Buddies who are TTC for #1?

Aww Kuji :hugs: I hate that all of this junk with your landlord is going on all of a sudden. I hope things get resolved soon.
Pnut - 8 days-ish late sounds super promising to me! I mean, I know your cycles might be a wee bit whacked out at the moment due to the IUD removal...are you going to test anytime soon? :dust:

Kuji - What a nightmare! I clearly don't know anything about Canadian law, but I do know that it is a mixed-civil/common jurisdiction (like Louisiana is...we're the only state in the U.S. that operates that way...we're quite French after all! :haha:), so I can tell you to document every interaction you have with the guy, write down times/dates and what was said...etc...just to error on the side of caution. You don't need that kind of added stress right now, what a jerk. I seriously doubt he'd be stupid enough to do anything and I'm sure he knows it was your neighbors and not you that complained; however, if you're feeling nervous about it definitely talk to your family/SO/neighbors and see what they think. Do you think it would be worth it to move? (I mean, I just know that would be so so awful with you being pregnant, but if it gets bad enough that might be the easiest way to deal with it...). :hugs: Just try to not stress about it until you know anything definitive. I had nothing but terrible-creepy landlords my whole life, I am so thankful that we were able to purchase a house last year (it's tiny...but it's OURS!). Chin up my dear, how are you feeling preggo wise?
I'm on the fence about how I feel about this cycle. On the one hand I feel like I should be late because of previous cycles being about 21-25 days long, but I did have the IUD in for 4 years. So the other hand is thinking that perhaps its just a super long cycle and my body is still getting acclimated to the absence of the IUD.
andiannajones- After the letter was written and sent, I made SO and I download a call recorder on our phones in case he'd call to yell at us. Instead he just showed up not long after at my house but it wasn't too bad. I did record it though just in case. I'm thinking of recording anything that has to do with him just in case.

I actually do REALLY want to move. But SO is less keen on that and it is complicated stuff since we'd have to break a contract to leave before July next year.

The thing is, I usually always had generally pretty okay landlords. Even as a kid growing up in rented apartments/home with my parents, the landlords were rarely in sight! This one is just so odd and stalker-like to me. I've never seen this type of behaviour and neither has my family! We're just all shocked!

If things do get worse though, I will try to convince SO to move. If we can go before baby gets here, I won't complain! At least I'd be excited about painting the baby room. Here, I'm not even sure if I should since it might just be a waste of money :(

Pregnancy wise, nausea's getting a little worse. Last night I knew I was nauseous enough to actually throw up but I held it in!!!! I hate puking so bad! My breasts also hurt like mad(they hurt a bit before I got my bfp but now it's bad!). I had to run a bit yesterday and them bouncing was the worse feeling of my life!(exaggeration but still! :haha:) Otherwise, it's the same old. Oh and I'm craving apples :I But we don't have any right now which sucks so much! UGH!!!

Pnut- How long has the IUD been out now? You may have already mentioned it so I'm sorry if I make you repeat yourself! I'm forgetful sometimes :dohh:
Haha no worries. I had to have it surgically removed since it was sideways, but it came out July 13th

I would try to move. Sounds like the landlord is causing so much unnecessary stress and worry. But it does suck to break contract, though.
They say you can get a positive OPK if you're pregnant but also when you're nearing AF. I don't know what happened this cycle. My O date changed 3 times. I could be 9, 10 or 5 DPO. I never got a positive OPK but I only tested for the first time on CD13 in the evening so could have missed my surge if I did in fact O on that day which would make sense do I'm sticking to 10DPO. BFN today. Already feel out.

Sorry about your landlord Kuji. He really sounds like a pain! Mine doesn't invade but loves money. He tried to give us the previous tenants bill from June and July's water and lights to pay. Luckily I demanded the hard copy and checked the dates. I am so mad! ! Considering we only moved in in August and our bill was almost a quarter cheaper than what he was claiming! ARGH!

