Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

What's the app for! I hope they use a doppler too.
Although sometimes they can't find the heartbeat and that's not a bad sign. Your baby is just hiding up in there.

I'm sure all will be fine, hopeful!

Welcome Michelle! ! Tell us your story! Team blue, pink, yellow?
It is just my follow up appointment from a month ago to discuss screening options, check my weight and symptoms, etc. Hopefully get me an ultrasound officially scheduled.
Thank you, Amanda! I'm 27 and this is my first pregnancy (been ready for years!). Me and OH are both hoping for a boy. He already has a daughter and I am a nanny and usually have more fun with boys :-)

I've been going through a lot of emotional crap lately and just need to be able to talk with some people who understand!

I had my first OB appt on the 16th and OH and I saw the little gummy bear and it's heart was beating away at 164. My next appt is not next Monday, but the Monday after. My dr will use the Doppler to find heartbeat then.

From week 4-8 (I got my BFP day af was due!) I had horrible anxiety every day over miscarriages. Now I still worry A LOT, but I can at least start getting excited now too, since the first trimester is coming to a close! I think I'll feel much much better after I hear that heartbeat...

I've been highly considering getting (or renting) a Doppler but am nervous about it because of the new warnings :-/ would anyone recommend them?
I'm slooowly making my way through all these pages so I can catch up with everyone else lol
That is exciting Michele - Luckily you have already seen a heart beat - that alone decreases the chances of miscarriage especially if it was a strong heartbeat.

One of my cousins used a doppler because she was out on the farm and over an hour drive from the doctor hospital and had it for reassurance. I have also heard some warnings about them, especially in terms of overuse. I wish I knew more about them or the warnings to give you more advice but I am afraid I don't.
Let us know how that goes hopeful!

Awe Michelle. Worrying is easy to get wrapped up into. But I'm glad the anxiety is slowly going away!
How did you find your bfp and how did you tell Dh?
I don't know much about ddopplers. All I've heard on here is some women saying it's hard to find the heartbeat sometimes especially early on and that can cause worry.
I've just read so many posts on so many forums of poor girls who miscarried later on so I feel like it's never really a for sure thing :-( and I hate that feeling! I think, daydream, and dream about being a mother and if that is taken away from me I would be devastated! I just want it to be real!!! I can't wait to have a visible baby bump. And I think I may be one of those people who the Doppler may end up more of a problem for :-/ I can see myself having regular panic attacks when I can't locate the heartbeat!! But it would be so nice to have that reassurance if it were to work well and be user friendly... Did your cousin have a hard time with using it?

It was the day af was due, and I REALLY was not even hopeful that month. OH and I had been talking about kids, but he always made it sound like we weren't financially ready just yet. BUT, I went off the pill because it was making me sick and we turned to the pull out method about 6 months earlier. Every time I got my period it made me cry lol. Then, all the sudden, he stopped pulling out. We didn't talk about it but I secretly hoped he was ready to try and just decided to act before talking about it since he knew I was ready! Because of all my months of hoping my period wouldn't come and the months of hoping my b/c would fail and never getting what I hoped for, I just felt like I wasn't going to get pregnant that easy... But I was at a store that was closing and having a 75% off sale (only 30% of my FRER lol) and my boobs were killing me. Then I thought, I might as well pick up a test because they're cheap... I bought a 2 pack that came with the regular and a digital "to confirm pregnancy" lol. I thought no way in hell am I using both today, but I'll save the digi for next month, haha. I poas and BAM, the positive line showed up first, then the control line! My first thought was wow, that line is really far to the left, feeling like it was strange and unlike any other negative I had seen before LOL! Then when the double line appeared, I felt a rush like my heart was going to explode out of my chest! I waited a little bit then used the digital which said yes+ after what seemed to be an hour of waiting haha.

