****Broody and Babbling till 2014****

How is everyone doing:D? What is everyone doing in preparation to TTC? I have started to try to be more consistent with my vitamins and supplements... Now if only I could get the motivation to lose a little weight:haha:!

To try and get myself from stalking the ingender site constantly on ways to sway for a girl, I have been OBSESSED with The Vampire Diaries on netflix:blush:.

At this present moment, I'm not doing anything to prepare. I'm not gonna start taking vitamins or anything until I know what our date is for me comin off BC. Although when we're all nice and moved into the new house I'm gonna get back into exercise and work on getting fit and healthy. I have kinda been trying to lay off fizzy drinks, and make sure I eat a bit more fruit and veg though.

I love vampirey books/shows. I would probably like Vampire Diaries too. Is it anything like True Blood?

I never watched true blood. I loved Twilight. Vampire Diaries is always suspensfull! And of course the two brothers who are vampires are so hot! Wish I could watch it right now, but I have to go to sleep so I can go back to work tonight :(.

Rachie, good luck at your appointment! Hope your levels have improved even more :).
Apparently I'm all better. My levels are now at 2!

I've cried all the way home because I still feel like a bag of crap. I've had one day in 3 months where I've felt fine :(
I'm going to the gym 4 days/week, taking fish oil and cinnamon, hoarding baby items and reading books! Starting my prenatals end of next month (6 months before).
Rachie that's amazing that your levels are in the "ok to TTC" range:happydance:!! I know exactly what you mean though about feeling like crap still. Did they check your vitamin D levels?

Angie you are getting so close! I wish I could get motivated to go to the Gym 4 times a week. Are you feeling pretty good then?
hey everyone. i introduced myself in another thread but no one answered so thaught i would join you here. im samantha and ive been on this forum for the last few years but not in this section. i have a daughter who is 3 but wasnt planned so have never gone through the dreaded wwt and ttc. im getting married in feb 2014 and plan to try straight after.im also moving back to the uk from cyprus after the wedding so have a few things to sort.i also suffer anxietyattaqcks and am currently on meds so want to get them under control and hopefully off the meds before ttc. even though i knew i wanted another baby i wasnt sure when but a few days ago me and oh spoke and he said he wants to start trying straight after the wedding. today he told me i can start buying stuff for the baby if i like. i am so excited!!! ive been looking at stuff anyway and fantasizing about buying it but now i actually have permision lol. so yeh i thaught i would join you ladies in the wait till 2014.xx
Welcome Samantha :wave:! So exciting to have a wedding to look forward to while you wait!
I'm still in 'recovery' from giving birth in December so I'm still taking a prenatal vitamin. I may just continue taking it because it really is the best kind of vitamin there is, it has everything in it. I also have to get back to exercising and lose this baby weight as I doubt I'll have normal cycles once I discontinue bc if my weight is where it is. So I'll need to prepare in that way. As for baby things, I have plenty so I won't have to buy anything straight away, just a few new odds and ends when the time comes. I guess the only thing I really need to work on in preparation is getting healthy again. Also I know enough to go off of birth control earlier this time as last time it took us 6+ months to conceive.
Imsotired, you are just going to use other forms of BC then for a while? We have been using condoms and I am charting my cycles with FF. I had never really paid much attention before to my fertility signs and some months I am right on with predicting when I ovulate and other months are more confusing. Like this month I thought I ovulated (ewcm and ovaries aching), but then a week later I had all of te symptoms of ovulation again:shrug:. I have also noticed that the last couple of months, both of my ovaries hurt during ovulation or I will get ovulation pain in one and 1-3 days later the other. Do you chart?
Hiya, do you mind if i join you ladies?

I am getting married August 2014 and we are hoping to start TTC sept/oct ish :D
We have one little boy already who is 2 in July. I am a childminder and OH is a secondary school teacher
hey everyone feeling really broody today so thaught id come chat to you girls who understand it all lol. so ive been addicted to ebay in the last few days, scrolling through baby things.thank god they dont send much to cyprus otherwise i would be spending a fortune.:dohh: anyway few questions i wanted to ask you girls. me and oh are hoping to start ttc on our honey moon. sorry if too much info, so that is in feb 2014. when do you suggest i stop taking my pills to start regulating my periods. i was always irregular but i want to hopefully be ovulating around the time of the wedding so we can start trying.rathger than beig on my period hopefully:nope: also when should i start prenatal vitamins. i want to prepare my body as much as possible. i have already lost weight and im now at the weight i was before i had mia. a bit less infact. how are you girls all doing today. anyone else feeling broody and addicted to looking and buying baby stuff already??!!
Hi Ladies, mind if I join? I think we've kindof decided we'll be TTC next year.
I joined this forum when I was pregnant with my first. It was a pretty crappy pregnancy, I had MS for months and also had SPD. My son was two weeks late and I was induced. Which was a horrible experience and I was bed ridden on the ward for 48 hours due to the midwife failing to read I had SPD in my notes. I'll probably be a nervous wreck going through it all again!! But here I am :lol:.
Hi Dani, welcome! I'm sorry to hear (or read) that you had such a rubbish pregnancy. Have you thought about having some counselling to try and come to terms with your experiences and maybe try to get some sort of closure on it? I'm having therapy at the moment to 'tidy up' a few issues that I have and I sort of see it as an extension of taking prenatals because I don't want to go into a pregnancy with any sort of bad feelings. It's not for everyone but it might help you? :)

