Buddies wanted--Starting IVF April 2013-June 2013!

Hey everyone :hi:

Mmbelle ~ I didn't get any symptoms until 9weeks! And when the morning sickness came it came like a flood... I'm only now starting to feel a little better.

MrsT ~ I was told no bed rest but I did anyway. I was in bed the day of transfer and five days later! :wacko: I got up and let the dogs out, cook eat, shower and in the evenings my husband would take me out for dinner or desert. I just took it very easy meaning I did not go to work LOL

As for me ~ Tomorrow is my first appointment with the specialist (high risk doctor). I'm having the NT / Sequential Screening done tomorrow during this appointment. I'll be 12w2days tomorrow. My next regular obgyn appointment isn't until Sept 16th and I'll be 16 weeks so I hope they can tell me the genders then. I'm dying to know what these babies are! Well... dh and I decided on cloth diapers! I know it'll be hard work but it will be more economical for us especially with 3 babies! Pampers would cost us $6000 for only 2 years!!!! I live on ebay and esty looking and researching the cloth diapers and makers :rofl:

Great to hear from you August so happy everything has went so well for you. Yes the cost of the multiples is going to add up quickly anywhere you can save a dollar or 2 is a good thing :)

We realized that quickly when we made out wishlist and gift registry for our family that was asking .... putting quantity of 2 really starts to add up so I couldnt imagine 3 LOL
Hey everyone :hi:

Mmbelle ~ I didn't get any symptoms until 9weeks! And when the morning sickness came it came like a flood... I'm only now starting to feel a little better.

MrsT ~ I was told no bed rest but I did anyway. I was in bed the day of transfer and five days later! :wacko: I got up and let the dogs out, cook eat, shower and in the evenings my husband would take me out for dinner or desert. I just took it very easy meaning I did not go to work LOL

As for me ~ Tomorrow is my first appointment with the specialist (high risk doctor). I'm having the NT / Sequential Screening done tomorrow during this appointment. I'll be 12w2days tomorrow. My next regular obgyn appointment isn't until Sept 16th and I'll be 16 weeks so I hope they can tell me the genders then. I'm dying to know what these babies are! Well... dh and I decided on cloth diapers! I know it'll be hard work but it will be more economical for us especially with 3 babies! Pampers would cost us $6000 for only 2 years!!!! I live on ebay and esty looking and researching the cloth diapers and makers :rofl:

When you go for the nuchal translucency test ask the doctor if he can tell the sexes to let you know. That's what I did. I know it's not a 100% for sure but it's still fun to know what they think and after all they are high risk drs who have been doing this for a long time and have really good equipment!!

Let me know what you find on cloth diapers. I've been looking as well. Not sure what ill do, but ill have a stash of pampers just in case! :wacko:

I'm so happy for you August!
I am worried because I am having twins they cant really do the blood test screening the materniti and t21 whatever... so I guess it will be an amnio test on each baby?

Is there any other options that anyone is aware of thats ok for twins? I see the doctor on the 3rd and will ask him as well but of course I have to know everything ahead of time lol
I am worried because I am having twins they cant really do the blood test screening the materniti and t21 whatever... so I guess it will be an amnio test on each baby?

Is there any other options that anyone is aware of thats ok for twins? I see the doctor on the 3rd and will ask him as well but of course I have to know everything ahead of time lol

Brandy- I did the nuchal translucency that checks the thickness of the back if their necks for downs and then they did a finger prick test. It will tell you the percent. And the. If you get a positive then you have your choice of amniocentesis or cvs I believe.
I am worried because I am having twins they cant really do the blood test screening the materniti and t21 whatever... so I guess it will be an amnio test on each baby?

Is there any other options that anyone is aware of thats ok for twins? I see the doctor on the 3rd and will ask him as well but of course I have to know everything ahead of time lol

Brandy- I did the nuchal translucency that checks the thickness of the back if their necks for downs and then they did a finger prick test. It will tell you the percent. And the. If you get a positive then you have your choice of amniocentesis or cvs I believe.

Thanks I dont want to have to do the amnio if it can be avoided thats for sure.
August- yeah I feel "lucky" in a way I don't have them yet but I want them so I know I'm pregnant ha ha... Weird I know! Cloth diapering is a good idea with 3!! Just lots of washing :) I hope you can get your dr to tell you if he can see genders!! How exciting!

Brandy- did you go to your OB appt yet? Let us know how it went!

