Buddies? Long irregular cycles


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2011
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I am looking for TTC buddies. :hugs:
About me: I am 27, got married 3 yrs ago and been ttc # 1 for more than 2 yrs. I have long cycles most of them ranging from 85-95 and sometimes more. When i get my af i used to bleed for almost 40 days and i am not counting the spotting days. Yes, lucky me. I think i ovulate once in 3 months but never had luck in finding them. Recently i started temping. Just like an icing on a cake recently found out that my DH is having low count, low motility and low morph. After some blood work, my OB/gyn said i have mild case of pcos {I doubt the mild part ..lol :dohh:}..and also said considering both of our situation IVF with ICSI is the only way to go! Anyway we decided to wait and try naturally for some more time.
As of today i am on cd 90 and possibly 20 dpo(not sure:wacko:). It's been a tough journey so far.... I would love to have some buddies to share this experience. Thanks for reading this long post:thumbup:
Welcome to the thread!:hugs:
Hi hunnie :flower: I really feel your pain.... Me and my DB have been ttc #1 for the past two years aswell.... I also suffer long irregular cycles.... my last period was 11th january this year (I think....lol) I have been reluctent to get tested but I think I have pcos.... There really is no date I expect a period lol. My partner does have 2 wonderful children from a previous relationship, 1 boy (6) and 1 girl (8).
Thanks for being my buddy-emilyanne.:flower: Sorry for the delay in replying . I was little busy with the long weekend.
How are you? I know the frustration of waiting for the period too. I go through that all the time. It is a long wait to Ovulate and then the 2ww and beyond starts. I am 26 dpo and all bfn's and no AF!
You should take some time and get some blood work done. Some times it is just minor differences that screw up the cycles. I do not think there are any fixes for this but there are solutions.:hugs:
Thats totally fine hun:haha:, Im new on here and have been trying to pop on and off when I getthe chance... Its just really nice to talk to others going throgh the same. I will say sorry as I seem to ramble and proble share TMI lol. Hope thats ok....:hugs:

Well I thought I would try something new about a month and a half to two months ago. So Im currently taking agnus castus, prenatal vitamins and folic acid..... between them they are ment to help regulate your period and make it easier to concieve..... So far its honestly left me confused..... Ive had spotting but nothing Id call a period at all, a spot once a day when I wipe lol, and all thats done is make me wonder if it was implantation bleeding.... Ive tested 3 times now and well first test was neg, second stayed positive for 20 minutes but then TOTALLY vanished on me, and the third was negative..... I plan on testing again, but with the last test being neg, my hopes were dashed with it.... But at the same time I also has symptoms..... I had cramping like I thought my period was gonna start, that lasted a couple of weeks, Ive tender breasts, random sickness and constant neausea..... Im just not sure what to think and have assumed Im insaine until further notice lol.
I will be your TCC buddy. :wave:

I'm 22, almost 23, and have had long, irregular, psychotic cycles since November 2010..

I started my AF on time Nov 11, and wanted to start TTC in December.. My period didn't stop. I had constant bleeding until Feb 23(?) or so. I saw 2 different doctors 3 different times and I got no answers. The last time I went, he prescribed me the BC pill. I agreed to take it for 1 cycle hoping it would kick my hormones into gear.

Before November I'd always been pretty regular, but on the longish side of regular - more like a 32 day cycle than a 28 day one.

I took one BC pill and my AF stopped!

Then about 12 days later I got a period.. it lasted for the usual 8 days or so.

That turned into a 63 day cycle.

My AF started May 23rd, and that was a 38 day cycle. I actually ovulated with the help of soy. AF came on time, around 13dpo. So at least my cycle is regulating, although it's still long. I'm on CD7 right now, and taking a 2nd round of soy (just completed tonight) and expect to OV on CD20 or so. :thumbup:

I'll be glad to share the journey with you!

Have you looked into any kind of research to bring on AF? I kind of had the opposite problem, with a 4mo consecutive AF, but I imagine it might be due to the same problem hormonally.. I suspect I'm progesterone-deficit, maybe a tad PCOS-y, I don't know for sure since none of my doctors attempted to find out the reason behind my irregular cycles.
Thanks for being our buddy and welcome to the thread unapologetik.
It looks like u had an annovulatory bleeding in Nov-feb. But the good thing is that you have pretty regular cycles now and ready to O. I would love to hear your experience with soy. Let's hope this cycle is the one for u :)
Regarding to bring on AF - no never thought about it that way. Few times i ve been to the Gyn for this issue but by the time i get the appointment, my AF will be already there. It is cruel to me always :))) Do you know any natural solutions?
Hi emilyanne, You are welcome to talk about anything here.

