buddie(s) wanted

Awe Peanutty...sorry to hear that! Hey you never know...you might surprise yourself in the next couple months. I hear that it sometimes happen when your not even trying that hard. Good Luck.
Yes I am really looking forward to BDing when I fancy it and with no agenda and without the huge emotional baggage I seem to have assigned it and no lying on your back with your legs up for as long as you can manage afterwards.

No waking up at 7.30 at the weekends to take my temperature. No crying over BFNs

Yes I am definitely ready for a break and come the end of April we will be fully settled into our beautiful new cottage, ready to start afresh.

Sending you all lots of babydust, I am going to still pop in here just going to try and cut it down a bit. I want to see lots of BFP's flashing up on this thread! xxxxxxxxxxx
Hey girls,

I was going to post an ad for some buddies but then I came across you and you look like just the ones I'm after!

Please can I join and be buddies with you?

I'm 29 and am determined to be pregnant before I am 30. I turn 30 in July and I was also due to give birth right before my Birthday but my 12 weeks dating scan showed a missed miscarriage, I had a medical management of MC then was diagnosed with Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (Molar pregnancy) but I got the all clear 4 weeks ago and although I am officially suppost to be on follow up till May (To test for relaps etc), I am going to start trying now, well as soon as I hurry up and start ovulating properly again!!!!

I am expecting my period tomorrow but something is telling me it's not coming so have even longer to wait for my Feb ovulation (defo not pregnant from Jan O as were not TTC then).

So I'd love to join you!
Welcome Anidae - the more the merrier! I am sorry to hear about your Molar pregnancy...I had never heard of that before. I just looked it up. It amazes me just how much of a miracle a healthy baby really is. There are so many things that need to happen in order for a little one to be born and so many things can go wrong. On the bright side, at least you know your body is capable of conceiving so hopefully that is a sign of good things to come. I hope AF arrives for you tomorrow so you can get back to it.
Thanks finally ready . . and yeh me too- had totally never heard of it either till I got diagnosed! was very lucky tho, just needed to have a medically managed miscarriage (essentially I went into labour to deliver him/her) then a D&C to remove the retained molar tissue and I got better all by myself, a few infections and lots of antibiotics but didn;t need Chemo. So am getting straight back on the horse so to speak!!!

But you are so right about it being a miracle the whole baby thing- well here's hoping we each get our little miracle this year!!!!!

Like you said at least I know I can do the first bit OK!!!! now I just to concentrate on getting the rest right.

No sign of period today, guess I was too optimistic for a 28 day cycle!!!!!!

Hows it going for you guys?

Welcome Anidae! Sorry about your MC :hugs:

The :witch: got me this morning, so onto another cycle for me :dust:
Welcome Anidae! Sorry about your MC :hugs:

The :witch: got me this morning, so onto another cycle for me :dust:

Thank you! Sorry about the wicked :witch: have to say I wish she would hurry up and get me too so I can join you on my next cycle!!!!
Hey Ladies, took a test today :bfn: So now I'm waiting for :witch: to arrive. I have no idea how long my cycle is so don't know when to expect her. Hopefully she shows soon so I can get back at it again.
Hi...well I got my positive today.. However I started bleeding shortly after. I went to the dr and told I had an official early mc. She took bloodwork. I am just miserable. I wish I just got a negative.
Emiric I am so sorry:hugs: I hope your OK?

Rachel I am sorry too :hugs:

Anidae HELLO I am meant to be taking 2 months out cause the whole ttc thing makes me a bit mental but I am back on here tonight so not doing too well at leaving it entirely! It is lovlely to have you included, I have till August till I hit 30.

Finallyready - how are things are you still in the running for a BFP?

Babydust to all for this or next month :dust::dust:

Emirc sooo sorry to hear that hun! I know it is VERY difficult. You will get your BFP again! Don't worry...it will come! I read sooo many post and know so many people that go on to have beautiful children after MC so I know no words can make you feel better....but I know you'll get a sticky bean sooner or later. Hang in there! I also have read that you are quite fertile after having a MC as well. Thinking of you! :hugs:
Finallyready - how are things are you still in the running for a BFP?