AFM- tomorrow is my scan! I am so nervous/excited! We better see a heartbeat cause I can't take the anxiety anymore! I just want clear answers of what's going on in there :)

This might be TMI, but have any of you done crinone before? I am getting a rash down there from all the moisture/constant leaking from it. And it hurts!! Just wondering if anyone else had problems with it? I am going to ask my dr tomorrow if that's normal...
August- yeah I feel "lucky" in a way I don't have them yet but I want them so I know I'm pregnant ha ha... Weird I know! Cloth diapering is a good idea with 3!! Just lots of washing :) I hope you can get your dr to tell you if he can see genders!! How exciting!

Brandy- did you go to your OB appt yet? Let us know how it went!

AFM- tomorrow is my scan! I am so nervous/excited! We better see a heartbeat cause I can't take the anxiety anymore! I just want clear answers of what's going on in there :)

This might be TMI, but have any of you done crinone before? I am getting a rash down there from all the moisture/constant leaking from it. And it hurts!! Just wondering if anyone else had problems with it? I am going to ask my dr tomorrow if that's normal...

I am on it and yes it makes my skin very irritated. The doctor reduced the amount of times per day I use it. I actually had to use desitin to clear up a rash :(

AFM- I met my OB and I liked him. His nurse was lovely although I am super excited she appeared to be OVER THE MOON that she was going to be seeing someone with twins it was entertaining. The only sad part was I didn't get to hear the babies :( They said since I was only 8 weeks they didn't want to freak me out if they couldnt find their heartbeats they will wait till the next appt. We did a meet and greet and went over what I wanted for my delivery and where I wanted it. What I expected during my visits and etc. It was all great minus not hearing the babies hearts ... I am really sad about that :cry:
ok, so am gearing up for my 1st PIO shot. Its a 1ml per day shot..most FET ers have 2ml per day dose..is my dose too less?? silly me...worrying about every little thing!!1

Also how many of you were given Valium..is it given on the day of transfer?i have no prescription for it yet...is it fine to do transfer without it?

Also my nurse told they will be giving a suppository to be used on the day of transfer....any idea what that one would be for?????
Hi mission! Totally understandable to be worried but I am sure your doctor is taking care of you :) hope your PIO shot went ok. On the day before and day of the transfer, my doctor gave me lorazepam to keep me calm, not sure if this is the norm? Then on day of transfer and every day after that, I use progesterone suppositories three times a day but you are on PiO so may be different for you, am excited for your transfer, it is so soon!!!
Thank u hun...well my first pio shot went really well..i am sitting on a heating pad right now!!!:haha:

i am excited ..4 more days to go..but am scared too!!
Oh happy to hear your shot went well, you deserve to relax now!! What will you do this weekend to keep yourself distracted? I have my first u/s on the 26th so I think same day as your transfer :) will be a great day for us both :hugs:
Brandy- sounds like your visit went great! I'm sorry you didn't get to hear the heartbeats, that is disappointing :( when is your next visit tho? Hopefully not too far away! And good to know about the crinone, I will need to go buy some desitin ASAP!!

Mission- I started out with 2ml of PIO but now I do 1 ml and 2 progesterone suppositories a day. I'm sure they will test your levels and get you on the right dose if it even needs to be changed, but 1ml should be plenty :) also I was concerned about the Valium but they just have me one 30 minutes before the transfer at the dr office. Didn't have to pay for it, I guess they factor that into the thousands we already paid lol! YAY for a successful PIO shot, I hope they are a breeze for you :hugs:

