Breast Feeding in public

Oh and as for me, I did publicly in my own house in front of everyone, including FIL. But I never BF'd - I exclusively expressed - so yes, I had my pumps out for everyone to view! Sorry, my hungry baby is more important than your modesty :rofl: Boobs are for babies.
With my daughter I breastfed in public, I didn't even have a thought that anyone would dream of saying anything to me about it, It's legal in Canada and the law states that you are not to disturb a nursing mom. The policy at the world class resort which my mom works for is that if a customer complains they are to be "inconvenienced" and moved tables :thumbup:

I know that when I started it was uncomfortable trying to find good positions and work or latching and supporting my boob (I have larger boobs) I tried to use covers but found them incredibly cumbersome and that they made more of a show than simply not using one. I felt like by using it I was just advertising what I was doing. I was more self conscious of the muffin top and stretch marks that were visible when I lifted my shirt :blush:

With my son, and now a 2 year old running around, I breast feed everywhere and anywhere I need to. I don't use a cover or blanket and I don't go out of my way to "show of my boobs" but I don't "hide" what I'm doing either. I do my best to keep my nipple covered when I'm feeding so if he's popping on and off I have a couple fingers handy to cover it up otherwise no one really sees anymore than they would if I were in a bathing suit or cleavage style top. He was a reflux baby, so very often in a lot of pain while we were trying to sort out meds and potential allergies. The only way to sooth him was to nurse him. I figured that a screaming baby was way more disruptive to everyone around us in public than a quiet baby eating would be.

I have breastfed waiting in line up to pay for groceries, walking around the local hardware store, at various local events, parks, even golfing once! I sat down at a local fair one time to feed him just to get started and notice signs directing breastfeeding moms to a "nursing area" I wasn't going to bother packing up and moving as we were both just fine but I did poke my head in later as we walked around to check it out, it was nice, bottled water and all :)

I believe in normalizing breastfeeding. I have found that there are somethings that make it easier and more comfortable for me like wearing a tank top or cammi under a normal top so I can do one up/ one down as with a larger bust I find nursing tops uncomfy
Im not planning on breast feeding but i dont see the problem with it at all :shrug:
I'm planning to breast feed and I will feed my baby when he/she is hungry, whether that's in public or not. Of course I'm nervous but I'm sure once I get the hang of it, it'll be thoughtless. I will be discrete but I'm not planning to use a cover or anything. It'll only be a small amount of breast on show as I'm going to be using layered tops/vests so I can lift one part up and pull the other part down :)
I wont do it in public as in resturants, benches, get togethers ect without covering up first, going into the other room or something. I just wouldnt feel comfortable doing it. You never know what weirdo is staring at you and of course you cant help what other people do but id rather not be in that. I never really thought about it till I googled breastfeeding (wanted some info on it!) and I clicked on a site that no kidding was PICTURES of women breastfeeding, and not like educational but like hidden cameras or someone just walking by takes a picture for perverts to look at. UGH still makes me sick. so after that im turned off to the idea. Not against anyone who wants to im just not going to.
I wont do it in public as in resturants, benches, get togethers ect without covering up first, going into the other room or something. I just wouldnt feel comfortable doing it. You never know what weirdo is staring at you and of course you cant help what other people do but id rather not be in that. I never really thought about it till I googled breastfeeding (wanted some info on it!) and I clicked on a site that no kidding was PICTURES of women breastfeeding, and not like educational but like hidden cameras or someone just walking by takes a picture for perverts to look at. UGH still makes me sick. so after that im turned off to the idea. Not against anyone who wants to im just not going to.

Whilst I totally agree that you should only do what you're comfortable with,I wouldn't be put off by the fact that some weirdo might be perving over your boobs. At the end of the day, some weirdo might be perving at you on the beach in a binki but you wouldn't think twice about wearning one, so I think don't let a small minority of people put you off doing what you want to do.
I think breastfeeding is fine, especially if you have a cover-up (more for your own benefit though - not sure I'd want to think a random pervy person might be looking at my breast - even though that is highly unlikely!). I am not sure I could really be bothered with the whole expressing malarky :-)
To be honest, I'd be more embarrassed breastfeeding in front of my parents than in front of a whole load of strangers - does that make me a bit odd?!
I'm very self conscious, I DON'T BF in public, but I have nothing against other women doing it. It's a natural thing. I just don't feel comfortable doing it. I love BFing though, it's such a lovely thing to do! I also have always pumped since the beginning for bottles for when I go out and also when I went back to work!
I never had a problem doing it and love seeing other moms do it as well... We're just feeding our babies when we nurse and I do it in a very discreet way.
I'm nervous incase any stupid person says something negative to me, but I'll get over it and hopefully will get my confidence to feed wherever I want. I can't wait. The worst thing for me will be if family feel uncomfortable and leave the room 'for my benefit' and leave me on my own, that would really upset me!
I have no problem with breast feeding in public, my son was a nightmare though rubbish latch and was just on and off the boob constantly! I did practice discretion though with Muslim squares ect which I think is polite especially if your in a restaurant. I have witnessed (after bf ing myself) a lady with ababy whilst eating out sat with a boob blatently out and I mean out!! She'd not clipped her bra up after putting the baby back into the pram and was hanging out for all to see . I felt quite embarassed for her as it's not like she was turned away from anyone. Personally i thought that was rude, natuaral or not as the baby was 3 monthsish so she'd be a pro by then!! You should be descrete i believe, it's not that hard as i did it with a nightmare baby,it's polite and having awReness for other peoples Feelings!! I'm a pro bfeeder but I'd rather not have Someones boobs on show while eating my pasta!!!

