breast is no longer research

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Kala you have misunderstood me. I am not saying there is anything wrong with FF if that is best for you and your baby. The point is that breast milk contains all the nutrients for a baby which are 100% compatible. Formula is a substitute. I am not saying it is wrong or bad for your baby.


Actually is isn't always 100% compatible. Many women often have to change their diets and other things in order for it to be right for their baby. To me that is just like switching formulas to find the right fit for your baby.
Am I allowed to say "I told you so," yet? :tease:

Come one ladies, our babies are all fine!
I just want to say that as an ARDENT believer in breastfeeding I really really still wish that we could all be more understanding that breastfeeding doesn't always work for some people.

The OP is clearly looking for some way of feeling better about the fact that she wasn't able to breastfeed and yet she really should not be feeling guilty at all.

I had a lot of difficulties with breastfeeding and for the first three months it was such agony that everyday I thought about giving up - I feel that I was just stubborn and I'm glad I kept going but during that time, I felt really really lousy and very sad when I saw all the 'breast is best' stuff because it felt like I was failing both my baby and myself in some way if I wasn't able to do it easily and naturally. This was me, total hippie who wanted nothing more than for the baby to be able to latch himself on and all the rest - I really wanted the breastfeeding ideal and was totally unprepared for the difficulties that we faced.

Now that I can breastfeed ok I feel very blessed to have been able to do so thus far and I know that if I had not been able to, I would look back and feel a lot of sadness and guilt about it - and that is not fair. Women really can judge others so harshly and make things harder and more complicated for each other.

I feel sad that the OP was feeling somewhat better as a result of some random article - the facts of the article are neither here nor there as far as I am concerned - what matters is that she, like many others should not have to feel guilty. Yes, there is a lot of dodgy stuff behind many of the formula companies, and the world should not be that way, but those of us that are blessed with the ability to breastfeed could do well to consider how our opinions on the matter make other mothers feel.

:hugs: As I said before I think the saying should be changed from "breast is best" to "breast is natural / normal"


yes but then you make those who CANT breastfeed feel that they aren't normal. It really takes a whole change of consciousness on a massive level to make people FEEL healthy and well and therefore make healthy choices and therefore effect consumer and market forces. And the only way to start that kind of a change is in ourselves.

for a long time even those breastfeeding milestone tickers made me feel:cry: and that was after I persevered through some really difficult times and WAS (am) breastfeeding. I only just added mine and I debated it for ages because I feel like it's flying the flag in the face of those who can't and might be feeling sad about that.

in the end I did add it because for me it was a step towards feeling that I AM normal and natural - but if I felt 'left out' goodness knows how a mum who wants to bf but can't feels.
so FF isnt normal??

its normal in modern times but its not normal from a how we are made to work point of view.....we were made with breasts to breastfeed.

I HATE reading that. Just because we have breasts does not mean its natural to everyone. Nature is flawed, just like every human being and sometimes physically or emotionally breastfeeding just isn't "natural" to some people.

I dont like reading people say they cant understand why people dont try and bf.... like its none of your damn business! Some people just arn't comfortable with it and there is no need to make them feel guilty.

Well said:thumbup:
so FF isnt normal??

its normal in modern times but its not normal from a how we are made to work point of view.....we were made with breasts to breastfeed.

I HATE reading that. Just because we have breasts does not mean its natural to everyone. Nature is flawed, just like every human being and sometimes physically or emotionally breastfeeding just isn't "natural" to some people.

I dont like reading people say they cant understand why people dont try and bf.... like its none of your damn business! Some people just arn't comfortable with it and there is no need to make them feel guilty.

before the 1920s there was no formula you either breastfed your babies(what your breasts are designed to do) a family member did it for you or your baby died. i totally understand that its not for everyone. i didnt have an easy time of it at all. in fact i used to sit watching my baby sleeping in dread that she would wake and need feeding because it hurt so much. it was not natural for me at first at all but i delt with it and carried on as if formula wasnt an option. we as women are designed to give birth and breastfeed. its natural and normal. im not putting anyone on a guilt trip... if you look at science its what we are made to do....
Kala you have misunderstood me. I am not saying there is anything wrong with FF if that is best for you and your baby. The point is that breast milk contains all the nutrients for a baby which are 100% compatible. Formula is a substitute. I am not saying it is wrong or bad for your baby.


It only contains all the nutrients if the mother is eating them herself. Some said (i think) that its mostly young lower class mums who dont even think about BF but alot probably couldnt afford the best most nutritious food so there baby wouldt get much from BF sound like an expert.

My 18year old sister breastfed for 8 and a half months buying her fruit and veggies with those healthy eating tokens etc. Everyone's different:dohh:
Ohno not another bf vs ff thread!!

I did bf now i ff, i have noticed no difference and it feel right for me and my daughter. Who cares how other people feed there baby??? they do whats right for them.

