Omg, I finally read through all the pages! Now I feel like I know everyone but no one knows me, haha!
Navy lady, I'm so so sorry for your loss! I cried when reading about it

that is my worst nightmare and I can't even imagine what it feels like... I hope you and DH are doing ok! I'm glad you're staying with the thread though and can't wait to keep learning more from you! I'm a nanny so I know like everything there is to know about babies and children, but reading through a lot of your posts, realized that despite my nearly constant researching as of lately, I don't know enough about pregnancy! Thanks for letting me know about the Doppler! Everyone I've spoke with about it had told me to not get one for various reasons and I've been waiting for a response like yours for awhile now. I think I will get one when I'm at 16 weeks then.
I'm sorry a lot of you guys had poor reactions from family members! When I told my mom, she was like "Michele..." And I'm like "what? We're really happy!" And she's like "you are? Well then congratulations." She clearly was not excited. Then she started asking me all the time if we're getting married which is so annoying! We'll have been together over 2 years when baby gets here and I'm 27 and he is 36 lol. We plan on spending the rest of our lives together and he is it for me and that is enough for now. Baby is priority and we don't have money to throw at a wedding right now either. We will get married eventually but not right now...
I have been sooo frickin emotional. I drive myself crazy. I keep getting so angry or feeling so upset and then I'm really mean and crabby and distant towards OH. One second I feel like I hate him and then after I'm mean I feel horrible and wish I could take it back because I love him so much. But I keep feeling so annoyed that he is working so much and I fall asleep so early every night that we barely get to see each other. Sunday is like our day together but this past Saturday he left overnight and then Sunday I stayed overnight at a good friend's who is moving to Oregon this month (so it was probably the last time I will see them before they go

ugh). Then on Monday, he didn't get home from work till after 9 and I was sleeping on the couch already. I feel like we never see each other and it seems like I'm the only one who's bothered by it which made me more made and upset. So today we had a text talk and I told him how I felt and asked if we could go on a date this weekend and he said yeah that he wanted that too. Then he said that he's just trying to work as much as possible to support me and baby and that it'll be different later on and we'll get through this. But I can't help still being mad sometimes

uggggh! I am just a mess :-/ and I'm feeling nauseous all day. Only got sick once, the day my nausea started, but I feel like I'm going to get sick often. Usually I feel best in the morning and then it gets progressively worse as the day goes on. Or if I don't eat it gets really bad. Blah...
Sorry, this is really long

didn't mean to complain so much. It's just nice to say this all to people who understand...