Upsy daisy - I think it's never too soon to start taking prenatals. I've been taking prenatals since October and I'm glad I did because we want to bring our TTC date forward. I've read books which state that taking folic acid and B vitamins for a year in advance can have advantages - reduced risk of miscarriage amongst other things. I would come off the pill sooner rather than later to give your body a chance to regulate itself and also if there are any issues, ie short luteal phase, then it gives you time to work on those too :) I love looking at baby stuff, I think it's kind of crazy in some respects but I justify it by telling myself it's like buying a new car - you have to shop around first :)

Luvmyfam - thank you for the kind words. I know it's awesome that I'm at the right levels to TTC but I just feel so rubbish still. I've definitely improved but I just want the energy level light to stay on all the time instead of flickering on and then off again. At least I'm having the occasional bout of feeling good I suppose xx
Hi Dani, welcome! I'm sorry to hear (or read) that you had such a rubbish pregnancy. Have you thought about having some counselling to try and come to terms with your experiences and maybe try to get some sort of closure on it? I'm having therapy at the moment to 'tidy up' a few issues that I have and I sort of see it as an extension of taking prenatals because I don't want to go into a pregnancy with any sort of bad feelings. It's not for everyone but it might help you? :)

Hiya. It has crossed my mind a couple of times. But i've always talked myself out of it. I didn't used to be very good at opening up about how I felt but I have a good support network around me so I think i'll be ok. I know that each pregnancy is different so i'm just hoping the next one will be a bit smoother :thumbup:. I am excited though!
Well, you sound really positive about it so that is a really good start :) xx
luvmyfam, I am currently on the mini pill. Because I was breastfeeding when I went to my follow up appt after giving birth they thought this would be the best solution and I thought it was probably for the best as I can't handle two babies so close together. DH and I have never been fond of condoms and often used the pull out method. I know...not so reliable. I will be on the mini pill until at least October when I will go see my gyno again and then I may go on a full hormone pill for a few months just to get kickstarted again. I was charting before I got pregnant but I am not now because my baby doesn't sleep too well and I take advantage of sleeping in when I can and I never wake at the same time which would make my bbt inaccurate. I hope I can start again next summer when we start to ttc again because it really was easy to tell when I for sure ovulated. Also my cycles were all over the place for a while and using opks and charting was the only way I could ttc effectively. I was exercising and dieting and I lost nearly 30 lbs and I took vitex which all really helped my cycles get back to 28 days. On my second 28 day cycle I got pregnant after months of ttc. This time I will go off bc in about march and hopefully start using opks, temping, exercising( hopefully having already lost some weight), and hope that by the time june/july comes along my cycles will be regular and I'll be healthy and ready for baby.

welcome all you new broody ladies:flower:
Hiya all please can I join you all?

Both D/H and I are nearly 29 and we have 7 1/2 month old daughter. We got married in 2009 and started trying for #1 in June 2010. 4 heartbreaking M/C's later our beautiful DD was born in October. I was diagnosed with antiphosphlipid syndrome after m/c #4 and was put on asprin and clexane which I am sure helped me carry to term!

We would like to start ttc #2 May 2014 so there will be around a 2 1/2 year age gap. I look forward to getting to know some of you x
Welcome taleasoldas, dani_tinks, and cazi77 :wave:!

Upsy daisy, I would personally stop the pill at least 3 months prior. As far as prenatals, I have pretty much been taking them for the last 5 years. They recommend women of childbearing age take a vitamin with folic acid anyway to cover your bases for unplanned pregnancies. So you can start those anytime!

Rachie, I hope your energy increases! I unfortunately feel tired a lot of the time but I also work nights 3 times a week and am on a daytime schedule with my boys on my days off. I think it is a little bit related to my thyroid though (even when my labs are within the normal range).

Imsotired, sounds like a good plan! I can't really temp either because of working nights 3 nights a week. I have been just trying to monitor cm and ovary pains. Its interesting that you have a girl, because vitex MAJORLY sways girl! Also losing weight while TTC sways girl lol.
Imsotired, sounds like a good plan! I can't really temp either because of working nights 3 nights a week. I have been just trying to monitor cm and ovary pains. Its interesting that you have a girl, because vitex MAJORLY sways girl! Also losing weight while TTC sways girl lol.

lol, I've never heard that vitex and losing weight sways girl...

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