Breast is best but it doesnt mean its best for everyone!!
I can't explain what I mean. Everything I say seems to be taken the wrong way and I don't seem to be explaining very well. Anyway all your babies are lovely so that is all that matters.

i think if it was 'breast is normal' it would be insulting to FFing mums

i do think its a shame BFing is still in the background for a lot of mums (i only BF because a work colleague mentioned it to me so i researched it)...up til then FF had been my automatic route and i purchased a load of Dr Brown bottles the minute i was pregnant but now haven't used them as i ended up BFing :dohh:

i think both should be discussed equally with new mums, therefore enabling mums to take the facts and make up their own i said in an earlier post, both methods reach the same conclusion - a fed, growing baby
well it took a few days but as i predicted this just turned into the usual bun fight about FF and BF. Personally i don't get what all the fuss is about, if you're happy with how you have fed your baby why the defensiveness. As a BF mum i endure a similar degree of prejudice and opinions to FF mums (for different reasons obviously)-however i am completely happy with my decision and couldn't give a crap what other people think.
I do understand that there is an emotional element involved for some mums who wanted to bf but had difficulties but does that really mean that BF has to be undermined to salve feelings of inadequacy. Life is full of disappointments and if not being able to bf is your biggest one then you're lucky.
I don't know about everyone else but now my little girl is almost a year i don't even care about the breast milk/formula thing, it may seem like a big deal when your little one is very young but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter. All that matters is that your baby is loved and well cared for. Women seem to be our own worst enemies,i repeat- its not a competition!!!!!!
Kala you have misunderstood me. I am not saying there is anything wrong with FF if that is best for you and your baby. The point is that breast milk contains all the nutrients for a baby which are 100% compatible. Formula is a substitute. I am not saying it is wrong or bad for your baby.


It only contains all the nutrients if the mother is eating them herself. Some said (i think) that its mostly young lower class mums who dont even think about BF but alot probably couldnt afford the best most nutritious food so there baby wouldt get much from BF sound like an expert.

My 18year old sister breastfed for 8 and a half months buying her fruit and veggies with those healthy eating tokens etc. Everyone's different:dohh:

Well said, use the healthy start vouchers to buy fruit and veg for mum not formula for baby... simples!!
so FF isnt normal??

its normal in modern times but its not normal from a how we are made to work point of view.....we were made with breasts to breastfeed.

I HATE reading that. Just because we have breasts does not mean its natural to everyone. Nature is flawed, just like every human being and sometimes physically or emotionally breastfeeding just isn't "natural" to some people.

I dont like reading people say they cant understand why people dont try and bf.... like its none of your damn business! Some people just arn't comfortable with it and there is no need to make them feel guilty.

before the 1920s there was no formula you either breastfed your babies(what your breasts are designed to do) a family member did it for you or your baby died. i totally understand that its not for everyone. i didnt have an easy time of it at all. in fact i used to sit watching my baby sleeping in dread that she would wake and need feeding because it hurt so much. it was not natural for me at first at all but i delt with it and carried on as if formula wasnt an option. we as women are designed to give birth and breastfeed. its natural and normal. im not putting anyone on a guilt trip... if you look at science its what we are made to do....

Last time I checked we lived in 2010, not the 1920's. And even way back then (not sure why people are trying to argue points with century old ways?) there were women who couldnt or didnt want to nurse their babies. They may not have had formula, but they had servents who were wet nurses etc. Same different to me, the only thing is now people who cant/dont want to have formula and dont have to hire someone.
i'd just like to add if you sat my son next to a bf baby of the same age and you didnt know which was fed what, i'd bet you a million squillion pounds even the best breast feeding expert couldnt tell the differance, rhys has never been ill in the 1 yr of his life apart from a little sick bug he got last week not one sniffle, nothing :shrug: perfect weight, perfect milestones.

bf is only natural if you find it natural if you dont then no-one shold feel bad about it.
cant be doing with preachers pah!!!!!
so FF isnt normal??

its normal in modern times but its not normal from a how we are made to work point of view.....we were made with breasts to breastfeed.

I HATE reading that. Just because we have breasts does not mean its natural to everyone. Nature is flawed, just like every human being and sometimes physically or emotionally breastfeeding just isn't "natural" to some people.

I dont like reading people say they cant understand why people dont try and bf.... like its none of your damn business! Some people just arn't comfortable with it and there is no need to make them feel guilty.

before the 1920s there was no formula you either breastfed your babies(what your breasts are designed to do) a family member did it for you or your baby died. i totally understand that its not for everyone. i didnt have an easy time of it at all. in fact i used to sit watching my baby sleeping in dread that she would wake and need feeding because it hurt so much. it was not natural for me at first at all but i delt with it and carried on as if formula wasnt an option. we as women are designed to give birth and breastfeed. its natural and normal. im not putting anyone on a guilt trip... if you look at science its what we are made to do....

If you look at science you can find anything you want to suit your cause. In the 1920's cases of infant mortality was much higher. I am no fan of formula companies believe me, but this thread is in the formula feeding section and therefore I feel we should be here to offer support to those who FF.
so FF isnt normal??

its normal in modern times but its not normal from a how we are made to work point of view.....we were made with breasts to breastfeed.

