Breastfeeding baby, not preventing another :-)

Welcome :flower:

I started temping half way through a cycle. Only cause my body was being weird and I wanted to know what it was doing!
Does your little one sleep through the night?

My DD does :) from 8pm to 8am !
I've read your cycles return or you can start to O when baby sleeps through the night
But DD has slept through the night since 3 weeks! And I've only had a light bleed almost 60 days ago!

No, she doesn't sttn yet... I've been spoiled once or twice, but it never stuck!
I have been feeling like stuff is going on down there - whether I'm O'ing or AF is about to arrive - but nothing has come of it - and the feeling doesn't intensify or anything like that.
Welcome :flower:

I started temping half way through a cycle. Only cause my body was being weird and I wanted to know what it was doing!

I think I may just start temping anyways!
I became addicted to temping when we were ttc, lol, but I suppose it's not the worst thing to be addicted to :dohh:

When you started temping, had your AF returned? Or you were just wondering when you were going to O?

Did temping half way through help you figure things out?
Hi if you don't mind I would like to join you I am bfing my almost 11 month old but haven't had a period yet. I feel like something is going to happen soon but it might be wistful thinking. My daughter was conceived before my first postpartum period I was bfing my son who had just turned one. I am hoping to conceive again as soon as possible!
Welcome :flower:

I started temping half way through a cycle. Only cause my body was being weird and I wanted to know what it was doing!

I think I may just start temping anyways!
I became addicted to temping when we were ttc, lol, but I suppose it's not the worst thing to be addicted to :dohh:

When you started temping, had your AF returned? Or you were just wondering when you were going to O?

Did temping half way through help you figure things out?

Yes it had returned. I started temping because I was having some weird midcycle spotting/bleeding and was hoping I could figure out what was going on. But nope, didn't figure a thing out and still can't! My cycles are all over the place!
Hi if you don't mind I would like to join you I am bfing my almost 11 month old but haven't had a period yet. I feel like something is going to happen soon but it might be wistful thinking. My daughter was conceived before my first postpartum period I was bfing my son who had just turned one. I am hoping to conceive again as soon as possible!

Welcome :flower:
Can I join you lovely ladies? I just posted a similar post and then saw this one lol.

My youngest is 11 months still fed on demand and still feeding in the night. So no cycles just yet. I *think* we may be ntnp and I am so excited!!! x
Hi if you don't mind I would like to join you I am bfing my almost 11 month old but haven't had a period yet. I feel like something is going to happen soon but it might be wistful thinking. My daughter was conceived before my first postpartum period I was bfing my son who had just turned one. I am hoping to conceive again as soon as possible!

Wow your story is similar to mine. I too have an 11 month old and was concieved first cycle after stopping breastfeeding my eldest son who is nearly 3. No af as yet keep getting signs of ovulation but nothing comes of it. x
Hi babytoys!

Well there seems to be a lot of us girls ntnp :)
It seems that it seems to be different for everyone when cycles return.with my oldest it wasn't until I stopped nursing at 7 months
Hi babytoys!

Well there seems to be a lot of us girls ntnp :)
It seems that it seems to be different for everyone when cycles return.with my oldest it wasn't until I stopped nursing at 7 months

Hi :)

With my eldest son he self weaned just after his first birthday and I ovulated not long after that. We dtd a few days ago and I think I may have ovulated yesterday though I have had signs of ovulation on and off for the past 11 months and no af has shown so not counting my chickens that ovulation actually took place.

I've heard that Soy isoflavones can help to bring your cycles back I'm going to look into it as I doubt mine will return til Harley self weans and I have a feeling that will be a while as he is a little milk monster.

Is anyone tracking ovulation at all? I'm thinking I may start temping to give me an idea think DH would freak if I did the whole she-bang with opks etc lol. x
Yup, I'm tracking ovulation. I'm temping and using OPKs at the moment as I don't think I'm ovulating. We're not timing BDing though.
Yup, I'm tracking ovulation. I'm temping and using OPKs at the moment as I don't think I'm ovulating. We're not timing BDing though.

Hope the temping and opks gives you some indication of when you do ov hun.

