Buddies, anyone?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2012
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Hello everyone!

Just a disclaimer before reading... TTC has already make me feel slightly neurotic, so if I sound like a crazy person, please ignore it ;)

I'm 34y/o, DH is 36. We had a miscarriage a little over 3 years, although we weren't trying to get pregnant at the time. I had an IUD put in (Mirena) and the AF stopped for the entire time.

I had my IUD pulled on May 7, and I started using an OPK right away - I wasn't sure what was going to happen when. I got the LH surge on May 10th/11th (yaaaaaaaay!!!), BDed like a crazy person before and after, and then was visited by AF 12DPO (booooooo!!!). I wasn't expecting her til 14DPO, but who knows what my cycle will be like.

I'm CD7 right now, and starting to use an OPK again since I'm not entirely sure when I'll O again (if it'll be around CD14 or a bit earlier)

Here's the sucky part... DH is a pilot who is normally gone the first 15-17 days each month. He's scheduled to leave on Saturday which will put me at CD11. I hope, hope, hope, that LH surge comes around that time, or this time will be out. He'll likely be gone from June 23-July 17 also, so that throws June out too. So that leaves me with late July (if my cycle tracks the way I have it) at the earliest, most likely late August - which will then make me 35. I feel like I'm overthinking everything, which is almost like a vicious cycle. I just want to be preggo NOW!

Anyway... just waiting now for that ole smiley face to pop up hopefully before DH leaves (or really soon after). Can anyone talk the crazy out of me??

Thanks for listening/reading my rant. If anyone has any suggestions to help my brain, I'm all ears!!!
CD9 now. I'm going to start testing AM and PM for LH surge, so I don't miss it. Even if we don't get the timing right this month, it'll be helpful for tracking.

I think I let DH know too much about last month, and it might have freaked him out a bit - tracking, ovulation, LH surge, etc. I'm trying to keep quiet about it this month... and we only have two more days together before he leaves, so that should be doable. I just need to get him in bed everyday til then ;)

The question that won't go away in my head though, is if we BD on CD11, does that put me in the running for this month? I know, I know... it depends on when I O... but this waiting is just killer.

BD this morning with DH :) Then he left :( CD10, OPK negative this morning (and yesterday PM). Creamy CM this morning... was watery yesterday - First time ever checking and first time I actually found my cervix!! :dohh:

Now just waiting to O... and waiting to see if I'm in or out for this month.
hiiii I have caught up with your story and I am on cd 7(i think). a little behind you. we can be buddies if you would like. Thing is...I don't get my IUD out til monday. I have a 2 year old daughter already. We have a one month shot to try and conceive and thats in june. I'm in my brother's wedding in May therefore I need to have a baby before or after the wedding. If it doesn't work out this month we will have to wait a couple months then try again so I will still be able to travel to the wedding preggo.
hiiii I have caught up with your story and I am on cd 7(i think). a little behind you. we can be buddies if you would like. Thing is...I don't get my IUD out til monday. I have a 2 year old daughter already. We have a one month shot to try and conceive and thats in june. I'm in my brother's wedding in May therefore I need to have a baby before or after the wedding. If it doesn't work out this month we will have to wait a couple months then try again so I will still be able to travel to the wedding preggo.

Hi Mimismom! So glad to be your buddy! I figure it's easier if you've got someone who knows what it's like. It sounds like you are right were I was when I had my IUD removed. What kind do you have? How long have you had it? Did you have a regular period while having it? AF for me this month was light and only 2 days long... uncharacteristic for what it used to be.

Baby dust to you this month! I hope it works out for you :)

CD11 now, and I'm still waiting for my +OPK... it was neg this morning. I figure if it's not + by tomorrow afternoon, there will be no chance this month.

Nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by!
CD12, OPK neg this AM, neg yesterday PM as well, lots of clear and watery CM, cervix feels fairly high and open, but not very soft - I'm still figuring it out though, so I'm not that confident in what I'm feeling.

It's a little weird to me to want something so bad that I seem to have NO control over whatsoever - and it's my body in the first place! I'm used to being able to influence the outcome of things, or at least work hard to make something happen. It's frustrating to feel so powerless.

I've been taking EPO and baby aspirin this cycle as well. I've got grapefruit ready. I also cut way back on caffeine last month - down to a cup or two at the most. I also gave up all artificial sweeteners, only using Stevia every once in a while.