So my cervix is extremely high and soft. Could this mean anything?
Morning ladies! :howdy:

Kuji – Good call on downloading the recorders, that’s a great idea (just in case). Secondly, I would talk to SO about moving anyway – I say this because I find it highly unlikely that you will be held to the terms of the contract/lease as (1) the landlord has failed to fix the porch, creating a hazardous living condition for you (especially preggo) and (2) he has also failed to maintain you in “peaceful possession”, which he is legally obligated to do (I’m sure Canadian law is extremely similar in this regard…it would be absurd for it not to be). If I were in your situation, I would find another place and right before you do anything about it, send your current landlord a letter explaining that you will be breaking the contract because he has failed to live up to his obligations under the law (maintaining the property in a suitable condition for its purpose and breaching the implied warranty against peaceful possession), tell him he can have the damage deposit in recompense and if he has any further complaints, you will see him in court. Of course…this is all easier said than done I know, but no landlord in their right mind would go to court on this issue because he will just so clearly lose (juries hate a landlord and love a pregnant lady!). Take pictures of the porch! (almost forgot!). Clearly, I’m not licensed in Canada so you can’t take what I’m saying as actual legal advice, but I HATE seeing people get jerked around by landlords and I’m pretty sure you’d have a better pregnancy/time in general if you got out of that ridiculous situation. But enough preaching! Lastly, I feel that the second you buy apples…you will no longer want them! Lol!

Pnut – I totally see how that could go either way! (late for af or just re-adjusting), how do you feel about this cycle? (search your feelings young Jedi!!)

Cathinoo – Don’t count yourself out yet! If you did O and just missed the surge on the OPKs, I’d think there’s still a good chance! I’m so unclear on what cervix position means (and admittedly bad about being able to tell on myself) that I have no advice in that regard, but I’ve heard that high and soft means you’re fertile at the moment…:dust:

Is anyone else having trouble with the new platform? It seems to take forever to load anything on my computer and I had to type this in a Word document and paste it in because it’s moving so slowly…it’s probably just my computer (great). According to the calendar, I should O on the 8th…BD’d with DH early this morning and at some point yesterday, I think I’ll go for it again actually on the 8th and then…we wait. Oh the horror of the wait!!! :coffee:
Andianna - :thumbup: good advice on the landlord situation. That's what i was thinking she should do as well. I've been in a similar situation before, it's not fun. But Kuji, you gotta do what's best for your little family.

AFM, I'm so confused. One min I'm so feeling in and the next I'm not. No signs of AF and still getting occasional twingey pinching/pulling sensation in lower ab.
Sometimes when AF is slow to show, DH and I BD and she will show soon after. But we BD yesterday and again today, nada. I'm going to try to hold out and test later this week.
Well that sneaky old witch decided to show up this morning and I'm crushed. I was trying really hard not to get my hopes up, but with such a long cycle I couldn't help it. But I'm hoping my temps will cooperate next cycle and that I will get cross hairs.

I'm also going to order some OPKs. FX I figure my body out!

How is everyone?
Oh Pnut! I'm so sorry my dear! :hugs: Stupid af. I know that's such a disappointment, but we have to bear in mind that we have not been at this very long at all. I bet your cycles will just continue to get more predictable and regular from here. I broke down and bought the damn OPKs :blush:; at least now we can enjoy the thrill of peeing on sticks together!
One of the things that has helped me not be so upset by af's arrival is thinking about things like: Well, if I get pregnant in [insert applicable month here], that will be good timing because....
e.g. - If I get pregnant in September, that will be good timing because about the time we would start telling people would be X-mas, and that could be fun for the grandparents....or If I get pregnant in November, I won't be pregnant through the hottest months of the summer...etc...try to find the positive. Onward to this cycle!!!
I talked to my sister about the situation and we both agree it'd be good for me to go before baby is born. I might start looking for apartments around my current street since it's a very nice area with great people. And there's a park just at the end of the street!

Also, I want to stay near my sister. I know I'll need her once baby is born! She's my rock and I love her :) <3 We've always been there for eachother!

Sorry the :witch: came Pnut. :hugs: I hope next month will go well though and :dust: to you all!

Just a warning, I'll be staying at my grandmother's for a week so I will most likely not reply very much if at all. Depends on things and I'll only have a phone so it makes typing so much harder for me (not a fan of a keyboard on a screen! I like buttons :haha:)
But I will be reading things to keep busy when things get quiet and boring.

Have fun, ladies and good luck! :D
Well the witch decided to pull a joke on me. When I posted yesterday, I just had some red spotting, which normally means I'll have a good flow by the end of the day. NOPE. By last night there was absolutely nothing. Not even pink when I wiped. Today, again, nothing. I AM SO CONFUSED.

@Kuji - I'm glad you have decided to move. I think it will be best for everyone.

