buddie(s) wanted

Rachel you will get your BFP this coming month I will keep my finders and toes crossed for you - sending positive pregnancy vibes, chin up lovely :dust::dust:

I will be speaking to him about it - the last doctor I went to see was really dismissive and said there was nothing to be done just 'carry on' I have more knowledge this time and will make sure I get all the tests I need to be reffered to our local ferility specialist unit - I have pre-emptied the progesterone test which needs to be taken on 21st CD so I have pre-booked my blood sample - I have paid enough tax in to the NHS it's about time I take something out of it:thumbup:

Lots of baby dust to everyone
I hope this time you get a better doctor! Just keep pushing!

And thanks for the PMA, I really need it if this is to be our month!
Welcome Jess!!!!

Racheal I hope so much that you get your positive this months, fingers crossed for you! xxxx

Good luck with the doctor Peanutty!

I have about 10 days until I ovulate and have myself totally stressed already about my light periods and endometrial lining but I can only try and if I don;t try I'll never know!!!

Good luck to us all

I should be about 12 days from ovulation. I have heavy periods so I'm guessing I have good lining.

Hoping this is our month. OH has been talking to his friend about us TTC and his friend said that both times his mrs got pregnant was 3 months after coming off the pill, so he's hopeful it won't take long :dohh:
Hi....i'm 28 i've been trying for about 5 months....already its driving me crazy as each month i'm convinced this is it but then no!!! But would love to be pregnant in 2011 also by friend in work is pregnant so its in my face every day that i am not!! :o(
Hey Girls! How are you doing? Good Luck Rach! You'll get it this one! FX. Peanutty, be agressive, if your doc doesn't take you seriously see another one.
Emric how are you doing? did you hear anymore from your dr?

I have nothing to report....still waiting for :witch: to arrive. Stupid irregular cycles.
Welcome Welshcake!

finallyready - I'm ok, I think AF has just about left the building and hoping OH can take Tuesday off work too - he told me last night he wants Tuesday off too so he can spend all of Valentines with me :cloud9:

I should hopefully ovulate on Feb 19th if I ovulate on CD17 again. If that is the case we should be well covered as we'll be BD'ing Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday (19th) and Sunday :rofl: so really there's every chance we'll catch the eggy :thumbup:
Hi.. So I got my Beta results back taken that day and they came back negative!!! I dont get it ...my dr still said early mc but I am also hearing chemical pregnancy.. idk what do you ladies think?? dr told me to wait till I get my period then start trying but then again im also told to just go for it now.. idk what to do
Early mc and chemical pregnancy I thought were the same thing.....

I've also read that it is fine to try again now x
Hello Welshcake! As soon as you start trying it seems like there are bumps everywhere, hopefully it will be our turn soon - I think I would look good with a bump, I've been holding on to a top for ages which needs a bump to fill it out xxx

Emiric I think you would be OK to try again it would just be more difficult to know when your ovulating and date it. I think it really depends on whether you feel emotionally ready to start again.

My understanding of chemical pregnancy and miscarriage is - CP is when the egg is fertilized but doesn't implant so you bleed roughly same time as AF and a miscarrraige occurs after implantation. Whichever way it is your body will have gone hormone mad and it would be difficult enough to deal with without all the extra emotion hormones bring :hugs: I really feel for you sorry Emric it is really unfair I hope your OK

I am off to the docs tomorrow thanks finallyready I will stand my ground.

I am off to see a friend of mine who is a naturopath on Saturday she is going to treat me with a mixture of diet, herbs and homeopathy (I am a bit skeptical about homeopathy but I am going to go with it)Nearly 100% of her couples have concieved within 5 months so I am feeling really positive about it. You are not allowed to have any alcohol - not even the obligatory "the witch has just arrived I am going to down a bottle of wine alcohol":wine:

I will pass on any good tips I get

Speak soon xxxxxxx:hugs:
I think a Chemical is a miscarriage before a heart beat is dedected. And that a Chemical is quite common, due to the fact that people these days test so early. Most of the time when woman have a Chemical, they don't even know they were pregnant and end up bleeding around the same time of their expected period.

I'm so sorry your going through this, but I have read/heard that you are at your most fertile after you have conceived once, so keep :sex: and hopefully you catch the next one.
Good morning ladies,

Doctors were rubbish and refused to refer me till I had another mc:cry::nope::growlmad:

Naturopath was amazing she spent ages with me and she has me doing a food diary first off, she has put me on agnus cactus tincture 3 times a day and asked me to only eat / drink organic dairy - she said the hormones and antibiotics that go into cows to keep them lactating can really affect our fertility and that made sense to me so I am going to give it a go.

How is eveyone else? I think I am getting near O day - she didn't think FF was right putting O day at 20 and I got some EWCM yesterday so forced my poor OH to BD when he was so tired he couldhardly keep his eyes open - still there are worse things to force people to do:winkwink:

Good luck everyone xxxx
Bumping this to say hello to you all, how's everyone doing?

I am on O day so just entering the TWW

Babydust to all xxxxxxxx
Hey, sorry not been around much, been with OH for the last few days :D

I'm still waiting to Ov, hopefully it will be Saturday and not before, then I'll be joining you in the 2ww
Hey girls,

Sorry I haven't been around!!! Peanutty I'm sorry your doctor was not much help!!! but glad the neuropath was better- very interesting stuff!!! I don't eat diary really but if I did I would sure get organic!

So looks like we are all on our O week. My fertility monitor says I had my LH surge this morning meaning I'll ovulate in 24-36 hours- yey!

So I have an 'appointment' with hubby arranged for later tonight as we are doing Shettles method in the hope for a boy so we need to wait and only do it 12 hours before O. I think . . . . well we're not taking it too seriously really- just a beautiful healthy baby would be AMAZING, whatever sex it is Lol!

But it's fun to try either way!

Oooooo ladies I'm so excited this is my first ever month of TTC since my Molar pregnancy- fingers crossed for us all!!!!!!

Good luck Anidae!

I think I may have ovulated this morning. My temp has dropped really low, lowest it's been all cycle, and I had twinges in my left ovary area this morning too. I'll have to see what tomorrow's temp says I guess to know for sure.
Fingers crossed rachael.

Totally gob smacked but my big sister told me today that she is in fact pregnant already!!! she thinks she ovulated 4 days after comming off the pill and has caught, making her 4 and a half weeks pregnant!

Can't beleive it, how totally lucky is she! fingers crossed its a keeper for her. So I won't be the first to produce a grandchild after all! oh well, hope I catch up soon. xx
Fingers crossed rachael.

Totally gob smacked but my big sister told me today that she is in fact pregnant already!!! she thinks she ovulated 4 days after comming off the pill and has caught, making her 4 and a half weeks pregnant!

Can't beleive it, how totally lucky is she! fingers crossed its a keeper for her. So I won't be the first to produce a grandchild after all! oh well, hope I catch up soon. xx

:dust::dust::dust: I hope you catch up soon too xxx

Rachel your chart looks good to me (I am rubbish at chart reading but I think you ovulated):thumbup:

Baby dust for everyone xxxxx
Hi all and thanks Rachael. Well its not good news I have spent the evening in the hospital with my sister as she has started to have a Miscarriage. I feel so sorry for her. Why does trying to start a family have to be so challenging, it seems so easy for so many girls I know. Well guess its back on the horse for both of us now!

I'm begining my 2 week wait from tomorrow!

Peanutty sorry to read about your troubles with your job in another thread! These things are sent to try us !!!!


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