I'll OPK again this PM, hoping for a +!!!
Hey I had the Marena for 2 1/2 years. And I have always had a regular period before and during the Marena.
I totally get how easy it OS to stress about getting preggo amd I wont tell you to try to relax because it it were that easy then im sure you would lol. Im obsessing and hadnt gotten the iud out yet. when u got yours out did.you nlesd alot? Im going to get the clearblue ovilation predictor tonight...

Have you thougjt about preseed before? I kinda wanna get some but dont want too.pay $22 for lub. But I read the reviews and the were very very positive.

Sending positive vibes and pregnancy dust your way. Everything will work itself out bud!
Hey I had the Marena for 2 1/2 years. And I have always had a regular period before and during the Marena.
I totally get how easy it OS to stress about getting preggo amd I wont tell you to try to relax because it it were that easy then im sure you would lol. Im obsessing and hadnt gotten the iud out yet. when u got yours out did.you nlesd alot? Im going to get the clearblue ovilation predictor tonight...

Have you thougjt about preseed before? I kinda wanna get some but dont want too.pay $22 for lub. But I read the reviews and the were very very positive.

Sending positive vibes and pregnancy dust your way. Everything will work itself out bud!

Thanks so much :) It helps just to talk about with someone :hugs:

I didn't bleed at all when mine came out. The whole process was quite easy and relatively painless (just a little pinch for me). I asked my doc if I would bleed and she said probably not, which was true for me. I'm guessing that my lining stayed super thin the entire time I had mine, which also explains my 2 day AF this past month.

I just bought some Preseed, because of all the good reviews. I bought it online, though, and then just saw it at Target today :dohh: Oh well... at least I know where I can get it now!! I won't get to try it for a while, but I'll have it on hand.

I bought the Clearblue OPK too. I like it, although I'm switching to the internet cheapies after they are gone. The kit is great, just expensive. That, and the fact that I'm going through 2/day (am and pm), makes the ICs seem worth it. These last few days, I've been comparing the CB ones to my ICs to see how they correlate. Yes, I'm obessed too ;) On a good note, my PM one today is much darker than previous ones - not enough for a true + yet, but I'm hoping this is it :D

Good luck tomorrow getting your IUD out! I hope it is a breeze for you :)

Good vibes and babydust to you too!!!!
Hey!!!! I am a 31 yr old bf is 30 we had a stillborn girl..avery mae..sept 2010 at 34 weeks sept of 10 and a mc at 5 weeks march 27 th of this yr. I also have had 2 early mc about ten yrs ago a yr apart. I have had testing for clotting etc drs cannot find anything wrong and my hospital somehow ignored our request for autopsy:( I had high bp and extreme swelling in hands face feet legs u name it i was swelled there! Bp is under control now so we are just hoping for extra care wgen we finally get pg. I am waiting for2nd af since mc due june 5or 6th but i would love a buddy! So i am 12 dpo no symptoms of af or pg ....so i dunno. I also have used preseed but no luck but my mc i got pg w soft cups i think theyre great! ;)) GL
Hi! SugarPie07

I just came upon your posts and I like the fact that you did not give up on your thread. I usually follow the ttc #1 forum or the tww.

I am cd4 trying for #1. I have been trying since april of 2011, and so far no bfp yet. I am 35 and dh 30. We do not have any known issues why we have not conceived yet. I have tried opk for a month or 2, but could not get the hang of it, so I stick to my ovulation pain and the ewc. I actually bd every day or every 2 or 3 days, so we are always in the clear.

This cycle I am going back to using the opk's because I learned that even with the ovulation pain there is a chance of not ovulating. I want to get all my I's dotted. I am also starting with the preseed just to be sure.

Ps: If you ovulate on cd 14, you still have a chance for conception because sperms are known to survive for a couple of days. I have a 12 yrs old niece to prove it :haha:.
Hey!!!! I am a 31 yr old bf is 30 we had a stillborn girl..avery mae..sept 2010 at 34 weeks sept of 10 and a mc at 5 weeks march 27 th of this yr. I also have had 2 early mc about ten yrs ago a yr apart. I have had testing for clotting etc drs cannot find anything wrong and my hospital somehow ignored our request for autopsy:( I had high bp and extreme swelling in hands face feet legs u name it i was swelled there! Bp is under control now so we are just hoping for extra care wgen we finally get pg. I am waiting for2nd af since mc due june 5or 6th but i would love a buddy! So i am 12 dpo no symptoms of af or pg ....so i dunno. I also have used preseed but no luck but my mc i got pg w soft cups i think theyre great! ;)) GL

I'm so sorry about your angels! :hugs:

It sounds as if your testing is ok so far... I hope you get your stick bfp soon :) I am always happy to have another buddy! Thank you for stopping in this thread... baby dust to you!
Hi! SugarPie07

I just came upon your posts and I like the fact that you did not give up on your thread. I usually follow the ttc #1 forum or the tww.

