Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

Amanda it's my due date too! Nothing exciting happening tho. I had false labor three nights in a row but haven't had it again since. Frustrating! I have an appointment tomorrow so we will see what they say.

Linzy my labor with my daughter lasted 41 hours. The last 12 hours of it were so painful! I'm really hoping this one is a lot shorter. I'm also hoping I can relax my body a little more during labor as I was so tense the first go around and I've read that can make things more painful. Good news is that false labor can often times lead to shorter actual labor, so hopefully that's the case this go around! I'm so nervous about taking two kiddos out together. Good for you for trying and making it thru successfully!
Happy due date liteBright and Amanda... My due date as well!

Nothing going on here, super boring. I have an appointment with my midwife tomorrow and she is going to sweep my membranes.

I am trying to stay active and get things moving.
Congrats, Linzylou! Mariah is gorgeous!!

Omg Navy, I am so sorry and can't even imagine how you must feel :-( hope you are feeling better now though!

I have been busy busy busy. I'm thinking I might have ppd :-( I can't stand to be alone with just the baby at home so every day I have either went over by someone or had someone here with me. Every time OH leaves I am beside myself and can't stop crying and being overwhelmed with so many negative and emotional feelings. I miss being pregnant. I miss feeling the kicks. I miss snuggling with OH. We barely get to even sleep in the same bed anymore because I am up every 1-2 hours with the baby and only spend a couple hours in bed each night. I love our baby more than I ever thought possible and I feel so guilty for feeling this way which just makes it all so much worse. I hate when she looks at me when I am crying. Even though she doesn't understand yet it just breaks my heart. I can't believe she is 2 weeks old tomorrow and my due date wasn't till today! I feel like I'm going to blink and she'll be an adult and I will be old and sad. Ugggh. I never thought I would feel like this :-/ I've never been so emotional before in my life.

Anyway, sorry to be a downer and I hope everyone else is doing well! I hope the rest of you have quick and easy labor. The pain from mine is already fading from my mind and doesn't even seem that bad anymore. I want 2 or 3 more now and OH only agreed to one more. He is 37 (his birthday was 3 days before Lily was born) and said he is getting snipped when he turns 40. Which makes me think maybe he would be open to 2 more if I got them in real quickly but then I want to continue breastfeeding and won't be able to get pregnant till I stop :-/ so I don't know. Just one more thing to be depressed about.
You can still get pregnant and breastfeed?
And don't feel guilty for feeling this way! 1 in 3 women do. You're so not alone. There is much help and support out there for you.

My cervix is a little shorter, thinner, and more dilated. She did a membrane sweep. Scheduling an ultrasound for Thursday or Friday and then we will talk induction if I don't have him by next Monday!
A lot of girls don't get their period back till they stop breastfeeding or greatly reduce breastfeeding. It happens sometimes but there's no way to make sure it happens aside from stopping... And being pregnant a lot of times makes your milk dry up or changes the taste enough that babies don't want to drink it anymore. And I really want to make it to a year with Lily if possible...

She had her 2 week appointment today and she had gained over a lb from what she weighed when we left the hospital! 8lbs, 7.4oz. So almost a half a lb past her birth weight which is awesome!

Hopefully your baby will come before having to be induced! Not sure what a membrane sweep is but I will google it in a minute to see because now I'm curious.
Hm I always thought you could get pregnant right away, period or not.

She stuck 2 fingers in my cervix and rubbing all around. Basically trying to detach the membrane of the placenta from my cervix. A natural way of trying to get labor to start.

