about that? It is really easy when you are breastfeeding to forget to put your boob away, I have almost answered the door to a postman with my boob still out before and have stood up/almost stood up loads of times when feeding in public without putting my boob away.![]()
Nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public and I love it when I see a woman doing it. I don't care if they use covers or not either. I never used a cover, Maria wouldn't have liked it and yeah she would pull off my breast sometimes and expose me to everyone but no one ever gave me a dirty look (if they even noticed) and I wouldn't have cared if they did anyway.
Nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public and I love it when I see a woman doing it. I don't care if they use covers or not either. I never used a cover, Maria wouldn't have liked it and yeah she would pull off my breast sometimes and expose me to everyone but no one ever gave me a dirty look (if they even noticed) and I wouldn't have cared if they did anyway.
I always wonder when bf ladies say that people stare,they're thinking Someones judging them.I'm one of those people stare because I love seeing babies feeding... I'm not perving or judging, I just like to see babies feeding!
I never had any negative comments but I didn't do it that often in the short time I breast fed.
There was a bit of an outcry here in the news recently, where a mother was at the pool with her children, and bfed her baby at the poolside. She was asked to leave. Then a Morning TV host came out and said that women need to be 'classy and respectful' when bfing in public which obviously caused a bit of upset amoungst mothers.
My view, is that society has completely lost touch with the purpose of a womans breasts. By saying you need to be respectful implies that there is something disrespectful. And I hate that there are apparently 'rules' for how you should feed your child if you are in public, like using a cover (which to me make it way more obvious you are bfing), turning your chair so you aren't facing people etc.
Feed your child how you see fit, it isn't really anyone elses business. I did put a muslin over Alexia when she was a newborn, but that is because I felt more comfortable, certainly not about the possibility offending complete strangers by daring to feed my hungry child. I have only had one negative reaction, most people don't realise, or just smile in an awww way if they do![]()
I find it unnecessary to flash your boob all around. I bf and have been for 7 months. It's easy to be discrete and I think people should be respectful of others because its just common courtesy. Personally I love to see people bf but I don't want to see their boob.
And yes I say respectful because I wouldn't appreciate any other woman flashing a boob in my face. It isn't necessary to show your boob when you nip.