mission-hope your ET goes amazing today xxooo
mmbelle-how are you feeling??
breaking dawn - aw thanks, I will try to creep you to follow along on your journey as well
Hope this TWW flies by for you!!
scerena - how are you feeling??
bma - I have also been having a hard time sleeping, which is frustrating! I wake up a lot at night then have a hard time getting back to sleep and the queasiness doesn't help, hope you're feeling better!
mrs T--oh that is so frustrating, I hope that all is going okay!!!!
afm, our scan yesterday was amazing --- we saw and was told that there was one baby in there and we saw the heartbeat which was beautiful, then they measured by the little guy which measured the perfect size!! and had a strong heartbeat of 143 bpm
after the u/s, we chatted with our fertility specialist who said that everything looked perfect so now we were going to get referred over to an OBGYN and would have another appointment around 11 weeks or so....so my hubby and I are over the moon!!!!