Women going topless here in Ontario is actually allowed by law, so it wouldn't bother me for a second.
i support a womans right to feed her child in public, i just personally am very very uncomfortable with the idea. i do plan on trying to breastfeed, but if it gets too overwhelming for me i will switch to a bottle. happy mother makes happy baby in my opinion. i do think everyone should try though!
I breastfed in public with all my boys and will this time too. I don't pump and give bottles at all so I certainly don't do it just for in public. After the first couple months when we both get the hang of it more I don't put a blanket over us either...but you can't see anything. Luckily where I live baby has a right to eat anywhere kids are allowed, though I have still heard of people making comments and even being asked to leave some places....but I never had those experiences with my other kids.
I, personally, do not have a problem with women breastfeeding in public. I'll admit that when I was a teenager I thought it was gross, but I wasn't a mother and did not understand. If my baby gets hungry and I need to feed him, you can bet your bottom dollar I will feed him in public!
Im all for it and will be doing it in public - feeding a baby is the most natural thing in the world, why should we have to hide away in dirty toilets to feed our children? My cousin was shouted at a few weeks ago in a supermarket cafe by another customer for sitting right at the back (out of view) to bf her son - the elderly lady told her she shouldnt be doing that in public, she needs to be in the toilets! If anyone complains to me about it i will bloody squirt them with milk :rofl: xx

I will be doing my best to BF but those attitudes worry me. Id hate to be feeding my baby and someone shout at me for it:wacko: Id probably burst into tears and run away! I dont agree with going into a toilet to feed the baby but if there is a baby feeding rooms somewhere (never seen one here though) Id use that for privacy if I find feeing difficult. If I was in a cafe or somewhere Id probably find somewhere quiet and make sure I was covered cos I dont want to be exposing myself to everyone in the world ie - Tina's expercience with the lady in restaraunt

I would prob cry to lol If someone yelled at me or asked me to stop!
I wouldnt know what to say or how to react....

Do i listen and stop feeding my baby and go somewhere else? or do I have the right to finish the feeding? idk :shrug:

I think as long as you are 100% covered then it is fine! Still I personally would feel odd at first... so I might just bring bottles out that I have prepared at home
It doesn't bother me if other people do it, and for the short amount of time I did with my son, I would, but I always covered up.
Thank you ladies for all your positive replies. This is my 1st baby and I plan to BF. I am a very sociable person but I also hate confrontation, so it worries me that someone would say something to me in public and I wouldn't be able to defend myself & baby, but you've all given me more confidence!
I found this...

As a result of Durdant-Hollamby’s investigations, the Government Equalities Office has confirmed that:

1) There is not, and never has been, any law that prohibits a woman from breastfeeding a child of any age in public, for example in a cafe.

2) The 1975 Sexual Discrimination Act created legal protection for a woman under the provision of goods, facilities and services section. This protection covered a woman breastfeeding a child, of any age, by implication, and meant that she could not be discriminated against for breastfeeding in places such as restaurants, cafes, surgeries, libraries etc.

3) The 2008 amendment to the SDA brought in more specific cover under the wording of ‘maternity’ - this also brought in the first mention of a six-month period, as it is tied to broader maternity rights covering 6 months before and after birth - whereby a mother could also challenge the owner under the grounds of maternity

4) The Equality Bill seeks to make it even more explicit that this maternity protection includes breastfeeding, by including the word breastfeeding in the statute.

So, for example, if a mother who is breastfeeding a 27 week old baby on a bus or in a café is asked to leave or to stop breastfeeding, she can take legal action on the grounds of sexual discrimination. If that same mother was feeding a child under 26 weeks, she could take action under the grounds of maternity or sexual discrimination.
I have one of these so that I am able to breastfeed when out and about, but with a little privacy. I first thought it was a bit expensive for what it is but it is made beautifully and then when I saw a friend using one and she said it was ne of their top purchases I decided to go for it...

I thought it was quite a stylish way to cover up!

J x


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last time i breastfed in public, but i never needed a cover up, i sat in the mirror beforehand and practiced positions so noone could see. I also used the 'breastfeeding' rooms... in other words the chair in nappy changing room. and wore bf tops.

this time im not going to worry about that, it made me wayyy more stressed, it werent nice sitting in stuffy changing rooms etc im going to just get my baps out and feed my kid. i dont care who sees... after all... what exactly is it theyre seeing? a bit of my boob and the back of my babys head? how is that different to seeing my cleaveage when i wear a low cut top?

i dont see why its a problem and if anyone does try to make me uncomfortable i will either pull my tounge out or tell them about it.

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