Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

Aw navy he is adorable!!!

I still haven't done my hospital bag. I finish work soon as had 3 weeks of annual leave to take so taking that from
this week then maternity leave starting on January 5th. I can't wait, I've got so much to do around our house and want to get all the baby's clothes washed and put away before she comes- plus most importantly it means that I get the Christmas holidays off work so can go and see my family.

I'm on Instagram my name is fleurish88- happy for any of you to add me and id love to follow back as well.
You have plenty of time flourish! We got the last of the essentials today
Paul for cloth diapers, a hamper, and Tupperware that can store breast milk for fridge or freezer. We need a baby bullet type thing,but luckily we can wait longer for that. So nice to feel as though we have everything!

My instagram is amandabananana
Almost the same as on here. Happy to have anyone add me aswell :)
Hopeful, thanks for posting your hospital bag list! It reminded me of a bunch of things I probably would have forgotten, haha! I had a 20% off coupon for target so used that yesterday to order the stroller attachment and an ear thermometer that looks super nice! The total came to just above $100 but was only $80 and some change after the coupon!!

OH ended up doing a whole bunch yesterday to help get baby's stuff organized. I went through all her clothes and separated all the nb-3 month sizes from the bigger stuff. OH is doing laundry today and washing all her stuff for me :-) he also cleared out a dressed so we can put all her clothes and blankets and pj's and stuff in there. Yay!

Amanda, I do have Instagram but haven't used it in a couple years at least haha. Just never really got into it! Would you be opposed to be Facebook friends? If not, feel free to add me :-) (and the rest of you too! I wanna see all the baby pics when they start coming! Haha) my fb url is Facebook.com/Michele.burant.

Omg Navy, that dog is so adorable! I've wanted a dog my whole life but have never been able to... Maybe someday! But wow, so happy for you (and for him! Thank god DH got to him before something horrible happened!!)

Flourish, glad you are able to have some time off and will be able to take care of everything! I am starting to feel better and less anxious now that we are actually making progress with getting all the baby's stuff set up. I was going crazy for awhile there! It was like all I thought about when my insomnia struck lol.
I've added you back on Instagram :) can't wait to see all the squishy baby photos... Can't believe how quick it has all come around!

Michelle I couldn't find you on Facebook.. May be me being a little dim! If you want to add me I'm fleur Crussell and my picture is of me in a bush haha!
No Problem Michele, I am a list person. So, I have re-written and added as I went along when I had down time at work.

I got a letter from my midwife last night, they have scheduled me for another Ultra Sound on Dec 30th, to check on babies growth. She is thinking due to my thyroid that maybe the baby is small. I am excited to see baby, but also very nervous for something to be wrong.
Flourish, I added you! If you typed my name with two "L"s instead of one, you wouldn't have found me :-p also, there is no period at the end of the link. Just Michele.burant I just had to add one because I feel so weird leaving the end of a sentence open like that lol!

Hopeful, I am sure nothing is wrong! People have little healthy babies all the time :-) everything's gonna be fine! But I totally understand the worrying. It's impossible not to!

I had my doctor appt last night after work and the doctor went over the ultrasound a little bit more with me. She said that my baby's head is only in the 70th percentile but it's her belly that is in the 89th! So she said it is possible that her head could come through and she could get stuck at her belly :-O how awful would that be?? We're going to talk about it more next time I see her (I'm seeing the nurse practitioner next appt because my doctor is going a vacation for a few days so I'll see her again in about 3 weeks. After my next appt, I go weekly). I'm still so scared about possibly needing a c-section :-/

So I decided to look up gyms with childcare and ended up finding a suuuper nice one. For $50 a month plus $15 for the baby membership lol, I can bring the baby to the gym's daycare for up to 2 hours per day. They have 80 classes a week included with membership and an indoor AND outdoor pool (in hoping they let babies go in the pool because that would be AWESOME for summer!!). OH is going to get me a membership in February. I am so excited! Then I will have somewhere I can go everyday if I want to. I was getting super nervous thinking about being stuck in the house and not working. But now I'll have something to do where I can bring the baby with.
That membership sounds awesome Michele! I need to get one for after baby, although I will hopefully be able to drop baby off at my sister in laws day home and go work out. Unfortunately, I would have to drive about 45 min into the city to do it. I do have weights, Treadmill and Stationary Bike in my basement; I just have to use them lol.

Thanks, I am praying nothing is wrong, it is always just in the back of my head. 6 more weeks! I can't believe how quick it is coming.
So I've made my wedding invitations!
Official day,June 25th :)

We're having a potluck bbq in my parents backyard (wwe are super low key people)
My mil had the nerve to say "mmaybe you should think more about the food"
Luckily Dh stood up to her and said "nope, we're doing it this way,cause it's the way we want it"
And she just have her sarcastic "ookay"
:/ she gets on my nerves sometimes.
And expects a text when I'm going into labor.
Not that I wouldn't send one. But to fflat out say she expects it. What a person.

Dh and I are going to pack the hospital bags today! ::D

Hopeful I'm sure your babe will be okay ♡
I'm looking forward to my next ultrasound, it's nnot scheduled yet but will be scheduled at my next app (22). I hate waiting! !
Hopeful, that's great that you have all that workout stuff at home :-) I would love to get some weights so I can at least do some lifting daily from home. I only have two 5-lb ones. And if the doctor/midwife was worried, I am SURE they would do the ultrasound much sooner! So try to relax :-) it's almost baby time!! Can't believe the countdown is in the 5 week range now!