Also just lost my mucus plug! Yayy.
And (tmi) but having almost like diaherria. Heard that's a sign too.
Tummy been feeling like period cramp all day.
maybe I won't make it to my ultrasound on Friday! Come on baby!!!
Michele - search around for a doula that does post partum care. Sometimes they can come in and help with day to day chores as well as help you cope with the new life you have! please don't keep your feelings to yourself, if you need help you should get it. Check out Warrior Moms and see if there are any groups in your area that meet or that you can talk to. Of course we are always here to talk to as well. :)

Amanda - those symptoms sound great for starting labour! I think I will be the last one to deliver! Lol
My midwife did a membrane sweep today and I have an ultrasound booked for thursday, but I am hoping I don't make it to then!
DH and I dtd tonight and I am hoping with some extra nipple stimulation tomorrow things start moving along, I want to avoid being medically induced if I can.

The only symptom I have right now is a sore back, and baby being super active.
Michele, the first few weeks are really tough. I remember crying a lot and missing my DH so much when DD1 was first born (this time around I'm crying because I miss DD1!). It's a huge adjustment but it does get better. Baby will settle into a routine eventually and things will be much more predictable, and you and OH will be able to snuggle and spend time together like before. Do you think it could be the baby blues rather than PPD? Either way, if you're worried about your feelings there are a lot of people that can help - your OB, a counselor...I had one friend actually go talk to a social worker at the hospital and she said it really helped. I had PPD with my first. I told my OB and she wrote me an Rx for Zoloft but I never filled it. I did go to individual counseling every week for over 6 months and found it really helpful to talk about things. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs: Great job on Lily's weight gain. Re periods, last time mine came back around 6 weeks pp despite EBF. :-(

Amanda and Hopeful, fingers crossed your sweeps are successful!

For the last 3 days Mariah has been crying whenever she's awake. Hopefully it's just a growth spurt and not the start of colic or something else!! Luckily she's still sleeping well at night (knock on wood) or I don't know what I'd do. She did a 4.5 hour stretch last night but DD1 kept getting out of bed during that time so I didn't get to take advantage. They both slept until 8:30 this morning so I feel okay right now, I just hope Mariah's a little more settled this evening and Sarah goes back to sleeping through...
Aww lynzy I hope she is just going through a growth spurt!

I had an ultrasound today to see if baby is still happy in the womb, he sure is comfortable! They said he is measuring around 8lbs 4oz. Although I've heard they can be really off on their estimate. Hopefully he arrives soon!

Here is a snapshot of our baby boy!


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Sorry I'm late here, but I was due yesterday! My next appointment is Monday morning, so hoping something happens by then. Looks like this may end up being a February baby! He's a boy :) Is there an updated list somewhere of babies born/due this month?
OKAY so I'm on the induction list for tomorrow! Tuesday or Wednesday he will be here!!
My cervix is effaced, 2 cm dilated. And she did a real big sweep in hopes to get it naturally started tonight.
But if not, the next 2 days.
I'm a little sad that my body hasn't naturally done it yet. But at the same time, I really don't care. As long as he is here safe and sound ♡♡
I couldn't be more excited
That is so exciting Amanda! Not long now and your little one will be here :)
So it wasn't today, but I've been having tightness and some cramps.
Maybe tonight labor will start?
But I called the hospital and they said I would most likely be called tomorrow to be induced :)
I'm in labor! Have been all night, didn't realize that's even what it was. Aha.
Just wasting some time at home now!
Can't wait for Amanda's update! Hoping her labor was smooth.

Afm, my yellow bump ended up being a Pink bump! Our Rylee Mae was born one week ago at 40+3. I had my mw appt at 40+1 and was 3-4cm and 90% effaced with baby at zero station. I was so excited because being that far along meant I could have a quick labor and I did! My contractions (real ones, not all of the false labor I had) started at 6:40pm and she was born at 12:45am. Labor was intense, my contractions went from 10 min to 5 min to 3 min very quickly. I got to the hospital at 8 cm with no time to labor in the tub (bummer). My water broke during a contraction and she was born less than 15 min later. I can't even believe it's been a week! My life feels like a blur right now.
I hope you ladies are doing well. It's a huge adjustment and you should never be afraid to reach out for help if you need it!!

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