Well I don't know if I 100% agree. I was very uncomfortable with nip the first 4 months or so with my son and it was never really an issue. I fed before I left the house and I kept watch of time and usually headed him off before he got angry hungry. While I understand it may not be that easy for everyone, and not that easy if you have another child, ill know soon enough about that, I don't want to scare people who are scared of nip out of breastfeeding. It is def possible to not nip and still be sucsessful at BFing. I went out all the time when LO was young and I was just usually strategic about when I fed him and being around a place I felt comfortable nursing.
Idk, my son was a constant feeder. I fed him before we left to the store, and most of the time couldn't make it 20 minute drive without him screaming for more milk. He was a huge titty baby
So it was impossible to go around his schedule, I never would have left the house.
And every mom will get to know her chikd's general habits. My son was fairly predictable feeding wise but I did have a few times I had to slip in a bathroom unexpectedly or stay in my car before going I. Somewhere. I have nothing against nip and I have done it now but for those who don't want to nip you don't have to. You can at the very least be near a restroom and while that would bother some people to feed in a restroom it never bothered me.
My child was missing the habit, there was no time frames. I was lucky to get 60 mins between feeds, even at 9 months old he ate almost like a newborn. I would feed in my car a lot if I was there, but there were times I had to feed in a public place, and nobody noticed, except the one time I did try to use a cover and he was flapping his arms and crying and wouldn't stay latched. You guys must have some awesome bathrooms, texas bathrooms are disgusting, and I refuse to even pee in one most of the time, so for sure wouldn't feed my son. But then again, I have small A cup boobs, you aint gonna see nothing from my chest. I personally think breasfeeding in public is beautiful an so happy they are sharing it and making it more normal. We have to start somewhere to normalize it. I think it's sad that we have made breast into something that is so sexualized instead of using them for their real purpose. I honestly think next time around, I will actually make my way to go out and feed in public more. It's negative comments that people hear that get women scared to feed in public, then they stay inside all day behind 4 walls, become depressed and resent their babies. I'm not sure about Kentucky laws, but texas has some strict pro breast feeding laws, so I doubt anyone would say anything.
It wasnt about other people for me and I'd say its the same for a lot of people who aren't comfortable nip. Breastfeeding was just a very personal thing to me. I was new at it and I didn't feel comfortable doing it in public for a while. It never really bothered me to see people nursing discretely in public and now I think it's awesome. So it was never anything I had against nip. I just think some people have different comfort levels and that's totally fine. Just because some people are comfortable nip and some people aren't doesn't mean either one is wrong. I think we should celebrate anyone who bf. BFing is amazing and people can do it however they want really. Just like I will stand by a woman's right to nip, I won't look down on someone who doesn't want to nip. And it was completely possible for me to never mip with my newborn.
I do think a majority of the ladies that don't believe in nipping will eventually change their whole attitude on it once baby is here. There was just SO many things I disagreed with, bedsharing, nursing past 6 months, nipping, tv, etc that I have completely done a 180 on. It's all just so different once you do have the baby here and not in the womb. I was pretty respectful nipper. I kept to myself as much as I go in corner spaces, cars, back of the restruant, but there is still only so far I would go to make others comfy, cause I'd like me and my baby comfortable too, so I don't think it's that much to ask. But in all seriousness, I really hope for you previous newborn next time
I counted and he was on the breast 18 hours total in a day. He was a "bad" baby, but he's so freaking easy now!