Mummy to Ruby & Scarlett!
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Yep I agree Femme. Although I was unable to BF (non latching baby!) I can totally see your point.
This is so sad. Why the point scoring and one-upmanship?
I for one have found my first 5 months of motherhood emotional, stressful, bewildering, exhausting, life changing, incredible, mind blowing, tearful...I exclusively bf'd for the first month-ish, then switched to combination feeding because that is what works FOR ME.
I find it so sad that we, as women, don't support eachother in WHATEVER choice we make. What the hell happened to sisterhood?
Fine, yes, formula isn't natural. I totally agree with that. Breasts are there to feed our babies. However, we introduced a bottle of formula because I was sat for I think the 4th day in a row, sobbing with frustration that I couldn't 'get it right'. Would it have been good for my baby or me to continue, tears dripping onto her little head as I fed her? Seriously? I think not.
Thankfully, one of the things I sussed out pdq is that I know what is best for my baby. Not the hv, or the midwife (two of whom hadnt even had children??), or my family, or my friends, or other mums...just me. My baby, my choice.
Why do women feel the need to always go one better? I dont understand it? The constant battles - SAHM v working mums, breastfeeding mums v formula feeding mums, blw mums v puree mums, early weaning mums v late weaning mums...we're all just mums. No matter what way we go about it, all we want is happy, healthy, loved babies.
I think it comes down to language and semantics. Breastmilk is the best option, and breastfeeding also offers an added level of comforting. But formula feeding and using another sort of comfort whether it be a dummy and a cuddle etc, is as close an alternative as it can possibly be. There are any number of examples where apparently "second place" substitutes are used and people don't get all bent out of shape about it. Using a substitute should never be considered as a failure. If a mum is doing the best they possibly can given their own set of circumstances then how can that be failing?I've skimmed through some of the pages and just wanna share my opinion regarding why ff'ing mums sometimes get aggrivated and offended when bf'ing mums use the phrase 'breast is best' - it makes me (and I'm sure others) feel as though we are failing our babies some how and we're "second" best by offering formula - it's as if we're being told that we're not as "good" as bf'ing mums. I know that isn't the intention but that's what that particular phrase says to me. And it's nothing to do with feeling guilty - it's that word, "best"![]()
Again it is down to language. It is what nature intended. But just as with every other aspect of life, man made solutions have been developed for those situations where the "natural" solution isn't possible. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and it is how we have been able to evolve and survive as a species. I like the use of the word "natural" as it helps make it more acceptable in public. How can someone complain about a mother breastfeeding her child if it is a natural thing to do? It makes it less taboo.And can people please stop saying it's natural...? Yes, it is to some people but for others it completely isn't. Using a toilet isn't natural - that's man made but we still use one right?? Being naked is natural, we're not born with clothes but the majority still wear them.
I'm not sure anyone has done that on this thread, have they?Not told they are wrong or bad for not wanting to nurse their baby.
Well, not exactly. You have posted in there and potentially things that could cause offence to BF mothers if they were of a mind to take it that way.actually no, i've seen a few threads with things that I think are wrong and that annoy me in the breastfeeding section. I however control myself and stay out of them because those are the rules.
actually no, i've seen a few threads with things that I think are wrong and that annoy me in the breastfeeding section. I however control myself and stay out of them because those are the rules.
And when peopl post for support in breastfeeding etc, I have always supported them. So no, I dont like reading things from breastfeeding moms saying its natural and they think its wrong that people dont try, or that they dont "approve" or support people who just dont like it or dont want to try.
A big part of me resents the fact that FF is much easier in practice than BF. A lot of women work really hard, push through agony and major obstacles to BF their baby, truly believing in what they're doing and wanting desperately to do it. Some nights, when I've had no sleep because LO wants to BF round the clock and some days when it's the same and we're in a growth spurt I start to think how much easier it would be to give her formula, because then she'd settle for longer and sometimes OH could feed her and I could sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. Then, when this debate kicks off and people roll up with the "it's just as good" argument, it really takes away from all the hard work people put in and considering how hard it is for most women... I think it deserves a little respect, recognition and not to be dismissed as "not best" or, more irritatingly, "just as good".
I have endless respect for women who try and are unable because I KNOW just how hard it is. I envy some women for their ability to not care if it doesn't work out, because I know that's just not me. I'll BF until Molly is done or I am physically incapable and even then, I'll be sad. Don't get me wrong... I enjoy the emotional experience and I enjoy knowing that I am persevering through trying times. But it is incredibly difficult and anyone taking my achievement away by taking this one piece of research as gospel will always be offensive, to me. One swallow does not a summer make.
What people need to remember is that there is guilt, emotional turmoil and a great deal of stress on BOTH sides of this debate.
I totally understand hun, I don't think anyone here is trying to argue that breastfeeding is easy, by any route. If it were that easy, I doubt there would be a market for formula at all!
But in saying that, I don't see how someone posting this is 'taking away from your achievement'. Most FF Moms I know totally agree that it is a pat on the back to get as far as you have. I guess I just don't see the point in things?
Like, okay I know its hard. I know it hurts. I was there myself. How is someone saying that FF is "just as good" takes away from you? Again, this is people choosing to take offence to it? Or am I mistaken somehow? And when you say something like that, how am I as a FF Mom supposed to take that? So you are saying that no, it isn't just as good and we're giving second rate stuff to our babies? How is someone supposed to take that?
I get that they are your feelings, but did you really need to say that? Knowing how touchy a subject like this is? Especially in the formula feeding section where there are quite a few Moms who desperately wanted to breastfeed but couldn't? Moms who have a hard enough time as it is?
I dunno, to me it'd be like posting ain the LTTTC forums. I can understand if this was posted in the breastfeeding section, but I dunno. I'm not trying to say that BF Moms shouldn't feel like they can come in here, and when I really sit down and think about it if I saw "Formula sucks" as a thread in the BF section I'd probably feel compelled to check it out as well. But I'd like to think that when I have posted in the BF sections that I've always maintained that I love seeing the breastfeeding milestones blinkies, and how proud I am of BF mothers for really sticking it out.
Is it too much to ask to have the same courtesy in the FF area?
I don't even know if I'm making sense. I am NOT trying to be argumentative either, or make you feel that you can't post in here. I hope you know that. I'm just truly not understanding some things, and I always figure it is better to ask questions rather than to assume.