Starlight & mission- 4 days ladies!! Big days for you both!! Excited for ya!!!!
Thanks You Ladies!!!:flower:
The shot went smoothly ..i massaged and put a heat pad too but it was so difficult to lie on that side..it was sore when i woke up too...plannin to take on the other side today.
Starlight-i have my transfer on the 27th ..gosh,so nervous..you must be soo excited about the scan...i hope it goes really well for you..i have scan on 26th too to check if evrything is alright for the transfer..so its a big day for me too!!Weekend plans are to relax with hubby ..nothing much!
mmbelle-thank you!i guess so too that the bloodwork on 26th will give them an idea of what dose is right for me!!
Brandy-Thank u..i read that it is a sufficient dose for fresh cycle..for fet it is usually higher..so i was worried...but i gues they know what they are doing!
Ok ladies I had the most emotional/ roller coaster of a ride appointment today- so this is gonna be long, sorry!
So we go to our ultrasound appt, and we go in the room, and in walks 2 ladies that are new, and had been in previous appts with us just watching and training. So immediately I think, "oh crap, 2 new people who don't know what they are doing." So we start the U/S and they are both silent for like 2 minutes! Finally one lady goes,"so there's the gestational sack, but there is nothing growing in there- you don't have a pregnancy." My DH and I were both in shock, and he asked like 3 times- so wait, there's no baby? There's no pregnancy? And she said, "yeah, there's no baby, no pregnancy, I'm so sorry. Our goal is to get you pregnant so let me take these pictures to the dr and we'll have him come back in and talk with you." So of course my DH and I both just start bawling... I was in pure shock, I feel pregnant, I've had really good feelings about this, I just couldn't believe it. So we are in the room crying as the dr walks in and says, "I'm sorry, from the pictures it looks like there's no baby growing in the sac, but let me do an ultrasound as well to check things out." So he starts and says, "ok, there's the empty gestational sac, a blood pool, and.... Oh wait there's another gestational sac! And there's the heartbeat!!" We were both like WHAT?! He asked how many embryos we transferred, we said 2. And he said, "yep it looks like you had twins but the placenta on one of the sacs pulled away and is leaking blood into your uterus. So the 2nd baby probably won't make it, but you have one healthy baby!!" And then we got to hear and see the heartbeat!!(117 bpm) :) it was so awesome! It was such a roller coaster going from no baby- to hearing we had twins- to one healthy baby! We both started bawling again from joy! We got pictures and he said the blood from the other sac will keep leaking for a little while, and so hopefully it doesnt disturb the healthy baby. So he told me to take it easy, no exercise, lifting things, or moving my pelvis too much. i am paranoid now so i am being super careful! So WOW such a crazy appt!!

My next U/S is Sept. 3rd, hoping our baby is still going strong!
Mmbelle- are you still at the fertility clinic?
I'm so happy there's a baby in there :) good luck and my prayers are with you, DH and that sweet baby!

My SIL had twins and then one vanished and she went on to have a healthy pregnancy! Think positive :)
Ok ladies I had the most emotional/ roller coaster of a ride appointment today- so this is gonna be long, sorry!
So we go to our ultrasound appt, and we go in the room, and in walks 2 ladies that are new, and had been in previous appts with us just watching and training. So immediately I think, "oh crap, 2 new people who don't know what they are doing." So we start the U/S and they are both silent for like 2 minutes! Finally one lady goes,"so there's the gestational sack, but there is nothing growing in there- you don't have a pregnancy." My DH and I were both in shock, and he asked like 3 times- so wait, there's no baby? There's no pregnancy? And she said, "yeah, there's no baby, no pregnancy, I'm so sorry. Our goal is to get you pregnant so let me take these pictures to the dr and we'll have him come back in and talk with you." So of course my DH and I both just start bawling... I was in pure shock, I feel pregnant, I've had really good feelings about this, I just couldn't believe it. So we are in the room crying as the dr walks in and says, "I'm sorry, from the pictures it looks like there's no baby growing in the sac, but let me do an ultrasound as well to check things out." So he starts and says, "ok, there's the empty gestational sac, a blood pool, and.... Oh wait there's another gestational sac! And there's the heartbeat!!" We were both like WHAT?! He asked how many embryos we transferred, we said 2. And he said, "yep it looks like you had twins but the placenta on one of the sacs pulled away and is leaking blood into your uterus. So the 2nd baby probably won't make it, but you have one healthy baby!!" And then we got to hear and see the heartbeat!!(117 bpm) :) it was so awesome! It was such a roller coaster going from no baby- to hearing we had twins- to one healthy baby! We both started bawling again from joy! We got pictures and he said the blood from the other sac will keep leaking for a little while, and so hopefully it doesnt disturb the healthy baby. So he told me to take it easy, no exercise, lifting things, or moving my pelvis too much. i am paranoid now so i am being super careful! So WOW such a crazy appt!!

My next U/S is Sept. 3rd, hoping our baby is still going strong!

Oh phew I was so scared reading that!! It's bitter sweet though. I wish you the best for your lil bean!

We have our next scans on the same day :happydance: I have my 10week scan 9/3
Ahh mmbelle..i lost my breath for a moment reading that....i am sooo glad that one is healthy and growing..am soo happy 4 u..hope the little one keeps growing healthy:hugs:
Bma- no I'm at home now, but we were there for an hour! We had a long appt today! I am just so happy we still have 1 baby! :)

Brandy & mission, thank you ladies! It has been an emotional day. Can't wait until the next U/S to see and hear the heartbeat, that's the most special moment ever!! :)
Oh happy to hear your shot went well, you deserve to relax now!! What will you do this weekend to keep yourself distracted? I have my first u/s on the 26th so I think same day as your transfer :) will be a great day for us both :hugs:


I came in to see how you were doing...I'm soooo happy for you:):hugs:

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