Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

Thanks! This is my new favorite picture :-) I am so in love!


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She's gorgeous ♡♡ look at the button nose. So cute.
Hope you had a good labor experience!
Thank you! Labor was the most painful and scary experience I've ever had but once it was over it was soooo worth every second. I am so overwhelmed with happiness! I never could have even understood a love like this without meeting her.

I am super pissed at the moment though. This is my second night here (third, if you count the rest of the night when I got here at 4:30 am) and we technically could have gone home today if we had wanted to but they recommend staying an extra night if you are breastfeeding. At midnight, I had just finished feeding her for over 30 min and handing her to OH so he could hold her for a little bit while I went to the bathroom. All the sudden this new nurse comes in saying she'd be my night nurse and she had t examine me then take away Lily to examine her for 10-15 min. I was super annoyed cause it has been the longest couple days in the world and we were finally winding down. THEN, she starts talking to me like I had just arrived at the hospital and knew absolutely nothing about breastfeeding or my stay here. She went over everything with me then starts telling me I need to get Lily to latch so I told her I already have. Then she is like great! I just want to watch and make sure she has a good latch. I was so fucking pissed. I've been feeding her since she came out and both of us have been doing awesome! She just knows what to do and is so great at latching! I let them supplement with formula last night because I was wrecked by 1:30 am and needed a few hours of sleep. But after getting her back at 6:30 this morning I decided I was taking care of her the rest of our time here. So anyway, after spending 30 minutes talking to me (I got 3 hours of sleep Monday night before water broke and 4 hours last night so I'm not in the mood to humor some crazy bitch nurse who is talking to me in the most condescending way...), she takes Lily from me and she starts screaming like she hates this lady too! She brings her back around 12:45 and tells me I need to be up by 3 to feed her or it could make her sick or throw off her temp. First of all, I plan on holding her all night and feeding her every time she wants it. Second, don't fucking tell me what to do with my baby. The other nurses were super helpful and only gave guidelines till I knew what I was doing. She also kept saying "if you're that tired I can take her to the nursery so you can sleep and I'll bring her back for feedings." I had to tell her no about five times and she had to tell me five times I better not fall asleep holding her. I told her not to come back with pain pills at the time mine were going to wear off just cause I didn't want to deal with her again so soon. But then they wore off and it hurt so bad I couldn't sit anymore so I went out looking for a nurse so I didn't have to call that stupid one back and OH could continue sleeping. I walked around for 30 min before finally finding A nurse who had to send to my room THE worst nurse. So she comes back in and turns all the lights on and again takes MY baby away to unwrap her from her blanket and put another stupid hospital onesie on her and wrap her up in the hospital blanket all the while she's screaming. Then she tells me let's try taking only ibuprofen and no oxy's this time. I said no I want both. Then she's like how about 5 mg instead of ten? And I'm like no! I'm in so much pain right now I can't even sit and 2 doesn't even take all the pain away! So she said ok and brought me what I needed after putting me through hell and back to get it. Now I am standing up holding Lily waiting for the meds to kick in so I can sit again. I cannot believe how horrible that nurse is and am pissed I have to deal with this shit at 3am and so sleep deprived. I am so complaining about her after my visit here. I was having as good a stay in a hospital you can have till she came along. I just needed to vent... I can't take this shit and don't want to wake OH up because he's going to be taking care of Lily tomorrow in between feedings so I can finally sleep. I've never been so anxious to get home!
Congrats Michele! That nurse sounds horrible though. Is she off of your services now? Can you request not to have her anymore? Although hopefully instead you can just go home now. No nurse should be telling you what and how to do things with your baby. Like you said, guidance is ok, but anything past that is not. I hope you get home soon and can jump into your own routine and get some sleep!
That nurse sounds terrible.
I would straight up ask not to see her anymore and have another nurse. You don't need that stress and frustration.
I hope you'll be home soon and can relax with oh ♡

I want my baby to come so bad. I want to meet him and love him, but I'm also so done being preggo. I have this Fri, Sat, sun completely open, so it would be perfevt if I went into labor tonight!
If he only knew that

Well there was no one for me to say anything to about it last night... And I was too tired to muster up the energy to tell her I didn't want her on my service. But I was not nice to her... And I complained to several people about her today so hoping she won't be putting any other girls through an experience like that... The supervisor nurse lady was so apologetic. My other two nurses were amazing and made me feel comfortable (as much as possible) and cared about!