Babydust to all for this or next month :dust::dust:


I'm out too! BFN today! Just waiting patiently for :witch: to officially arrive (or should I say un-patiently? lol I just want her to come so I can gear up for next cycle.)
Thank you for the kind words. I feel like crap :( waiting for blood tests results from dr. This bleeding is awful, I just wish it would stop. Best of luck to you ladies.
Oh Emirc I too am so sorry to hear that. It is such a hard time. There are lots of things I could say about my own experience or inspirational words but having been there I know that nothing really makes it feel much better so just remember we are here- all in it together if you need us xxxx

I got my AF yesterday- just one day later than I had calculated, making it a 29 day cycle (not bad considering what my body has been through over the past few months!)

So it looks like were all at a very similar stage in our cycles- which is good so that as I said we can support each other over the coming months!

Had my big sister round for a bottle of wine last night and she said she came off the pill 2 weeks ago as they have decided to try for no.1 same as me, she hadn;t mentioned it at the time as she didn;t know if it would upset me. Feels strange doing it together- totally wonderful don;t get me wrong cos sis is my best friend and its a dream to have children together. But having had a miscarriage followed by molar pregnancy it makes me so so nervous as the chances of being trouble free for both of us is slim. I think I had rose tinted glasses on with my first pregnancy and now I know how totally traumatic it can be I just hope that it goes well for both of us as I actually think doing it together is great- if you're both having similar experiences be it good or bad! but if one gets pregnant straight away and has a healthy baby and one doesn't it will be tough and hard not to be sad.

I just hope so much that if it is going to go smoothly for one of us then its her as at least I know I have the strength to get through it now if it doesn't- anyway waffling a bit now.

Seeya girls! x

I think I know some of what your going through with your sister trying to concieve - pulled in two ways really happy for them and want them to be lucky and happen fast. But scared if they do it will be hard to deal with, a friend of mine recently got pregnant and they didn't try for very long and though I was really happy for them the whole thing upset me lots and I cried a loads over it, sending me into that 'it'll never happen for me place':hugs:

I wanted to ask you ladies opinions, FF puts my O day (hatched lines) at CD20 which would give me a 7 day luteal phase - causing luteal phase defect which would account for at least one chemical pregnancy (I haven't tested every month but some months I have had lots of symptoms and abnormal AF) and the miscarriage. I have only started reading up on this today and now I feel really upset / angry at my OH for always saying it'll be fine when actually it might not be fine and we might have to do something more proactive about it. And my dismissive doctor who said it is unlikely you can find out about why a m/c has happened and who will not agree at this moment to refer me to a fertility specialist. Have any of you encountered Luteal phase defect or know anyone who has had it / had treatment.

Sorry this should probably be a new thread in itself but I thought I would tryit here first

Hey Peanutty thanks for the reply regarding sis!

I don't know much about Luteal phase defect as I'm in my first month of using my Ovulation monitor (clearblue one).

I have read lots about it though and beleive that you should try a B vitamin complex. It is B6 that is known to lengthern the phase but can have adverse effects when taken alone and in large doses.

I have read about women on here who take a complex as it is beleived safer to take when accompanied by B12??? My Pregnacare conception vits contain 10mg B6 but I have heard people say to take 40-50mg to aid a LP defect.

I may have these details wrong but you can google it, I guess what i'm trying to say is that Luteal phase defects can be easily fixed with just a simple vitamin suppliment and women report lengthening their luteal phase within the first month or so of use, so please don't feel like this may be a barrier for you as the fact that you may have identified this could be a massive leap forward for you!

This is my fourth month TTC, and i'm on CD26. Fancy being my buddy? :) xx
Welcome to the thread jess and Anidae!

peanutty - I would look into B6 for lengthening your luteal phase, hopefully that will help you xxx
Thank you Rachel and Anidae, I have a doc appointment for the end of this week and blood test CD21 to check progesterone levels....

and we have decided to keep trying this month so I am back in :happydance:

Hello Jess, where you from? How old are you (if you don't mind me asking) there are a few of us trying for before we are 30 on this thread - I've got till August.

Speak soon xxxx
This cycle has to be my cycle or I'm not going to get that :bfp: before I'm 30 :cry:

Mention your LP length to your doctor peanutty, there may be something he/she can do :D

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