Well I spoke too soon :( Was reading all of the signs wrong that my hubby was ok with ntnp :cry: Just told him about a friend who announced she was pregnant this morning at the school gates. He turned around and said oh god that means you must be even more broody then and that he was going to go to the shop to stock up on condoms. I pulled a face at him and he then said either that or I go get the snip (cue me pulling another face).

I don't understand him why would we dtd without protection if he was that against me falling pregnant? He has condoms under the bed so its not like he doesn't have any.
*sigh* so looks like I won't be joining you lovely ladies after all :(

Sorry for the rant x
So sorry hun, sometimes men just don't think about the bigger picture. Lol sometimes they don't think at all.
Just last week I mentioned to DH that I think I might be ovulating and that we had DTD the day after I thought I Oed, and that now I'm going to be tempted to poas soon.
His response..... idk if I'm ready for that just yet ( we talked about ttc in the fall) and then he says that maybe we should wait another year or so.
So I mentioned condoms, or tracking ovulation also we can avoid DTD during my fertile week.
And he just looks at me like I'm crazy! And says "no" (more to the condoms) lol
And yet we still DTD with no protection :shrug:
So sorry hun, sometimes men just don't think about the bigger picture. Lol sometimes they don't think at all.
Just last week I mentioned to DH that I think I might be ovulating and that we had DTD the day after I thought I Oed, and that now I'm going to be tempted to poas soon.
His response..... idk if I'm ready for that just yet ( we talked about ttc in the fall) and then he says that maybe we should wait another year or so.
So I mentioned condoms, or tracking ovulation also we can avoid DTD during my fertile week.
And he just looks at me like I'm crazy! And says "no" (more to the condoms) lol
And yet we still DTD with no protection :shrug:

This is my situation!
Haha, DH says we need to wait to have more babies - but refuses to wear a condom and really isn't interested in charting.
So, maybe he does secretly want another, but doesn't want to admit it! :winkwink:
:rofl: these men can't have their cake and eat it too! :)
I bought a new bbt (my old one wasn't working)
:happydance: time to start temping!
Thanks for the hugs Jess your right they don't see the bigger picture. They are quite selfish really don't want us to get pregnant but yet don't want to wear condoms to ruin their pleasure (which is what he hates about using them).

This is my situation!
Haha, DH says we need to wait to have more babies - but refuses to wear a condom and really isn't interested in charting.
So, maybe he does secretly want another, but doesn't want to admit it! :winkwink:

Thats what I thought that he secretly was ok with me having another baby but just refused to admit it.

But I got the wrong end of the stick and took his words/actions the wrong way. He now thinks I secretly planned to dtd with him to fall pregnant and that I've had all this worked out for ages. Far from the truth. He said we can 't afford it (we can financially he's in a better job then he was when we just had the one baby and we are living comfortably) he then said theres no room (we could squeeze a baby in if we really had to but we planned to move to a bigger house in the future anyways). I just don't get it. I wouldn't mind but I do 90% of the childcare so its not as if its going to impact him much. Fair enough if he was more of a hands on dad when they are babies then I could understand but its me who does night feeds,nappy changes,settling them back to sleep etc etc. He's good with the eldest 3 its just babies.

I have my fingers crossed that my body did ov and by some miracle I am pregnant from that one night. But then he will most likely accuse me of planning it again :( x
Those sound like the same reasons my DH gave me! Lol and I too do 90% actually like 99% pf the baby stuff. I'm pretty sure that DH hasn't given Charlotte a bath..... ever! Its always me. But honestly I dont mind, I'm a stay at home mom and I love it!

Babytots if you did catch ovulation when do you think you can poas at the earliest?
:hugs: so sorry you have to deal with this right now
Glad it's not just mine then I'm sure all men are the same.

I don't mind doing all the child care either especially when they are babies as I just love being a mummy it just frustrates me that he seems to think having another baby will be hard on him when he does sod all lol.

I'm thinking if I did ovulate it would have been 2 days after we dtd so could realistically test in about a weeks time making me around 10dpo. Don't think I could bring myself to test though incase it comes up negative.

Written a message for my hubby to read hoping it gets through to him as he's really upset me. Was hoping he would see it tonight but he didn't log onto fb ( I don't do confrontation with him he just gets angry and I just get upset).

Will update you with what happens (but usually he tends to brush these things under the carpet leaving me to deal with it on my own).

How is everyone else doing? X

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