About your current situation - Be strong and Do not give up !!
The symptoms sounds promising. :flower:. Did u take the 2nd and 3rd test the same day? I have read that you should not read a test after 10 minutes.
Wait for at least 2 more days and test again!:) Keep posting.

I'm seriously thinking abt adding some supplements too!
Thanks for being our buddy and welcome to the thread unapologetik.
It looks like u had an annovulatory bleeding in Nov-feb. But the good thing is that you have pretty regular cycles now and ready to O. I would love to hear your experience with soy. Let's hope this cycle is the one for u :)
Regarding to bring on AF - no never thought about it that way. Few times i ve been to the Gyn for this issue but by the time i get the appointment, my AF will be already there. It is cruel to me always :))) Do you know any natural solutions?

I know (at least as much as anyone can know without a blood test or sonogram) that I OV'd last cycle, and it was probably due to soy. I've not ovulated since AT LEAST Sept 2010, and the only thing I did differently was soy, so I assume that is what did it for me. I really hope it is, too.. though it's only my second cycle with a real shot at it, since I had anovulary cycles between Nov and May.

Also, yes, I know there is a supplement you can take to "jump start" your period.. I think progesterone will do you, and you can buy a natural progesterone cream. The instructions say use it for 5-7 days, then stop, which will signal your period to come on.

I bought progesterone cream for the opposite reason, to end my period.. one of my theories was my natural progesterone production wasn't enough to tell my body to stop bleeding. I read online doctors will prescribe women who go 3 months or longer without a period, a progesterone supplement to jump start their AF.

Also taking soy on CD3-7 is supposed to help regulate your cycle (seems like it's working for me) and also Vitex is supposed to help regulate your cycle, also with natural female hormone production.

I found this excerpt from natural-fertility-info.com:

The best Herbs for amenorrhea (lack of menstruation)

Dong Quai
This is the main herb for this issue. Dong Quai works by promoting blood flow to the pelvis where it will stimulate an absant or scanty period. It also nourishes the blood (it is in nearly all chinese herbal blood-building formulas). Treats iron deficiency and anemia. One of the best uses is it helps women who are not menstruating to invite there menstruation back. The increased circulation also helps to stregthen and balance the uterus.

Vitex is another great herb for amenorrhea due to hormonal imbalance. It helps to balance the hormones while not containing any hormones within the herb.

If you have not had a menstrual cycle for two or months you may want to do a Fertility Cleanse. The Fertility Cleanse helps to cleanse the uterus of old blood and tissues while helping the liver to get rid of excess hormones.

Be patient, the body needs time to establish a cycle and hormone balance. Be gentle with yourself and your body will come back into balance.

Hope this helps!
Hi emilyanne, You are welcome to talk about anything here.

About your current situation - Be strong and Do not give up !!
The symptoms sounds promising. :flower:. Did u take the 2nd and 3rd test the same day? I have read that you should not read a test after 10 minutes.
Wait for at least 2 more days and test again!:) Keep posting.

I'm seriously thinking abt adding some supplements too!

The test I have done were all done days apart from each other, I plan on doing another test tomorrow, Im still having symptoms, but Im trying to ignore them, I feel as if Ive gone crazy and refuse to believe I could be pregnant and figure the only way Im gonna know is to test lol. I really hope I am but Im not holding my breath.... fingers crossed for me tomorrow morning :thumbup:
Hi unapologetik,

Thanks for the info dear. I am thinking to experiment with that this cycle.

I am little scared too. I am on cd 98 and there is possibility that i O'd 3 weeks ago. Till now only BFN's (tested 4 days back) but i am lacking that courage to induce AF. May be i shld talk with my gyn. He is out of office till Mon. :shrug:
The test I have done were all done days apart from each other, I plan on doing another test tomorrow, Im still having symptoms, but Im trying to ignore them, I feel as if Ive gone crazy and refuse to believe I could be pregnant and figure the only way Im gonna know is to test lol. I really hope I am but Im not holding my breath.... fingers crossed for me tomorrow morning :thumbup:

Good luck with the testing dear! Will remember u in my prayers.:hugs:
I have few symptoms but i am ignoring them as well - Coz i am fed up with my body playing mean tricks on me:dohh: (Sorry to mention- there is a possibility that i O'd 3 weeks ago.)
Take care and keep posting!
Well I decided to test again this morning, but as I expected :bfn:, so I decided I'd try to cheer myself up buy buying a few more things to my daily tablet intake, and maybe help me get those periods back in check.... I'm now starting vit b complex and epo.... I was already taking folic acid, agnus castus and a prenatal vit..... Maybe somehow this can help me..... Fingers crossed I get a result...... Maybe I can drop a few pounds too..... :thumbup:
Sorry to hear about the BFN. I always hear a lot of great things about vit B and folic acid. It is possible that the prenatals contains some folic acid too. How much folic acid are u taking? Hopefully you will get some answers soon.
I got my AF yesterday :)

Take care.
Lucky you :D lol. I think it works out to be either 1000 or 1200 folic acid I'm on now.... the vit b complex has some in it, Id have to check how much, plus the prenatal has 400 in it and im taking a folic acid of 400. so quit a bit really lol, but Ive heard you should be taking about 1000 so I guess thats a good thing.... :flower:
Just checked and it is 1000 folic acid that Im taking..... :wacko: Also realised Ive been kinda stupid..... I was ment to be taking 2 agnus tablets twice a day but was only taking 1 twice a day lol, I feel so stupid lol :haha:, maybe now Im taking the correct dosage it will help me more lol :wacko:
Just checked and it is 1000 folic acid that Im taking..... :wacko: Also realised Ive been kinda stupid..... I was ment to be taking 2 agnus tablets twice a day but was only taking 1 twice a day lol, I feel so stupid lol :haha:, maybe now Im taking the correct dosage it will help me more lol :wacko:

LOL:haha: Huh, Silly us! While i was taking my tabs today morning, something reminded me my childhood. My mom used to chase me around in order for me to take any medicine and years later Here I am taking the medication myself without timeouts and smacks:dohh: and i can't get enough of it:rofl:
Just checked and it is 1000 folic acid that Im taking..... :wacko: Also realised Ive been kinda stupid..... I was ment to be taking 2 agnus tablets twice a day but was only taking 1 twice a day lol, I feel so stupid lol :haha:, maybe now Im taking the correct dosage it will help me more lol :wacko:

LOL:haha: Huh, Silly us! While i was taking my tabs today morning, something reminded me my childhood. My mom used to chase me around in order for me to take any medicine and years later Here I am taking the medication myself without timeouts and smacks:dohh: and i can't get enough of it:rofl:

lol, you just made me think, when I was really little (about 4-5 years old) my big sister helped me and her to a new bottle of childrens chewable tablets.....:blush: luckly our mother caught us.... she took us both into the ER and I had managed to get so much iron in my blood they didnt think Id make it the night......:blush: I soon learnt after that that medicine wasnt for fun..... I ended up hating it..... :growlmad: Like you said, now here I am popping pills everyday lol, what a change lol Ive hated taking medicine for any reason, but I think if I want this to happen I have to give it my best shot.....

Bit anoyed today....... Just found out that my friend has gotten his GF pregnant, which wouldnt normally bother me that much, but they have only been dating 5 weeks and she's now out DRINKING!!! Is it bad that I just want to slap people like that.....:shrug: Just makes me feel so hopeless to see all these lovely ladies on here trying so hard to get something to cherish and then you get someone like that......:growlmad:
Sorry I've been a bit absent ladies.. had a really busy weekend!

I'm CD13 now and OV is getting close..

So glad to hear you got your AF!!

Also - I get mad at stuff like that too! Why is it the people who want babies the most, take forever to get them, but the ones who could care less, always get knocked up?
:happydance: Cheers on your impending OV!!
This is your month dear!! Stay positive!!!:hugs:

Those kind of stories makes me sick too! Lets not get those stories get into us and seed in all negative energy which is absolutely bad for us.

Well, there is a proverb : Every dog has a day!!! Our day will be here soon:baby:
Thanks girls.... Just really got upset yesterday when I heard that and really put a downer on my mood.... Feeling a little bit happier today after chatting to my sister. She just has a way of making me laugh. Its just a shame she lives so far away from me now..... Well not much to report from my end really..... no sign of AF..... no sign of anything at all.... I'm just gonna keep trying and taking my pills (properly now lol) and see where this gets me.... :thumbup: Glad to know you've both getting signs of possibilities..... AF might be dreaded by some people but when your like us I guess we can become desperate to see her at times lol :blush:

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