Amanda, your mil sounds like such a b! That would drive me nuts too... A backyard bbq potluck sounds awesome! Plus, catered wedding food is always way less delicious than what it costs... It's like just OK restaurant food (not delicious but edible lol) that costs the same as nice restaurant food! When we get married (if it ever happens haha) I would love to pay for the food from the grocery store and have a few family members help me cook as a wedding gift to me haha. Your bump is looking great! Mine is so much bigger now. I bump into things with it on accident all the time. Sometimes I knock stuff over. Haha.

We went out with OH's friend to a restaurant bar on Saturday. It was packed and every time I had to use the bathroom I had to get through this sea of people who didn't give a crap that I was pregnant. They wouldn't give me any room to pass through and people coming from the other direction would just walk into my belly! It made me so frickin mad. Like what the hell! If I see a pregnant lady coming through I'm not going to squeeze through bumping into her. I'm going to let her pass through first and stay out of the way! People are so rude sometimes!
Amanda - That is so exciting about your wedding invites! I like the potluck idea, honestly we spent so much on our wedding... it was crazy for one day. We were even super low key on most things! Sorry about your MIL!

Michele - People can definitely be very inconsiderate jerks!

I think once I am under the one month until my due date timeline it will really fly by. I thought right now would go faster but it seems to be creeping by. Although with Christmas Next week I imagine things will start to pick up! Crazy to think I will only have around 2 weeks of work in the New Year. - I got a raise at work and it kind of makes me want to work right up until my due date lol. But I doubt after the 15th of January I will have any motivation to get up and go to work!
I hope the time starts going by as quickly for you as it is for me! The last month will probably drag by for me since I won't be working anymore though.

34 weeks, 2 days! 5 weeks and 5 days to go :-D


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Love the bump Michele!!!

I finally got to meet my best friends little girl after she spent 40 days in the Nicu (Neonatal ICU), she is the most precious little girl. It really makes me anxious to meet my little man.
That's awesome :-) is she the one who had the blockage? Either way, glad the baby is doing well enough to be out of the nicu!

One of my friends just had her baby girl yesterday and seeing the pics on fb are making me super anxious to meet mine also :-) so I feel ya! I'm so happy we're in the home stretch!!!
Yeah my mil is a work of art sometimes.
I think I'll tell Dh to just say "well we were thinking if just going to city hall here. So if this is going to be an ongoing thing we just might"
Only so much one hormonal pregnant woman can handle! Lol

Awe I hear you on the baby posts. Just want to meet our little man so bad. ♡

It's funny, everyone said I'd get unsolicited advice. I never did. Expect one lady told me not to reach above my head.
But I hate when people are like "Oo you're about to pop"
It's fun that people notice now, but still. I hear it a bunch of times a day. Lol
"You must be tired"
Heck yes I am. I sleep about 11 hours a night thank you. Ahah.
Ooh exciting about your wedding planning Amanda!

Hopeful I'm sure everything will be okay with your little one- enjoy seeing baby again.

I had midwife yesterday and my blood pressure was high- it's been low all throughout the pregnancy so now it's high I've got to go back for it to be checked again next week. I had my flu and whooping cough jabs this week, when I have my flu jab normally I get some symptoms so I'm thinking this is probably why my BP was high.

Not long until Christmas, is everyone ready for it?
We're not doing a whole lot this year for the holidays.
We put our tree up.
And I bought him a coffee maker and he bought me a spa day.
Super sweet of him ♡
But we're aiming to save money. Plus we are the only 2 in our province so it's not like we have family to see :p
Yes Michele! She was the one who had double blockage and needed surgery the next day she was born.

Thanks Flourish! - Already feel as though he has had a growth spurt since my last appointment, my bump is getting huge! I hope they can control your BP and it was just a flukey day.

Amanda - I hope your MIL doesn't cause you too much more stress.

I have a midwife appointment this afternoon, I am excited to be off work for the week lol. I need to nap before DH's hockey game tonight or I will be napping in the stands.

We have a lot of family suppers to go to over Christmas - the first one is Sunday :)
DH and I didn't get each other gifts this year because we have been spending so much on baby items and we really don't need anything. I am more excited for some time off work to rest! lol. Then only 2ish weeks of work in January! 4 more weeks of work for me, unless he makes a surprise appearance or I am put on bed-rest.
So Dh told me a story about the last time he talked to his mom.
We planned to go to the zoo, just Dh, baby and I next time we flew to ontario (June for our wedding)
She starts to go on and on how nice that'll be for us all to go.
So Dh told her nicely tbat no, it's just a thing for the 3 of us.
And she was all pissy saying how she always took him as a kid and it's a nice family thing to do.
He said yeah, family. The 3 of us.
She gave her sarcastic "yeah ok" thing.

Is that so much to ask? To just do something the 3 of us? I understand she wants to be a part of things but really. We can do anything else. We just want that for us.
His family is always like that when we visit. He has to spend every minute with them because "it's only fair since they see him once a year".
But it's OUR vacation. If they want to plan his time, they can pay for the trip.

Baby wasn't moving so much last night, but I think he was tuckered back. Today it's non-stop. Even feel him during working which I never do.
It's nice reassurance but wow lol

I have 8 more shifts than I'm on leave! Exciting!

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