Mummy to Belle and preg
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I totally understand hun, I don't think anyone here is trying to argue that breastfeeding is easy, by any route. If it were that easy, I doubt there would be a market for formula at all!
But in saying that, I don't see how someone posting this is 'taking away from your achievement'. Most FF Moms I know totally agree that it is a pat on the back to get as far as you have. I guess I just don't see the point in things?
Like, okay I know its hard. I know it hurts. I was there myself. How is someone saying that FF is "just as good" takes away from you? Again, this is people choosing to take offence to it? Or am I mistaken somehow? And when you say something like that, how am I as a FF Mom supposed to take that? So you are saying that no, it isn't just as good and we're giving second rate stuff to our babies? How is someone supposed to take that?
I get that they are your feelings, but did you really need to say that? Knowing how touchy a subject like this is? Especially in the formula feeding section where there are quite a few Moms who desperately wanted to breastfeed but couldn't? Moms who have a hard enough time as it is?
I dunno, to me it'd be like posting a in the LTTTC forums. I can understand if this was posted in the breastfeeding section, but I dunno. I'm not trying to say that BF Moms shouldn't feel like they can come in here, and when I really sit down and think about it if I saw "Formula sucks" as a thread in the BF section I'd probably feel compelled to check it out as well. But I'd like to think that when I have posted in the BF sections that I've always maintained that I love seeing the breastfeeding milestones blinkies, and how proud I am of BF mothers for really sticking it out.
Is it too much to ask to have the same courtesy in the FF area?
I don't even know if I'm making sense. I am NOT trying to be argumentative either, or make you feel that you can't post in here. I hope you know that. I'm just truly not understanding some things, and I always figure it is better to ask questions rather than to assume.
I think it's widely accepted that it's not as good. Hence the slogan: Breast is beast. BUT, that doesn't mean that formula isn't good or enough for babies, if it weren't... I wouldn't be here. My mother FF me.
When we say, it's not as good... it's not meant to be offensive. Formula does plenty of wonderful things for mum and baby but it doesn't do everything that breastmilk does. Fine, the extra things that breastmilk does aren't essential to survival but, like anything, it's a matter of opinion whether or not it's essential to YOU. I suffer with IBS, eczema, pet allergies and hayfever... all of which breastmilk is proven to reduce the risk of. My decision to BF is to prevent these things in my child because of how much they've been a bother to me. You might say these things would have happened anyway and you're right... there's no way to know if it could have been prevented but, if there's a way I can massively reduce the risk for Molly then I'm all for it. Now, they're not serious ailments... I'm alive, healthy, childbearing and have a brilliant immune system... formula has served me well. I just would consider all that, plus not suffering with the things that I do... a massive bonus. My OH was breastfed for 2 years and has no health complaints whatsoever, along with a superb immune system. That's what I want for Molly, because that's what I'd chose for me.
None of this means that if you chose not to try or if it's just not for you that you're a substandard parent in any way. I know fine well just how miserable BF can make a person at times and, for some people, in different circumstances, having led different lives, it's just not right for them. Who wants a depressed mother who has issues bonding with her child for the sake of a few minor ailments? That's when it's just not worth it. Further to that, if you didn't get support or you found it too difficult physically or if it just was impossible for any reason... it still doesn't make you bad or defective in any way. Would you ever look at your child and be crippled with guilt because they have hayfever? simply because you didn't BF? Of course not... your child is happy and healthy and that's the most important thing of all.
So, no it's not as good for a few little reasons but that's not to say it isn't good or even great... it's a little miracle for millions of women.
What bothers me is that, when people try to make out that it's just as good, it suggests that people needn't bother BFing at all. It suggests that, after all the nights of tears and misery trying to stop Molly swallowing air and giving herself painful gas, all the worrying over whether or not she's getting enough because she's not had a wet nappy in a while is for nothing. The things I'm doing this for are important to me and I take a lot of comfort in my lowest moments in the fact that what I am doing will be worth it in the long run.
If the fact that people say it's not as good is offensive to some then I don't know what to say about that really. I want women to BF, I want to support them and so, no, I won't tell them it's just as good because, for a number of small reasons, it isn't. That's not putting anyone down, it's just a medical fact.
I hope this has been taken well and not as offensive. As I have said before, formula is great and a lifeline for millions. It's a constant reassurance to even the most diehard BFers that, whatever happens, formula is always there if something should go wrong.
i never really get involved in the FF and breast feeding topics because it often ends in rows etc but i was interested in the title, i have read a few pages and then decided to skip to the end to see what was going on!!
i dont mean to seem though im picking on you hun but yours was the last post and therefore stands out the most to me!
My husband was breastfed for about 12 months, he has bad eye sight, awful allergies to nearly everything, excema, asthma and hayfever also quite bad! i was formula fed and am always bloody ill!!!
and although i can see your point about how you worded
I think it's widely accepted that it's not as good
people that chose to FF do so for a reason but im quite sure they do believe that it is just as good a BF or they wouldnt do it! but as i read through your post where you stay would u feel guilty that your child had hayfever because u didnt breastfeed implies to me that u would feel guilty but then inturn how do u think that makes FF mummies feel!
i tried to BF and admittedly not very hard but soon FF and i am very happy with my decision, Annabelle was diagnosed as lactose intolerant at 3 weeks old so we had special formula anyway!
im not trying to argue hun im just stating it how i personally see it!
im very open minded and support either method just as well as the other i dont think its wrong to BF if i could of i would but for all the parents who wanted to but couldnt its hard to be told your not giving your baby the best!