I couldn't wait for OH to get home. I immediately texted him and told him to call me ASAP. When he called me, I was like "I have to tell you something... But now I'm scared to say it... Guess!" (All he sudden I felt kind of panicked, remembering we hadn't verbally planned this and wondering what if he really weren't happy?) he asked if I was ok and I said I think so. Then he said he didn't know so I told him again to guess. And he was like "you're pregnant!" And I just started laughing and was like yes! He was so happy and excited about it which made me feel awesome. But then I told my mom and she had to be a Debbie downer and tell me not to tell anyone yet because the chances of miscarriage were high at that point. And of course that is when I started reading miscarriage threads on all sorts of forums... And I still read them a couple times a week. I read so many awful things before I finally read something good and make myself stop reading. It's such a bad habit :-( I am trying to be more positive though and I have been feeling more excited and happy since!
Welcome Michele!!!

Amanda and Hopeful, Yay!!! OB appts!!!

Michele, if you've read, you'll see that I lost my pregnancy. Once a sac is found, the chance drops drastically, once a heartbeat is found it drops even further and once you're past 12 weeks it drops to almost 0% if there is nothing wrong with the fetus. I would say you're in the clear :) I used a doppler with DS and I LOVED it, it was Angel Whispers brand I believe, you can find them new on Ebay for like 15$. I used it just a few mins a day for reassurance as I was high risk and he was born perfectly healthy, early due to issues with me, but healthy. I would recommend waiting for a doppler til yo are 16+ weeks as even ones that claim to be able to detect it at 10 are usually bogus and at 16w it is much easier to find LO.
Hi all, sorry I haven't been on in a while we are still trying to sort out buying a house and focusing on that for a while.

Welcome Michele!

I have just bought a Doppler for reassurance. It should come in the post any day now. I know that I might not be able to find the heart beat straight away so have prepared myself not to panic!!

It's sooo hot over here at the moment...! I know you guys in the US are probably used to this heat, but over here in England it's a rarity and I am melting.... Got the fan out last night and slept with that on me all night. Sooo hot!

I hope you are all doing well! Amanda you're almost 12 weeks now, I bet that's exciting! I think your the first out of us all to reach 12 weeks!
Looks like everyone is buying dopplers!

It's pretty hot here where I am in Canada. Luckily I live in a basement suite so the concrete floors do a great job of keeping it cool.
just wish I didn't have to work so much :(

It is super exciting! I'll be 12 weeks Sunday! !ddating scan on Tuesday and I hope it stays the same!
I didn't realize I was further ahead then everyone!

How far are you now flourish?
Omg, I finally read through all the pages! Now I feel like I know everyone but no one knows me, haha!

Navy lady, I'm so so sorry for your loss! I cried when reading about it :-( that is my worst nightmare and I can't even imagine what it feels like... I hope you and DH are doing ok! I'm glad you're staying with the thread though and can't wait to keep learning more from you! I'm a nanny so I know like everything there is to know about babies and children, but reading through a lot of your posts, realized that despite my nearly constant researching as of lately, I don't know enough about pregnancy! Thanks for letting me know about the Doppler! Everyone I've spoke with about it had told me to not get one for various reasons and I've been waiting for a response like yours for awhile now. I think I will get one when I'm at 16 weeks then.

I'm sorry a lot of you guys had poor reactions from family members! When I told my mom, she was like "Michele..." And I'm like "what? We're really happy!" And she's like "you are? Well then congratulations." She clearly was not excited. Then she started asking me all the time if we're getting married which is so annoying! We'll have been together over 2 years when baby gets here and I'm 27 and he is 36 lol. We plan on spending the rest of our lives together and he is it for me and that is enough for now. Baby is priority and we don't have money to throw at a wedding right now either. We will get married eventually but not right now...

I have been sooo frickin emotional. I drive myself crazy. I keep getting so angry or feeling so upset and then I'm really mean and crabby and distant towards OH. One second I feel like I hate him and then after I'm mean I feel horrible and wish I could take it back because I love him so much. But I keep feeling so annoyed that he is working so much and I fall asleep so early every night that we barely get to see each other. Sunday is like our day together but this past Saturday he left overnight and then Sunday I stayed overnight at a good friend's who is moving to Oregon this month (so it was probably the last time I will see them before they go :-( ugh). Then on Monday, he didn't get home from work till after 9 and I was sleeping on the couch already. I feel like we never see each other and it seems like I'm the only one who's bothered by it which made me more made and upset. So today we had a text talk and I told him how I felt and asked if we could go on a date this weekend and he said yeah that he wanted that too. Then he said that he's just trying to work as much as possible to support me and baby and that it'll be different later on and we'll get through this. But I can't help still being mad sometimes :-( uggggh! I am just a mess :-/ and I'm feeling nauseous all day. Only got sick once, the day my nausea started, but I feel like I'm going to get sick often. Usually I feel best in the morning and then it gets progressively worse as the day goes on. Or if I don't eat it gets really bad. Blah...