We had just signed the papers we needed to finish before our discharge. The car is loaded up and we had Lily dressed and ready to put her in the carseat. Then they said they had to do one more billy reading before we were on our way. They did and it was 11.5 so they then had to draw the poor baby's blood again to get a more accurate reading... That'll let us know whether or not she needs a billy blanket or not and THEN we can finally leave. But we would have been home by now :-(

I stil have not slept aside from dozing off for short amounts of time while holding lily last night. I can't wait for a nap! But I HATE putting her down!! The only thing that makes it better is watching oh hold her and talk to her and seeing him calm her down if she's upset. It is the sweetest thing! She loves both of us and we love her sooooo much!!!

Amanda, I really hope your baby comes soon too!! <3 being a mom is the best feeling in the whole world. If you think you love him now, just wait till he's in yours and dh's arms and he doesn't want to be anywhere else. :-) good luck!!
Congratulations Michele she is gorgeous!
Sorry you had a crappy nurse, I hope you are home now and don't have to deal with her again.

I hope the rest of you arnt waiting too long to bring your little bumps into the world.

We got discharged late last night. It was so good to be home after a week in hospital. Lennox is still having to have daily tests for jaundice and to be weighed every few days to check she isn't losing too much weight.
Congratulations, Flourish and Michele! Lennox and Lily are gorgeous. Hopefully it won't be long now for everyone else.

Mariah Jane was born Jan 12th at 7:04am...9 mins after we walked through the hospital doors. :wacko: Contractions started at 3am that morning, 7 mins apart. They were really mild at first but by 5am I called my mom and told her not to go to work. At 6am she came and picked up my DD as contractions were now 5 mins apart and painful. DH and I left for L&D right after that. I was getting the urge to push in the car but somehow made it into the triage waiting room where my water immediately broke. I was pushing with every contraction (I literally couldn't fight it) and the registration lady kept asking for my SSN. My husband had to yell, "This is happening NOW," before she finally called someone. I jumped into a hospital bed and two contractions later, we had a baby! I pushed for two HOURS with my first so I definitely didn't think it was going to happen that fast, but I'm happy that it did.

She was 7 lbs 7 oz and 20" and is such a little love. She's eating and sleeping better than my first DD ever did, and we're all adjusting but so far she really is amazing. DD loves Mariah but isn't too keen on me right now. :cry: I'm sure things will get better soon though!

First day at home:
Congrats Michele & Lyndzy!

Michele - that nurse sounds absolutely terrible, I am excited for you to get home and get into a routine. I am so happy nursing is working out so well for you!

Nothing really new with me, I feel like baby is extremely comfy in my womb and won't be arriving anytime soon. I am trying some exercised to move him more anterior as posterior babies tend to be late and need to be induced to get labour going. My next midwife appointment is Tuesday, hopefully I can get him into a better position by then.
Congrats Linzy!!

Today was my scheduled c-section date for Robin. I've been depressed and just crying all damn day. I'm gonna cry some more come next Monday, his actual due date.
Hopeful, I hear yah. Nothing new for me.
Had my Dr app, she said my cervix has gone from 3-4 cm long to 2-3. So that's something but barely.
She said if next week, my due date, still at the same, then she'll schedule an ultrasound and go from there.

Awe navy &#9825; that's heartbreaking. I'm so sorry :(
Aw navy it must be really hard for you right now- thinking of you x
Linzy congrats! I'm hoping for a quick second labor as DD labor was insanely long. You have given me hope! Haha.

Navy very sorry for you to be going through such a difficult time right now. We are all happy you stuck around though and supported our journeys. Hopefully we can follow you through yours until you have a beautiful baby in your arms.
Fingers crossed for a shorter labor this time, LiteBright! With Sarah my water broke at 3am and she was born at 7:46pm after 8 hours on Pitocin. Mariah was 4 hours from start to finish - not enough time for an IV or even a hospital gown! What was your labor like with DD?

I got out for the first time alone with both girls yesterday, for Mariah's newborn photos. We're slowly settling into our "new" normal. It helps that Mariah has been very easygoing so far. Hope everyone is doing well.
How is everyone doing? Sorry I've been a bit absent and sporadic the past couple months, cold weather always has me sick as a dog this time of year!
How are you feeling, Amanda?

Sorry you've been sick, Navy. :hugs:

Doing okay here. I've been dreading my first grocery shopping trip alone with both girls but we survived. My almost 3-year-old did a great job holding onto the shopping cart and staying beside me but I think things will go faster if I wear the baby next time.

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