@adianna - I hope you have amazing luck next cycle with the OPKs! :dust: My mom said her first cycle using them she conceived my brother.
Kuji - Hope things at your grandmother's place are going well! :thumbup: It would be awesome if you could find something else (that is not under the control of your crappy landlord) near to your sister, are there a lot of things available or not really?

Pnut - Weird! Fingers crossed the witch stays away and you just had some spotting! (When this happened to me last cycle, I googled ALL the things...lol. Turns out, spotting in early pregnancy is totally normal 99% of the time...so....) :dust: How are things looking today?
Awww damn Pnut! Sorry girl! :hugs:
Seriously though, af in full force means your body is doing what it's supposed to be doing post-IUD removal. I just have a better feeling about this cycle for us...don't know why, last cycle was just odd and I don't think humans are designed to exist in that kind of heat, let alone try to make babies in it! :haha:
The OPKs are showing up today from Amazon, though I'm pretty sure I probably already O'd somewhere around the 8th, and will have already missed the surge - nonetheless, that's exactly what those sticks are for huh? Trying to take the guess work out I suppose. It's encouraging that they worked for your mom so quickly!
DH and I BD'd on cycle day(s) 10, 11, 13, and 15 (one more for good measure), so if I did O on cycle day 14, I think we're in the realm of possibility. It never seems to work out that we can BD on cycle day 14 (life intervenes); but my doc said the best thing when you're first trying is to do every other day for the week that you think you'll O and I feel I probably got pretty close to that. Man, this is work huh? Lol. :blush:
So much work! I hoping to get more of an idea about when in my cycle I usually O with the OPKs, so we can time our BDing accordingly instead of every other day the entire cycle (minus AF days). That was so tiring and it kinda took the fun out of it.

I'm feeling more optimistic about this cycle too for some reason. Last cycle I felt out from the beginning. I'm excited!
I agree, last cycle just felt off for me too, more hopeful for this one. I have a lot of work and other random stuff scheduled for the week I should be getting af, so at least I will remain distracted that week and not overly obsessive about symptoms (riiiiight....let's see if that idea keeps up....)
The OPKs appear to be fairly simple, I tried one last night and got a very faint line (which means negative I guess...which is what I expected if I already O'd this cycle). If I don't get a positive OPK in the next week or so (which would, admittedly, be surprising), then I am officially in the two week wait. :coffee: FX for this cycle! I just don't want to get my hopes up too much, even doing everything right it seems like it can take awhile for people of my elderly status :haha:

Also Pnut, I keep meaning to ask you...what kind of dog is that in your profile pic?? I swear, the top of its head looks just like our old St. Bernard/Pyrenees/Burmese mountain dog cross (that we unfortunately had to put down this year, she was very old for such a big dog tho...); that picture is making me want to get a puppy again! :blush:

Kuji - hope you're doing well at grandma's my dear! :happydance:
I'm having fun in general. But I'm mostly feeling a little miserable due to all the throwing up... I'm trying my best to keep my food down right now. Ugh.
Aww so sorry Kuji! :hugs: hope the Morning Sickness goes away soon.

Andianna - My dog is a Great Pyrenees! He's my big baby. We also have a dachshund and two tabby cats.

Nothing much to report on my end. Light AF this cycle. And as she's gone today, we'll start BDing tomorrow. I'm hoping my OPKs show up tomorrow too.
Kuji - I hear morning/(anytime of the day...) sickness is just the worst...I hope you're feeling a little bit better! How are things going on your end this week? :flower:

Pnut - The OPKs are really something, I'm impressed. I started using them late this cycle (when they showed up) and I had a super faint second line about 2 days after when I thought I O'd and now there is no line whatsoever, so I'm thinking my cycle is probably close to where I think it is, which should make next cycle waaaaay easier than the guess-work up to this point. I'm probably about 7 dpo and (of course) have zero symptoms, aside from the fact that my boobs *kind of* hurt...but it's more like my armpits hurt, which is just super weird, so I'm thinking I probably pulled muscles doing yard-work. :blush: Everything is a pregnancy symptom, so I'm just trying not to think about it. Work is keeping me distracted and bar results come out in like 3 weeks or so, just a big holding pattern over here.
I knew it! Your puppy looks so much like ours did! I think we're going to get a pair of Pyrenees pups sometime around the new year, they're just such great dogs, best temperaments in the world! I'm gonna change my photo to one of our old dog so you can see what I mean...but I don't know if it'll work. :dohh: I'm so great at technology!

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