Buddies for Late January/Early February Babies!

LOL Michele - I am on the same page as you with the pretty much everything! I was so used to getting it and wanting it all the time so not getting it, especially when I want it is really hard for me. Yeah, most of the time if he doesn't cooperate I just do it myself haha.

I am sorry to hear he is on antidepressants though, they can really mess with the body, I hope that he just needs to adjust to them and then things will improve. I am really sorry about your friend with stage 4 cancer as well, we are going through it with one of my cousins right now and it has a hard emotional & physical toll on the people affected. I hope that your friend is comfortable as can be and enjoying his remaining time!
Haha, me too! And now I want it more than I've ever wanted it in my life so getting it any less than I got it before is hard! I wonder if that'll change when the third trimester rolls around?

Thanks. I don't know him too well, only met him through OH but he is definitely one of my favorite guy friends of OH. A few of the others I really don't like too much lol. But Nick is super nice and I really like his wife also. She is a total sweetheart. I haven't seen them in months though and only saw them when we would get together with OH's group of friends at one of their houses on the weekend. Which we haven't done in a long time. I hope she is making it through this ok... I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a husband to cancer while in your early 30's :-( poor girl...
That is way way to young to lose your spouse, life simply isn't fair!

I heard 2nd Trimester is your most "active" month lol and the third it goes away because you are enormous and exhausted. DH is gone pretty much my entire 2nd Trimester and then he will be back for the third, so I am left to fend for myself. ha ha. I really hope that the meds don't alter his drive too much and he can bounce back.
Thanks! I hope so too! I feel like with the way I am emotionally now, even if I'm not in the mood or my belly is in the way, I will still feel upset and angry if it's not happening! So hopefully I'll be able to make it through the third trimester without too many emotional breakdowns...

DH comes back every weekend or just some? That's gotta be hard! I get upset when OH leaves a few times in the fall for hunting for 5 days to a week at a time. Thanksgiving week last year though he went for a whole ten days and that sucked. You really are a trooper! Along with the rest of the girls here who have to go extended periods without their SO. It would be so hard for me to deal with!!
At least we can all vent about our emotional breakdowns together! I think the 3rd Trimester will be the most emotional.

Thankfully my DH will be home "most" weekends, however it is still harvest so I still don't see him because he comes home eats then goes straight to the farm and is usually there until 11pm and gone before I wake up. But after harvest it will get better he will be awake more with me. That sucks that your's goes on long hunting trips, mine hunts in the bush &valley close to our small town so he comes home every night. I am sure there will come a time when they decide to go hunt up north but that hasn't happened yet. I was hoping to be able to hunt with him this year but I will next year when babe is old enough to stay with my parents or in laws for the day.
Oh man, that's rough :-( I hope his time away passes quickly! I'm worried about hunting this year because it'll be during the third trimester and I'll probably get myself all worked up when I'm alone feeling like I'm abandoned and like OH doesn't care enough to stay home with me lol! He said he'll take me with on one of the trips and we'll stay in a hotel. Unfortunately, the a-hope landlord apologized to OH and so they are sort of friends again and he will be staying with him in his trailer up north when they go hunting. It makes me mad that he would even want to spend any time with such a loser a-hole! And I feel like he is a bad influence on OH. Every time he drinks with him he drinks too much (thankfully it's not often...) and Jim (the d-bag!) is always talking shit about relationships and people that are in them and people who have kids which makes me soooooo angry and hate him even more. Grrr... I've never went hunting before but OH let me use his crossbow in the backyard last year to shoot at a target and it was super fun and I did well! He said he is going to teach me to shoot a gun then take me hunting but that isn't going to happen this year anymore, obviously. I don't know if I'd be able to shoot a deer though. It would probably make me wayyy too emotional and I might feel awful about it...
And I think my feet are swollen today. They hurt when I walk, kind of feel bruised, and kind of feel like they want to fall asleep and my left one looks kind of puffy and red. Ew :-( lol
Oh no! Sorry to hear that OH is friends with that loser again. Ugh, maybe once baby is here and d-bag keeps commenting OH will get sick of him and they will grow apart.
I don't mind pulling the trigger but I will not let them suffer, I want to learn on a bow as a hobby but I prefer to hunt with a gun. I really want to get drawn for Moose sometime. I don't find it emotional when we are hunting to provide for us and nothing is wasted, that being said I get extremely emotional when people Trophy hunt and waste the animal.

I hope the swelling goes down! Put your feet up and drink lemon water tonight!

And yay it is raining here which means DH will be not be able to farm. lol!
Michele if it doesn't go down by tomorrow, you need to call your Dr. Swelling can be normal, but this early it can be a sign of Pre-E. I've been through that, it's not fun. (Not meaning to freak you out, I just want you to be safe :) )
What is pre-e?? I feel dumb :-X only know my left foot is visibly bigger and puffy. The right one hurts too but looks pretty normal.