Sorry, this is really long :-( didn't mean to complain so much. It's just nice to say this all to people who understand...
My next appt is Monday, the 13th and they'll try to find he heart rate with Doppler. I've been super anxious to make it to that appt though becaue I've been feeling crampy almost constantly the past few days and it's freaking me out :-( no spotting and nothing painful, but I had cramps from weeks 4-6 and then they went away and now I am 10+4 and they're back but waaay more frequently. They're just more of a crampy feeling than actual cramps though which I'm trying to tell myself is good... My boobs have been hurting less which also makes me paranoid.

I have a weird symptom that I don't get as often now, but I used to get it every time I got up to pee in the middle of the night (which is anywhere from 2-5 times and ruins a good night sleep lol). It's like when I stand up, my boobs start hurting so bad. Almost like a sharp and burning throbbing pain all over them. It is sooo weird and everyone I've asked about it said they didn't know what I was talking about lol. And it only happens when I get up from bed. Has anyone else had something similar?
The crampy, as long as its isn't unbearable or much worse than usual period cramps for you (if you get them) is most likely your round ligaments stretching, its very common in early pregnancy especially in first time mothers.

As for the breast pain, everyones boobs hurt differently and in different areas. The larger they are, more often the sharper the pain, especially a tugging like pain.

AFM: DS turned 2 today so we had a small celebration for that
Ok, thank you!

Aww, that's fun! How are you doing? Are you guys doing anything fun for the fourth? I have to make a whole bunch of potato salad tomorrow for my family reunion on Saturday lol.

I made a ticker on lilypie but can't figure out how to set it as my signature :-/
I'm 10+5 today, can't wait to be 12 weeks!
If I can find the heart beat with the Doppler we will be announcing at 11 +5 as I'm off to a music festival that weekend and rather than having to lie about why im not drinking we are just going to announce a few days early.

Navy glad you still celebrated your sons birthday :)

Michele, I'm right there with you with the constantly getting up to pee in the night.. Feel exhausted in the morning still. Just got up for work and already ready for a nap. Haha.
Michele if you go to your profile, you'll see a little button that says "Customize Profile" and that will take you to a page where the left hand side has all the controls and right there you'll see "Edit Signature". You'll want to use the BBC code type :)

Yeah he had fun, had his own little cake and lots of presents. My 22nd birthday is today but I have to spend it at my OBGYNs getting my last blood level taken.
That sucks about the emotions Michelle. I totally hear yah on them though. I'll randomly get mad or upset and just snap then start crying. It's hard to deal with sometimes. Especially for dh.
I'm glad you and yours got that date worked out thougg. A little communication and time alone goes a long way!

Ts funny, that's how I ended up telling most people too, flourish. Is situations I couldn't drink. A wedding, when I visited back home.
It'll go great!

Navy happy birthday!!! Sorry you have to spend it doing that :( hopefully something else in your day to pick yu back up!
And happy birthday to your son as well :)
Oh and my boobs always hurt most in the morning too!
I think mostly cause I've been sleeping on them all night so when the pressure is off them it causes pain
Haha flourish, I am a nanny for 16 month old twin boys and when they take their morning nap at 10, I sleep on the couch from 10-11:30. Their mom is super sweet and tells me to nap too if I'm tired! I have never been this tired in my life.

Thanks navy lady! I think it worked :-) happy birthday!! Hope you at least had a good day!

Amanda, I cried today because OH has a cold sore and I became convinced I'm going to get one too even though I didn't kiss him! I just hate cold sores so much and it's upsetting to think I might get one... :-/ that makes sense about why boobs would hurt more when waking up... Mine have been hurting a lot less though...

Is anyone doing anything fun this weekend? I have my family reunion tomorrow lol. I really want to see fireworks though...

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