I am cd4 trying for #1. I have been trying since april of 2011, and so far no bfp yet. I am 35 and dh 30. We do not have any known issues why we have not conceived yet. I have tried opk for a month or 2, but could not get the hang of it, so I stick to my ovulation pain and the ewc. I actually bd every day or every 2 or 3 days, so we are always in the clear.

This cycle I am going back to using the opk's because I learned that even with the ovulation pain there is a chance of not ovulating. I want to get all my I's dotted. I am also starting with the preseed just to be sure.

Ps: If you ovulate on cd 14, you still have a chance for conception because sperms are known to survive for a couple of days. I have a 12 yrs old niece to prove it :haha:.

Hi Skittles! Thanks for stopping in :) I wasn't quite sure which forum to post in... and if I didn't find anyone, at least I could chronicle my thoughts, symptoms etc...

I hope you're bfp is right around the corner :) I'm sorry to hear that it's taken so long thus far. I would say the best things come to those who wait, but I'd just want to smack myself... because waiting sucks.

Good luck with the OPKs... which ones are you trying? I don't have a lot of experience with them, but it worked like a charm last month (too bad the HPT didn't have the same results!!). I had O pain the day after I got my +.

I'm still hopeful for this month - but trying not go nuts about it. I know our timing was not ideal. Still waiting for that OPK +!

If we totally miss this month, I'm going to start temping next month. I figure the more info, the better!
CD13 - Neg OPK this morning, although now I've been reading to NOT test first thing in the morning. That's ok, I'll be testing PM today too. I was hoping for + yesterday. Last BD was on CD10, so I need to O soon! On a good note, I had some EWCM this morning - that's gotta be a sign, right? We'll see later, I suppose.

I know it's late in the cycle for this too, but I started temping this morning. If nothing else, the next few days will teach me how to do it. I might not be too late to see an O spike too. We'll see about that as well.

Hope everyone is doing well! Happy Monday to all :)
Ok so its better to opk test in the after noon? What about even ing time i.will.have to.mornings around 5:30a or evenings around 6pm which would be better. And opk show you are about to ovulate within 24 hours and the egg dissinegrates after 24 hours right?
Does anyone use the ovulation predictors online as a guide on when to test? Like the sites that ask for the first day og your last period then gives awindow when youshould o and a possible due date.
The time to test with opk's differ from one brandt to the next. I have the CVS brandt and it tells me to test in the morning.

Test at the same time each day. It does not matter what time you test but it is better to not urinate for four hours prior to testing. Try to be consistent so that you do not miss your LH surge. Read the manufacturers instructions for best results.
If you do not see a surge in your LH continue testing every day until you see a surge.
You have to bd within 36 hours of testing positive for your LH surge.
Reading the manufacturers instructions are probably best. I have read in several places that LH surge usually happens in the morning and is then excreted in urine later in the day. I didn't realize there would be so much conflicting info.

I'm so confused over my results from the last few days. I was comparing these ICs to my CBeasy smiley face OPK - I got two nice smiley faces last month. I was switching to the ICs because the CBeasy ones are super expensive. I'm CD13 now, and I would have expected a smiley by now, but I haven't gotten one. However, these are my ICs... Are those positive? Did I just have my surge? I had some EWCM this morning, and I'm starting to get constipated - sorry if TMI, that tends to happen around O time.

There are 7 there
CD12 5PM
CD12 9PM
CD13 2PM
CD13 8PM

Looking back now (and especially since this evenings was clearly negative), could those have been positives? I'm definitey combining this with BBT next time. :help:


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It went great and the dr. said I can try right away being that af has been regular the whole time I had it in. im going to pick up my prenatals this afternoon. I wish I could help with your questions about the ICs but I have no Idea.
It went great and the dr. said I can try right away being that af has been regular the whole time I had it in. im going to pick up my prenatals this afternoon. I wish I could help with your questions about the ICs but I have no Idea.

Oh, that's great!! Good luck :) Sending you good vibes!!

No worries about the tests... I'm still trying to get the hang of all this!

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