Breast feeding


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Just want to double check on something...

Adam feeds every 20 mins or so for about 10 mins at a time.

Its very tireing through the night and im not getting much sleep atall,

This will settle once my milk comes in yeah?


Hi Layla,

Im not wanting to be the bearer of bad news but Lucy was like this for the first few weeks. It will settle, but when I dont know, they are all different.

It is extremely tiring and wearing, you will feel exhausted, I can sympathise with you. Here anytime for you if u need a chat xx

PS If it gets too much try expressing and that way Jase can take a turn for a feed, and you can have a rest.xx
Thanks Kx, i was hoping you would answer this thread as i thought it was you that had simlar happen.

Adam is just useing me as a dummy/comfort im sure of it but the MW's say its coz he isnt getting enough and once my milk comes in then he will settle, i think my milk might be coming in now so im expecting as from tomorrow to be filling up a bit.

Also i wanted to ask, what position did/do you find best? The MW's are recomending the rugby ball for me as i still have a belly but i find it uncomfy, id rather he laid across my belly and i tucked him under my boobs if that makes sence.

I think im getting the latch right, the MW today didnt say it was wrong so i will go with that untill someone says otherwise, it hurts to put him on but once he gets going the pain stops

Hi hun,

I never got on with the rugby ball, I didnt feel comfy and found it all a bit impersonal-cause I am breast feeding my baby I want to enjoy the closeness.

Layla, Lucy still likes my nipple as a soother, and ofter falls asleep with it in her mouth when Im trying to feed, and the minute I move away its all hell on earth. I cant help on that one as I am still having troubles with this.

You are doing fantastic hun, you must be feeling exhausted, especially with 4-all credit to you :hugs:
Another question..

Im hoping my milk will come in today, my boobs feel heavy but are not huge hot or hard like i thought they would be.

What colour is the milk, sounds a silly question i know but i need to know what to look for, is it the same colour as fomluar milk? or is it clearer?
Does it just come in in one go or will it build up the more i feed.

Im starting to struggle a bit if im honest, really dont want to give up but i dont feel like there is enough for him.

Babies are born with a huge reserve so they don't need much to begin with, they're designed to be ok until the milk comes in. Kaya had to be topped up with formula in the hospital, but we knew that she was getting dehydrated because she wasn't having many wet nappies. If he's having wet nappies, he's getting enough. If not, and you do decide to top up, ask your midwife about cup feeding as if you give a bottle too early, it can be really hard to continue BF.

Your milk will come in hun. By the way, the milk is white (at least mine is lol).
Thanks Marley

At the mo my milk is a off creamy sort of colour so im guessing its not fully through yet, hope it comes in soon.

Layla I started off feeding 'rugby ball' as I have big boobies! Until she was used to BF it was the easiest postition.
I thought Lucy wouldnt take milk out a bottle as well as breast but she does, she takes nipple, teat and a dummy what a clever girl!

I have a hungry horace tho :blush:
How's it going Layla? My milk is completely milk white, if it looks off colour it still has colostrum in it. Hopefully yours should be through by now :)
i think its through now, i can hear him sucking and gulping alot more, its still not milky white but its almost there.

He feeds well in the day but tends to snack feed during the night which is hard. was in hospital yesterday afternoon/evening, MW thought i had an infection but it turns out its just exsaustion(sp?) but while i was there Adam had to be given a couple of bottles so last night was tough as he wouldnt feed from me right.
But this morning hes had a good feed and seems happy and settled. the pain isnt to bad now either, only hurts a bit when he latches on but as soon as he starts sucking it goes.

I have almost stopped bleeding too, on the others i bleed for about 6 weeks, so is this coz im feeding?

Sorry for all the questions, im so new to this and want to make sure im getting it right.

Im not allowed to move out of bed today, Jases orders lol, im sat here with the lap top. hes been bringing me drinks and snacks, hes looking after all the kids and changing Adams nappys, all im allowed to do is feed him, watch tv and sleep, its lovely lol

Oh Im sorry your so exhausted Layla. Glad Jase has you on bed rest!!
Most babies 'cluster feed' on an evening, so its perfectly normal. Charlie was on the boob for hours at a time!
Sounds like your doing fantastically with the feeding, good for you!
Thanks Hels

Also Adam seems to be very clingy, sounds funny saying that about a newborn but my other 3 used to feed, have a 10 min cuddle then go down in the mosses basket/cot to sleep untill next feed time....Adam wont do that, he wont settle asleep unless he is in my arms or in bed next to this coz im feeeding myself? will that get easier or will he always be clingy?

Kaya's like that, she doesn't go down to sleep unless she's in our arms - luckily we're co-sleeping, can't imagine what it would be like if we weren't. I'd advise the use of a sling. Watch out for the hospital giving him a bottle, if the issue arises again ask them to cup feed him as introducing the bottle too early can really scupper breast feeding. You're doing great though.
i wanted to co sleep but teh hospital and MW here dont recomend it anymore, apartnly to many cot deaths were recored this year so they are starting to tell parents not to do it. im still in two minds tho. the cot is pulled up to our side of the bed with the side gone, we were hoping he would sleep in his cot but still be right next to me if you see what i mean, but that doesnt seem to be enough for him, he wans to be right in beside me....Jase got worried the other day as i was feeding Adam laying down and i fell asleep, jase woke me up coz my boob was resting over Adams face and he couldnt see him, think it scared him, and me to be honest, can see how easy it is to smoother babies in your sleep :(

really not sure waht to do, co sleeping would be so much easier and i would get more sleep but then if they are starting not to recomend it id be to scared to go agaisnt that.

For more info on co-sleeping check out

Kaya only likes to sleep right next to me, so until recently I would sleep with her tucked into the crook of my arm. I'm also quite careful not to fall asleep until she is asleep. I sleep curled around her with my legs bent up to her legs so she can't slip down and my arm above her head so she can't wriggle too high. You're actually very unlikely to smother your baby unless you've been drinking etc. However if you are a very heavy sleeper it could cause problems. They say that if you are very tired you should not co-sleep - therefore, what happened to you could be linked to your exhaustion?
yeah thats very possible, i was out for the count and thats not like me, i dont tend to sleep that deep if coby is in the bed with us.

Thanks for the links, i will have a read now :)


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