I've not been on here for weeks now, have been far too busy with everything else. How is everyone?
Lots of new people - hi.
I'm so unsure about when the best time is to start TTC. I want it to be as early as possible, but want to make sure I get full maternity pay (one of the other girls on the course is planning on TTC after finishing and we were discussing it and think she will get full NHS maternity pay as we are employed by the Trust to go to uni), and I want a job at the end of the course - I guess I would have to tell placement/my mentor/the ward manager if I were pregnant and then, perhaps they wouldn't want to offer me a job as they wouldn't want to have to pay maternity leave. Decisions, decisions!
Anyway, I'm trying to be good and prepare my body for pregnancy. I'm trying to drink more water and eat more healthily (both not going too bad), and I want to lose about a stone or so, but I'm putting off getting on the scales at the moment. I've also bought some supplements and keep meaning to start taking them but keep forgetting.