Hopeful, yay for the rain! OH only goes deer hunting and turkey every now and then and we do eat the meat although I don't like it unless he soaks it in something for a day to take away the gamey taste. And I don't know why but something about seeing the deer die makes me sad :-/

And supposedly Jim is going to talk to a therapist and OH thinks that once we're not living near him that they can be friends but still feels weird about living near him at least... But he has nowhere else to stay if he goes hunting aside from a hotel but Jim's trailer is on good hunting land and OH is also leasing a part of land on a farm that Jim also leases on... Ugh. Hopefully we can move really soon. But it kind of all depends on OH's employer paying him what they owe him in commission (they owe over 17 grand!) because with me only working 3 days a week now and him not getting his commission, we're kind of stuck. We plan on having enough to buy our own home with a nice down payment within the next 5 years which will be amazing. We want to get a nice foreclosure for a decent price and then we'll just fix it up. OH is really good with building and remodeling and all that type of stuff so he can do that and I'll be able to clean and paint haha. I can't wait for that...
pre-e is Pre-Eclamsia (Sp?)

That is crazy his employer owes him that much!! Yikes, I hope they can get that cleared up soon!

Usually with Deer meat we make sausage and jerky we cut the deer with pork for the sausage which helps make more for our big family and cuts down some of the gamey taste. I used to not be able to see the Deer either, I grew out of it pretty young, but I totally understand that some people don't like it.
Yes, Pre-E is Pre-Eclampsia and its very dangerous. It causes swelling, increased blood pressure and protein in your urine. It's not good for mother or baby, Magnus was born at just shy of 36 weeks because of it
Yikes! That sounds scary, I would get checked out Michele, just to be on the safe side.
Michele how's your ankles/feet?

Anyone else find out the gender?

Linzy & Michele, have you guys put any more thoughts into names for your Princesses?

I used to think I was so fat before. I was very self conscious.
I look at the comparison and think I was so silly. I looked great. Still do with this growing bump, and I hope one day I get back to that place.

Hope all you ladies are doing very well!
Hi All, internet back yay!

I've had a quick look through everything I've missed.

Yay for everyone finding out the sex of baby.

Navy I am so please that everything is going well with this little one :)

I am off to my 20 week scan this morning, hoping to fine out the sex!

I had to go and see my dr about the sickness a couple of weeks ago and they changed my antisickness medication, he rung me again yesterday and said he would call back in a week or so to see how it was working as still being sick... I explained that the midwife said if it doesn't go by 20 weeks I'll probably be sick the whole way through and that the new anti sickness was helping much more than the last one so happy to just stick with this one.... I think the Dr just wanted to *fix* everything and said to try for anther week then look at a different antisickness tablet.

New house is getting there.. We still have loads of boxes to unpack but by the time I have got home from work I am so tired and just want to go to bed. We have left the unopened boxes in babies room so hopefully that will give me the push to get them done so I can start thinking about sorting babies room out :)

Hope you are all okay xx
So exciting Flourish! Can't wait to see what you're having!
Welcome back flourish!! Glad you got Internet and settling into your new home!
Can't wait to hear your results!!
Nice bump Amanda!!!

Flourish - Can't wait to hear what you are having!!!

AFM - We had a nice relaxing weekend at home. We hit up the Toys R Us Baby Fest sale on Saturday morning, picked up a few little things and got our travel system! Not the one I originally wanted but it will work great just the same on our farm roads and winter conditions. I got the Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Travel System. We also picked up a used swing, that looks brand new, a FisherPrice My little lamb, it is cutest thing and I can't wait to get the matching bouncer! Plus the lady we got it from had 2 boys so she also gave me a whole bunch of fleece sleepers and adorable outfit sets. DH and I re-arranged our living room to accommodate our new-to-us sectional and then we vegged out on Netlfix and football all weekend. I finally felt like we got a little bit accomplished!

My cravings and baby boy are getting stronger. I craved home-made soft pretzels and pretzel dogs, so I made those on Sunday for the football game. Then last night around 7pm I started to have a crazy craving for Crepes, DH thought I was crazy but I had to have them and they were so good. Baby Bear I am starting to feel just barely on the outside of my belly, DH still can't feel him but I say in the next 2 weeks he will be able to.

Sorry for the novel, just feeling really happy about the weekend and how much energy I finally have!! - Hopefully it lasts!
Oooh cravings hopeful... I haven't had many cravings, just things I don't fancy at the moment.

Soooo.... Scan went well, baby was being a little bit pesky and not showing face or anything so I had to go for a walk, have a drink and go back later to see they had moved positions.. Fortunately baby had moved enough for us to find out that she is a girl 💗

I have to go back in 2 weeks for another scan as baby hadn't moved quite enough for us to be able to get all of the measurements.. Ah well get to see her all over again :)

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