Congrats lite bright! !
Im so happy to say I had my beautiful boy.
Labor started Tuesday at 11pm. Not super painful bit went in at 11am. 2cm, sent home. Went in again at 5am Thursday. Still 2cm, sent home. Went back in at 11am because the pain was unbearable. 4cm!
I had him at 714pm. 8 lbs 9.5 Oz!
They broke my water soon after getting there.
My body wanted to push before it was fully dilated, so he has a little bruise on his head

I used fentenol and a morphine shot. I was so out of it. Thought I was in the shower for about 15 minutes it was 4 hours. Ah ha
But I was a great time, even though painful.
They had to cut me, because as I was pushing his heart rate was all over the place.
But he arrived safe and sound. Super soft.
And I'm so in love. ♡