I HATE reading that. Just because we have breasts does not mean its natural to everyone. Nature is flawed, just like every human being and sometimes physically or emotionally breastfeeding just isn't "natural" to some people.

I dont like reading people say they cant understand why people dont try and bf.... like its none of your damn business! Some people just arn't comfortable with it and there is no need to make them feel guilty.

before the 1920s there was no formula you either breastfed your babies(what your breasts are designed to do) a family member did it for you or your baby died. i totally understand that its not for everyone. i didnt have an easy time of it at all. in fact i used to sit watching my baby sleeping in dread that she would wake and need feeding because it hurt so much. it was not natural for me at first at all but i delt with it and carried on as if formula wasnt an option. we as women are designed to give birth and breastfeed. its natural and normal. im not putting anyone on a guilt trip... if you look at science its what we are made to do....

Not necessarily...years ago babies were put on food at very young ages - even not that long ago (when formula has been around) babies were weaned at ages which would be considered shocking these days.
Years ago if a mother couldn't breastfeed they also gave them goats and cows milk....not that long ago!!!
Oh Christ :lol: All I have to say is the OP was very poorly worded, with no sources/inks etc to back up points, hasn't stuck around to talk about it, and now it's descended into another heated FF vs BFing debate. Haven't we had enough of these? The same points come up every time. There is nothing wrong with FF, there is nothing wrong with BFing. You do what you feel is right by your baby.
We all do what we think is right for our babies, if you are doing the best for your child and that is what you believe I don't understand why you would feel guilty:shrug:

I was told by so many people to give my eldest daughter a dummy and that it was best for her and that I was cruel not giving it to her....but I chose not to and never felt guilty about my choice even though people were trying to force it on me so I don't understand why you feel guilty....there's really no reason.

I Love breastfeeding and that was my choice, I have lots of breastfeeding and bottlefeeding friends and I certainly don't think any less of my formula feeding friends....they're all great Mummies.

Relax and trust your judgement as a Mother that the choices you make for your children are the right choices:thumbup:
I don't think this is a fight but a nice healthy debate nobody is being nasty it is really interesting hearing both points of view especialy as I have done both lets not make out it's something it's not.
so FF isnt normal??

its normal in modern times but its not normal from a how we are made to work point of view.....we were made with breasts to breastfeed.

I HATE reading that. Just because we have breasts does not mean its natural to everyone. Nature is flawed, just like every human being and sometimes physically or emotionally breastfeeding just isn't "natural" to some people.

I dont like reading people say they cant understand why people dont try and bf.... like its none of your damn business! Some people just arn't comfortable with it and there is no need to make them feel guilty.

before the 1920s there was no formula you either breastfed your babies(what your breasts are designed to do) a family member did it for you or your baby died. i totally understand that its not for everyone. i didnt have an easy time of it at all. in fact i used to sit watching my baby sleeping in dread that she would wake and need feeding because it hurt so much. it was not natural for me at first at all but i delt with it and carried on as if formula wasnt an option. we as women are designed to give birth and breastfeed. its natural and normal. im not putting anyone on a guilt trip... if you look at science its what we are made to do....

Last time I checked we lived in 2010, not the 1920's. And even way back then (not sure why people are trying to argue points with century old ways?) there were women who couldnt or didnt want to nurse their babies. They may not have had formula, but they had servents who were wet nurses etc. Same different to me, the only thing is now people who cant/dont want to have formula and dont have to hire someone.

as i said previously ff is normal in modern times but breastfeeding it what we as humans are made to do, human babies should drink human milk. If a mother has tried and cannot feed her baby formula is the NEXT best thing. :thumbup:
so FF isnt normal??

its normal in modern times but its not normal from a how we are made to work point of view.....we were made with breasts to breastfeed.

I HATE reading that. Just because we have breasts does not mean its natural to everyone. Nature is flawed, just like every human being and sometimes physically or emotionally breastfeeding just isn't "natural" to some people.

I dont like reading people say they cant understand why people dont try and bf.... like its none of your damn business! Some people just arn't comfortable with it and there is no need to make them feel guilty.

before the 1920s there was no formula you either breastfed your babies(what your breasts are designed to do) a family member did it for you or your baby died. i totally understand that its not for everyone. i didnt have an easy time of it at all. in fact i used to sit watching my baby sleeping in dread that she would wake and need feeding because it hurt so much. it was not natural for me at first at all but i delt with it and carried on as if formula wasnt an option. we as women are designed to give birth and breastfeed. its natural and normal. im not putting anyone on a guilt trip... if you look at science its what we are made to do....

nothing wrong with my body the first time 4 hr labour start to finish
2nd labour i was minutes from losing my son, who was ripped from me in a crash section. so whats wrong with the design of my body nothing natural or normal about that FACT :shrug:
i think thats a very emotive thing to say if i'm honest,
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